Donald Trump lost the popular vote by 668,483 votes but is still going to be president. How do you justify this?

Donald Trump lost the popular vote by 668,483 votes but is still going to be president. How do you justify this?

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California's opinion is irrelevant.

Democracy is garbage, the states elect the president, not the people.

He won the Electoral College which is how we pick our president.
We're a Constitutional Republic, not a pure Democracy.

Were not a direct democracy

>Trump loses by 600K votes
>Confirmed that 3 Million votes were cast by Illegals

Trump won by 2.4 Million votes

Yeah man, illegals in California deserve more influence than 55 goddamn electoral votes.

I dont get it... the Electoral College has elected EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT... n9w it's a issue?? Fuck off you faggots...

Subtract the illegal immigrant, dead, and through voting machine stolen voters and Trump probably won by millions.

electoral college aside, how many illegals voted? indicates 3M illegals voted

enfranchisement of non citizens is a felony.

it will begin to be enforced


Crying over the rules of a game AFTER you lose is what a child does.

You should have argued over the rules before you started playing.


Not USA but pretty sure that's not how it works with you guys, you might be thinking of direct democracy as with our recent EU Referendum vote. That we won :^)

He didn't lose the popular vote. Your numbers aren't complete. They lack the absentee ballots, which would put Trump ahead by about a million.



They stopped counting the popular vote after Trump won. He was projected to be the winner by CNN.

The Electoral College exists for a reason faggot.

Pic related. Were you complaining then?
You fucking lost. Bend the fucking knee.

Go to San Francisco. Go to any Starbucks. Pull out your penis. Wave it around. No one cares, same as here.

Vote tampering and fraud. He won the popular vote as well.

I thought popular vote didn't matter in the US because of EC/first past the post?

New York's opinion is also irrelevant.

Fucking Republicrats man. Don't blame me, I voted for the Pirate Party

get off MSM please.. and open up google and read real facts.. thank you..

3 million illegals voted at least, and California lets anyone with a drivers license vote, which they give out freely to illegals based on their laws.

only 60% of america's population is white
the rest shouldn't have the right to vote

They don't even count the absentee ballots unless the election is too close to call. Nobody knows the real popular vote because nobody bothers to find it because it doesn't matter.

California doesn't get to dictate the political future of the other 49 states becuase we live in a democratic republic, not a democracy. States had rights before people, you get at least 3 EV, at most 55 EV.

>3 million illegals voted
>Broward County fucked up 300,00 votes
>Nevada was bussing the voters in en masse
>Nevada shouldve went to Trump had it not been rigged.
Trump won the popular vote, but the MSM wont be in a hurry to say so.

You won both California and new York but still lost in electoral votes.

What more could you want?

Actually its been an issue for a long time. Remember Gore V Bush?

Those were the rule established long ago that everyone agreed to.

I voted full democrat ticket. Electoral College has always to me seemed fair. It is a great system and actually stands the test of time. I wouldn't change it. Only thing I would consider changing is how the 2 party system works and how it's basically this or that. Never a diff option.
dem or repub

electoral college is fine. anyone that says otherwise can suck a big fat dick

I don't fucking understand where this anti-electoral college meme came from.

Your intro to this in US public education is basically that the college is a fudge factor for natural population bias

This new thing called "the Constitution"... Maybe you've heard of it?

The 1960s Pirates scored half as many runs as the Yankees but still won the World Series. How do you justify this?

The Democrats had millions of illegal immigrants and dead people vote for them and there are still 7 million uncounted absentee ballots that usually go 66% R to 33% D

>do race about who can run the fastest
>someone wins and someone else loses
>"hurr durr" let's make the race about who can run the longest period of time, so someone else wins
if you want different rules, do it before the race. I could argue donald would have won the popular vote if the rules were different because he would have concentrated on that.
also you could say democrats dont understand their own system.

Americans don't kneel before anyone Nigel. Go back to your Queen if you want to grovel.


So did Bush in 2000
So prepare for 8 years of TRUMP

The electoral college is there for a reason.

If it was decided purely on popular vote, both candidates would concentrate all of their campaigning efforts on major population centers and literally nowhere else.

Thanks based founding fathers

Why are libs so uneducated?

Just wait until the stone cold evidence of illegals voting comes in.

It's going to be fucking glorious. The cucks have pinned their whole protest on MUH POPULAR UPVOTESSSSSS. When it's revealed that they had to cheat to even get close they are going to fucking kill themselves.

We have 50 separate elections for president, not 1. Enshrined by the constitution and about state's rights.

