>bitter virgins >guys between 12-18 and 20-35 >lonely NEETS >social failures >full of hatred pseudo nazis
I just want to have meaningful conversations with fellow Sup Forumsacks, but for awhile now it feels like Sup Forums is swarmed with named above, who flood every argument I got with feels, Jews, insults and memes.
Joseph Moore
we're autistic
Owen Cook
tell me about your day faggot
Liam Peterson
What, no 19 year olds?
Jaxson Morales
You sound like Tumblr cuck
Jordan Nguyen
im 19, fuck off
Michael Watson
now ain't this is a surprise
Camden Thomas
That really made me think
Ayden Robinson
>for some reason 19 year olds don't browse Sup Forums
everybody sage this
Noah Rogers
i think he means there are only 19 years olds
Nathaniel Sullivan
23, no gf, only gf I ever had fucked another dude in the week we were together. I'm bitter alright. All women are whores.
It's all the fault of the Jews who made them unfaithful bitches. Fuck you OP
Ryan Thompson
wow, this surprised me
Christian Lopez
>OP confirmed 19 y/o i'm a girl btw
Matthew Watson
>bitter virgins no >guys between 12-18 and 20-35 yes >lonely NEETS NEET yes >social failures i prefer self imposed hermitage >full of hatred pseudo nazis i hate evil because i love good. not my fault there is so much evil in the world.
Brayden Gray
I guess 19 year olds are banned from posting.
Lucas Hill
I'm 33 married and employed. I'm gonna start a family soon. Jews are really a problem.
Jayden Roberts
I'm 19 OP
Joshua Butler
>Virgins No. Holy shit, we might be friends. >12-35 Bummer. I'm 27. >NEETs I'm taking classes to get out of the house since my job is a professional niche I can do from anywhere with internet access. No, it's not writing or drawing, and it is for a studio so I'm not technically my own boss. >Social failures I pull some pretty nice tail. I'm not too hot on having parties or too many friends around at one time, though. >Pseudo Nazis I acknowledge racial differences, but my family's extremely mixed and I'm mostly attracted to anything "light" (i.e. Light black girls, pale Asians, white Indian chicks, pale white chicks, etc). I'm also bi-sexual.
Whoa, we could have been friends if I wasn't 27 years of age. What a letdown.
Jonathan Perez
>Why Sup Forums consist monstly of: >>bitter virgins >>guys between 12-18 and 20-35 >>lonely NEETS >>social failures >>full of hatred pseudo nazis
People assume everyone else they are posting to is a reflection of themselves.
Oliver Wood
I've been with 15-20 girls.
I can get on with people. But that means compromising myself and having to pretend to respect scum.
Joseph Hall
Jews are problem???? I had no idea
Camden Miller
>All women are whores. >I picked a slut to date, and am so surprised she cheated on me >Therefore all women are whores
That's libtard-tier logic.
Colton Lewis
I know that feel. Every time I try to make a thread where meaningful discussion can take place it doesn't get any attention. I think Sup Forums is mostly a place where "social failures" want to have fun, similar to how pleb normies engage in small talk at parties. That's why there are so many memes and inside jokes. The content of the discussion doesn't matter, it's more about feelings of closeness. /Lit/ used to be the only decent place on Sup Forums but now even that is gone.
Samuel Watson
Try back in a few months or so. Real Sup Forums got washed away with the inundation of electionfags.
Jordan Long
have you been blacked
Noah Ward
An anonymous site lets us act like we do without reprimand or worrying about regretting it, it created an atmosphere that other sites don't have. People can't act like this on Reddit, Twitter, or Trumblr because the focus of your posts are to get attention through upvotes, retweets, and.. retumbles(?). The only equivalent for Sup Forums is collecting (You)s, which usually you do by making the most controversial post. Nobody replies to shit they agree with.
So basically, Tumblr, Reddit, and Twitter are people in their echo chambers preaching to the crowd for +1s and Sup Forums is a shithole of anonymous people trying to piss eachother off for (You)s.
William Rivera
Colton Peterson
He can't count like us Americans
Michael Foster
Sup Forums is not the place for intelligent conversation, it's where you go when you want to flop out 50 or so low effort shitposts per hour.
I think reddit would be more to your liking.
Mason Sanders
really got the old noodle cookin
Liam Gomez
If we weren't those things, we wouldn't be here. We'd have friends and qt gfs and a life outside the internet.
Also Hitler did nothing wrong.
Angel Ross
what else am I supposed to do, I'm a NEET and the police took all my porn so I can't even fap
Tyler Adams
>I just want to have meaningful conversations >1 post by this ID
Logan Jackson
Nah, thats just Sup Forums
Justin Turner
That's literally what this site has always been. Fuck yourself.
Grayson King
How do we make more 19yr olds come to Sup Forums with their dank memes?
Wyatt Brown
High IQ socially capable humans go to reddit, just LOL if you think you can have a reasonable debate with the social outcast NEETs of Sup Forums.
Austin Rivera
You forgot INTJs.
Adrian Rogers
stop labeling me
Camden Stewart
>>guys between 12-18 and 20-35 no 19 year olds allowed
Nathan Myers
Social failure here. How's it goin?
Samuel Martinez
well, you don't like it, you can fuck off, i'm sure you will find better places on the internet for you cuck