Why did he back out on or water down so many of his views in the 60 minutes interview?

Why did he back out on or water down so many of his views in the 60 minutes interview?

>not going to appoint the prosecutor to look into Clinton's case
>fences in some areas instead of an actual wall
>deporting just the criminals, instead of all of the undocumented

The country is on a verge of a fucking civil war right now and you want him to antagonize the left before he even takes his oath?

You people are retarded. Trump has to do Machiavelian shit right now just to keep the peace until he is sworn in to office.

Be patient. The first 3 million will be easy and has already been confirmed. Then once people are used to the idea, we deal with the rest.

maybe because he is being smart
maybe because that is the right thing to do now since you have so many people protesting
maybe he is trying to calm people down until he actually becomes president
maybe then he can do whatever the fuck he wants?
maybe then CTR will finally kts

He said that on the campaign trail just the criminals

This. He's the only person trying to keep the peace. Obama and Clinton told them to start a war then checked out.

He never said we are deporting them all. He said we will start with violent criminals and go on a case-by-case basis with the rest.

Which in all honesty is probably the best position to take. A lot of Republicucks probably won't support full on deportation, especially in the moderate states. Half a loaf is better than no loaf, and who knows, maybe we will be able to get more than that.

As for the wall, it isn't feasible to have a wall in all places along the border, we have strong natural blockades in many areas along the border. Fencing will be appropriate, and a major upgrade to what we have currently.

Don't let perfect be the enemy of good, gents.

All of them are criminals though.

Who's going to pick the fruit? You?

>civil war
You mean a few unfriendly gay parades?

Because he is a populist, he will find new ways to distract people. Whatever happened in the campaign will be quickly forgotten once he is in the office


That won't be for at least another 20 years.



Nonsense. Haven't you been tracking the progress self-driving cars?

Hook one of those up to a captcha asking Click the Ripe Apple and you're 85% of the way there

Honestly, if he hadn't taken this route, with the entire media rooting for an armed communist revolution, then I would have deemed him retarded.

He's a NY "Republican". We tend to be more down the middle, not as far right as other Republicans, when it comes to most issues.

Read the art of the deal, I'm seriously considering reading it after I noticed trump applying aspects of it to not only win the presidency and achieve is policy goals.

He has to lay low for a few months. In like March he'll start up the deportation force.

Excellent point



>not going to appoint the prosecutor to look into Clinton's case
The peaceful transition of power is a fundamental principle of democracy. I think this is good. Although I admit I would've loved to see Clinton get BTFO
>fences in some areas instead of an actual wall
Did people actually expect him to build some sort of massive concrete wall all along the border? Fences can be extremely effective in deterring illegal immigration, and an actual wall isn't required for the entire border. See: Hungarian border fence.
>deporting just the criminals, instead of all of the undocumented

Only useful cucks believed all his campaign statements. And he told you right on 60 minutes why. Clean out you filthy ears.

Those dudes can make some serious cash depending on how fast they work. I'd do it.

Literally the only person that's trying to do something to stabilize the country, Obama is jacking off, Clinton's nowhere to be seen.

Do we have a pastebin, or a list with sources of all of Hillary's scandals?

>The peaceful transition of power is a fundamental principle of democracy. I think this is good. Although I admit I would've loved to see Clinton get BTFO
This. It would look bad if the day after inauguration he appointed a special prosecutor, especially after the left cried "he's going to jail his political adversaries".

Besides, the FBI already has an open case on the foundation. Get the DOJ out of the way and hopefully she's a goner.

You got drumpf'd by the double talking, forked tongued, con man

It's literally impossible to deport every undocumented immigrant.

I was buying the whole 'trump is a stupid madman' until this interview, now I sort of like him. At least he is a better option than Hilary, and he talks and acts like an actual statesman, which is nice.

pro tip: Read the art of the deal. Then you'll understand what's going on.

All part of the plan goyim.

Because he conned you idiots the same way he's been conning idiots his entire life.

He'll say whatever he needs to to get what he wants. Even now we have no fucking idea what he'll do because he could just be talking out of his ass again.

Because that's what politicians do

All in due time, remember how he played the media and other candidates in the election then would clarify and cement his position on things

Yeah. A lot of them are deeply entrenched in their communities, and if you deported them, their legal immigrant / native friends would shit bricks.