Sure lets do popular vote then so california can now outvote texas, oklaholma, kansas, nebraska, south dakota, and north dakota. Brilliant idea now only 10 states really matter to future presidents now

This is exactly why the founders set up the electoral college. They deliberately made this a democratic republic so that the heavily populated states couldnt run over the rural states.

it working when they win, when they dont it become something who they need change.

they are all faggot
in canada trudeau win by less that 25% of the nation vote... harper was close to the same numbers of vote...we got the same kind of system and we do that so each place get a voice, not the big city where they are way more peoples.

resume: you are all retarded and accept that trump win fairly

>this thread again
>1 post by this ID

We're a democratic republic, not a straight democracy.

>American education at work

It's a meme being pushed by kids on Facebook who all slept through civics 101. What's even funnier is I've seen another meme going around saying how the electoral college should change their votes to Hillary to stop Trump which seems hypocritical since they can't decide if the EC is actually good or not.


Are people really falling for this b8? Trump is the first number, Hillary is the second. Look at the percentages, they don't make sense because somebody switched them. Trump won the popular vote as well.

By telling you the President isn't elected by the popular vote.

Dem's da rules.
Seriously i think it's as silly as you do but the rules are established beforehand to make sure the process goes smoothly and in a way that was agreed on.
So Trump won this one, fair and square; no merit to the system, but also no demerit to Trump for winning under the agreed upon rules.

Though it should be a big-ass warning for the repubs: Despite most dems staying away this election Trump has not even managed to win the popular vote, so your party is still effectively in shambles.
Maybe figure out a way to improve or you'll find the hangover that's due later to not be of your liking.

thats .002% of the US population. statistically insignificant

>I was playing chess and got checkmated even though I had more pieces on board


The very fact that this question shows up demonstrates how blatantly ignorant liberal Democrats have become.

It's the United States of America, not the United Spics of California.

Because most of those are from illegals in starts who have no voter id law

america is a republic, not a democracy
state representation

go away ctr, im fuckin australian and even i know you're completely full of shit

spat my tea out


On a federal level, popular vote is completely irrelevant. The US is a federation of states, not a single nation. Popular vote matters only at the state level.

not as hard as it sounds, surprisingly easy

just like this election it's 100% setup for the kill

Over 3 million illegal votes for hildawg already confirmed. Trump won by landslide, go find a real job already.

Just remember the electoral college is only a problem when your candidate doesn't win.


The South's opinion is more irrelevant.

>OP still doesn't understand the electoral college.

Spamming votes from california doesn't matter.

3 million confirmed illegals voted

gg no re faggot.

this is LITERALLY the reason that the EC exists
I am LITERALLY shaking right now

More than 3 illegal immigrants voted + massive voter fraud nationwide. Trump actually won the popular vote by a landslide.

but if the coloured areas have half of the U.S. population that image is purely in favour of the electoral college, opposite of what is implied

Haven't counted absentee ballots

Cali is a bunch of dude weeds and dude on duders that only speak between each other and never listened to either candidate first hand

Voter fraud

3 million illegals that Obama told to go vote with impunity are now getting rounded up to be gassed.

Its about representing the nation as a whole and not just what people in the major cities think.

Because illegals arent citizens and they dont deserve a vote

>not being smart enough to understand the rules
>expecting your stupidity to be justified

there's no justification for how stupid you are, i'd have to talk to your parents






Barely a 0.6% difference.
This is the reason why we have an electoral college, that and because 1 in 4 Americans are retarded.

no, he didn't

>3 million illegals voted
>3,000,000-60,000,000=57 million

Real numbers

>trump:60 million
>hillary:57 million

Op you're a fucking idiot for thinking we should count the vote of illegals.


>>MFW I live smack dab in the middle of the big red wall.

Also, fuck your wasted trips nigger.

Donald Trump won 30+ popular votes which were weighted to give him 290+ electoral votes. There is no such thing as a nationwide popular vote.

Really makes you go hmm

Votes from cucks in California cities don't matter. They will continue to work Silicon Valley and pay taxes for us. They will not determine policy.

The cucks are slaves to the rest of America, and everybody knows it. They can't even leave the US because they'll lose all their water and energy.

Fuck left coast California.

he's the godemperor of mankind
he can do whatever he wants
and now shut your heretic whoremouth du dreckiger judenbengel

This is a bad example because political parties don't use the EC to determine how a candidate wins their nomination since they're private entities and can determine how someone wins the nomination however they want. Obama got the nomination because he flipped Clinton's Super Delegates but if the Democrat party suddenly decided Super Delegates didn't matter, Obama would have lost and it would still be valid.

Few million illegals voted.

no hes a child

and checked

anyone whos not a kid knows that thios whole election BS is rigged. Youre an absolute RETARD if you think our system is honest with us.


Also checked

I voted for trump (southern california) atleast our county (San bernardino) went light blue. Well it was last time I checked anyway.