So, why does Sup Forums love Gwen?
So, why does Sup Forums love Gwen?
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Spunky Red Headed Loli with a sultry look.
What more reason do you need?
I wonder what the people who make these threads look like in real life
because Sup Forums is a giant horny perv durr
Loli redhead from a show that wasn't a complete chore to watch.
You got your answers. Can we let this pointless thread die now?
Just like you.
>faps to female character
>watches the show
One of these is correct
Can it be both?
I feel like I could write a paper on why.
>2005 was a very different time
>Animation was of objective higher quality back then
>Character flaws are important and children are allowed to have them
>Proactive characters are liked more
>Girls can get hurt too
>Japanese influences
>The neigh constant threat of death and fear of the unknown
>Lip bites and Bedroom eyes
>that episode when she taught Ben how to slowdance
Was the subtext there or were people imagining it?
Don't assume things, OP.
It makes an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'.
If I read this right.
U want ME ASS.
Well you can't have my ass.
It's my ass! Get your own!
She's a child
I'd rather have yours than Bitchface McLolishit's, like OP posted.
One of the most unlikable characters in years.
And thus the Bwen art was born from that.
Is this the most popular incest ship of all time? Was there another incest ship that was popular before these two?
incest thread?
I should have reiterated that I was asking about Ben and Gwen, not pic related.
shes also a drawing, who is characterized in a way that no actual child her way would act.
The people who are attracted to her and the likes of her rarely see any kind of attraction in real children, real children suck and smell bad. The drawing is a fantasy to indulge in.
The only people to worry about are those who are excessively vocal about being against the serialization of a fictional person, since they are the ones who are truly associating it real life
With you on the first point.
Totally confused about the second.
>popular before these two?
Luke and Leia.
Better question:
How long will this thread last before someone starts posting suggestive fanart, subsequently causing the mods to nuke it?
I don't know why I love her, I just know I loved her enough to write this.
Because her expressions balance bedroom eyes and smug perfectly.
Also, she's a redhead.
People who preach that sexy drawings of fictional kids are morally wrong are often suppressing their own actual pedophilic urges towards real children?
that make more sense?
Oh, we won't need someone to start to start posting that. At least one of the mods hates lolis with a passion and will nuke this thread on site.
stop including me
It makes syntactic sense, at least.
Logically, it makes much more sense that the vast majority of those against the sexualization of minors - even in drawings - are probably doing it out of an actual perceived moral duty.
I've seen gwen threads hit bump limit. They just kept their noses clean.
I agree that mods are more likely to delete gwen threads, butvthey usually wait for a justification.
As in, if we start talking about how much we would like to do x to gwen, or make her do y, etc., or start posting highly-suggestive-but-not-technically-nsfw images then they will use that as justification.
If we avoid such actions, the thread will survive.
Those bedroom eyes in that particular scene are forever burned into my brain
i think they just consider it pedophilic
Ben & Gwen has been around for a while so I don't know. Is Dexter & DeeDee a thing?
Also Lucy and Lincoln is the best relationship on Loud House.
Well to be more accurate you suggested that they were the ones doing the conflating between the two, rather than those with the fantasy, which has a similar implication, but is not exactly the same thing.
If you’re talking about an intentional subtext then no, but there was enough of a good character dynamic, fun banter and interactions, and cute shippy moments that it sold a lot of people on it.
Especially, when we saw them older, in the ben ten thousand episodes, and they still had that relationship.
What's the name of the episode?
bullSHIT this was in the cartoon
Hmmm. Let me ponder this. I'm old and creepy enough to remember a few.
Looks liek a few people got a few...
Superman and Supergirl.
Jonny Test
Ash and his mom?
Heman and Shera
I'm sure there are more.
It's probably Pepipopo.
What did she mean by this?
>tons of firetwirling art
I didnt know I had this fetish
Season 4 episode 3 my big fat alien wedding.
I hate this shit, all you can ever find is this "totally real TV screenshot" filters but not real image.
Why do they do this?
She means that the thread isn’t going to get deleted now because you horny fucks can’t keep it in your google images search and had to give our wonderful Janitors reason to purge this thread.
The real pic has been posted here before, check the archives
The original Ben10 series was actually pretty good.
Everything after that was worse than what came before. The new reboot is just absolute dogshit.
She wants Ben cum in her body.
Unintented incest made worse by "Somehow I've always known."
Then again, Vader was also not originally going to be Luke's father...
Yeah but as soon as "Somehow I've always known..." thing got nerds everywhere collectively pitching a tent and desperate to get home and draw erotic fan art to plug at the next convention
terrible taste.
patricians know that Ben is best girl
U sure?
>Ben... your so silly
This is not Gewn. Gwen does not make mistakes because she is perfection incarnate.
I remember this as a kid, I really didn't understand it at the time
I don't remember it at all. I must have missed the ep. I was 17 at the time Ben10 first aired so in all likelihood I was probably doing drugs somewhere.
The real question is, why do mods hate the ultimate trio?
Samson, please.
lmaoing at ur life
>Bedroom eyes
This is so sweet.
>those arts of Gwen and Wonderloli in friendly competition
Cute, snarky redhead.
Doesn't wear socks.
Green eyes.
When I was a kid of about 9-12, one of my female cousins and I used to play doctor when we had the privacy, but we absolutely hated each other when grown-ups were around. The grown-ups used to make jokes about how people who act like they hate each other probably "like" each other.
I used to imagine this was Ben and Gwen, whenever I watched the show and they gave each other shit. Bwen is the best.
I'm totally fine with this.
Nice, realistic breasts that fit her build.
Sup Forums grew up with a bitchy older sister figure and Gwen is the way for them to channel their repressed incestual urges
Did you fuck her?
Not really. Only once did we actually get naked and we were just grinding and stuff. Neither of us knew what was happening or why we were doing it, only that it was awesome. That lasted all of 3 minutes before the adults were heard coming back from the store.
Omniverse was decent plus they gave us more girls
I'm pretty sure Sup Forums would want to fuck her even if she was an embryo.
She was made for lewds.
I fixed those terrible lips
you actually made it worse
Stop this!
Gwen is for cute, not lewd.
>ywn be an alien that tricks Gwen into doing silly shit by telling her that they're your species' customs
The two aren't mutually exclusive. Especially where lolis are concerned.
Nah man, she's made for lewds.
I'd say a lot of people here were teenagers or kids when the OG Ben10 came on, and developed an infatuation for the character.
You say this, but you have posted the opening pic to a series of lewds, so I doubt your sincerity
>that grandpa at the end
There is no way this was done unintentionally, this has to be some genius writer sneaking his fetish into a kids cartoon.
maybe he's like this guy
why post the slutty version? Regular version is nice enough. Though I couldn't find it in such high res...
>ywn canonically self-insert yourself with Gwen
We will never transcend beyond fapping to our waifu on the internet, user. Jake Goldman has lived the dream.
The fact that I requested that set makes me very happy
God bless you anonymous.
You are a hero for all time for doing so.
I already posted it earlier in the thread, but I does please me to see my story passed around.
I'm starting to think there might be pedophiles in this thread.
Don’t look at me Mr. Hanson, I’m just here for the shipping
the yuri ending was kino