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But I do think it should be changed.

As a 55+ Democrat Female I believe it should be kept the way it is

You can vote every 5 seconds.. The poll is already fucked. Voted no 6 times myself

Trump thinks it should be changed, even after not winning that measure.

isnt the electoral college system designed to protect smaller states from getting BTFO constantly?

should definitely be changed and Trump is the man to do it

"I'm not going to change my mind just because I won"


I just voted NO as a millennial woman, a democrat.

Not if you want to keep your states united you don't.

you saw none of these people copmplain before for real, some of them doesn't even know how does it work

I think it works fine. It's to protect the smaller states and give them power in a nation wide election. If we go only by popular vote when urban centers will dominate every election and there will be no competition. California already has too much power in elections. 55 points just for one state? How the fuck is that fair?

No. You democrats lost fair and square so please shut the fuck up. You won Cali by over 2 million votes and won NYC by a shit ton and got their EC votes accordingly.

Yes, without the EC the low-population and small states get btfo 100% of the time to the point that you may as well not even vote if you live in those places.

Imagine how you would feel if 2-5 big big cities just decided all things and you voting is completely pointless, because you can't statistically win.

somebody post the code some user made last time MSNBC did one of these, that automatically votes no for you over and over

>been working fine for 240 years
>lets change it because le trump is hitler

>system has worked for more than 200 years

That will truly be the end of times, only a democrat would want to toss out the constitution.

Recount and take out the illegal aliens votes

The electoral college can be interpreted as fundamentally progressive since it enfranchises those with little power

Fuck off foreign garbage.

She's not up by that much.

Yes. Trump won more states so he got more Electorate votes. Hillary won more densely populated areas so she got a higher popular vote.
There have been times where the Electoral College really fucked a candidate like Bush v Al Gore where it was close.

>no as a young female democrat

240years it was ok but now because the democrats lost they don't want it anymore.yeah that is completely fair and reasonable

As a 23 year old post graduate in feminist studies democrat I believe the system should not change.

You're an idiot.

As a 20 year old democratic american women I voted no

Yeah, I was voting no for middle aged female democrat, I figured they're even worse

Voted no

This is what it felt like to live northern California

Imagine that feeling of irrelevance and oppression, writ across the entire country

you know the rules

Yes. The electoral college balances raw head-count numbers against concerns for state/regional interests and local sovereignty.

The same logic which justifies getting rid of the electoral college also justifies dissolving the Senate. Both are measures which prevent a Union in which a few Capitals with giant populations are free to disregard the interests of the rest of the states with absolute impunity.

Just imagine if Trump had won the popular vote but the electoral. Democrats would be praising the system and we would be bitching.

America is a funny place.

The electoral college is retarded. The way the US system works now gives states a lot of autonomy so even if smaller states have less of a say in the election, it doesn't really affect them that much.
Give every vote the same value and be done with it.

does this shit start with a score of 100? wtf


at least it isn't the iranian system

bump for amerifats

So? Why should a vote matter more because it comes from a sparsely populated area?

And it's a bigger issue than just that.

Not all states have the same issues because there's majority of different people in certain states.

Imagine if California voted in a President who made gambling illegal federally. Welp, Las Vegas and all of Nevada just got fucked.

Imagine if California voted in a President who made "Dirty" power illegal. Welp, all of the mining states just got fucked.

Imagine if California voted in a President who thinks we should bring in more immigrants? Welp all the southern states just got fucked.

They balance the votes out partially so that it isn't just California or New York winning every election forever because their voices aren't the only ones in the country.

anyone have a script

I fucked up I listed myself as a 18-24 female democrat should have went cat lady

I tend to forget Iran is still a country. I often make the mistake of thinking we destroyed them like the rest of the muds in that region.

a different area has its own different way of life and customs than crowded urban centers. gun laws in cities shouldn't need to apply to out in the country for example

Voted no as 18 year old female democrat.

Thank you based Texan

Got you senpai

>a different area has its own different way of life and customs
Which is why US states have a high degree of autonomy.

Yes it should it should be by state areas (following an rule I will tell later) or everyone state should be given the same amount of electoral votes (but more then one because of states with proportional voting).

On both cases trump would still win.

The amount of of votes (lets call it points for the sake of simplicity ) he would get on a state is:
State area is of state X = Y square miles
"points" candidate Z gets on state X is = (Y*Y) * % of people that voted on candidate Z

Two round system should be also used.
PS: There are better systems but they are more complex to vote, coombs method version of two round system would be good, but not on usa because of the extreme amount of candidates this country has).

> Millions of dead people voted HRC
>Millions of illegals voted HRC
> 60,000 felons voted HRC
> George Soro's Voting machines went to HRC

time to change it was last election, you can change it after this election but not for this election...that is how it works. I don't know why these motherfuckers whine over less than 1% of the people who voted and what of misscounts? uneligable voters voting illegally? lost ballots? fuck off and whine for a change BEFORE the election not after your guy lost. after giving trump such a hard time about gracefully accepting the vote, the worse losers happen to be the liberals, imagine that.

>Not if you want to keep your states united

About that...

>mfw butthurt college kids think they have a better understanding of the electoral process than Alexander Hamilton

If Trump won the popular vote and lost the EC, you guys would be doing the exact same thing Liberals are doing right now.

Don't fucking lie.

they need the electoral system to have that autonomy in the first place. if they had no representation it would be easy for Washington to walk over them

I'm a 20 year old democrat woman and I vote no every five seconds.

Trump was leading by 700,000 votes when Hillary conceded.
If Hillary hadn't conceded, maybe she'd have a chance. But she's 100% lose, just like Gore.

I Chose:
Huehuehuehuehue gibbs money


>So? Why should a vote matter more because it comes from a sparsely populated area?
It shouldnt, it should be based on area.

if as some example one state is 50% of america, its fair that they have 50% of votes no matter their population, since 50% of what politicians will have to deal with is their stuff

what can of fucking poll is this?

I'm a 18-24 year old independant, can we be bffs and have a sleepover?


Automatic "NO" code pls.

Okay well

>Goodbye drinking water

>Bye bye food supply

This whole Pulse system is fucked. I can't barely drag the chart to see the trending results.



As am 18 year old female Democrat, I'm thrilled Trump won and think we should keep the electoral college. Actually, I'd like to see it abolished and then see Trump win 70% of the popular vote

True, but I wouldn't expect anyone to actually listen to these guys.

Reminder to answer gender/age/party as female/30's/democrat

As an 18-24 year old Female Democrat I voted no it should not be changed

Just remind them that Obama lost the popular vote in 2008 primaries.

Except the US is a federal republic and other states shouldn't dictate everything that your smalled state does

>"Election time again, time to ask California and New York who they want as President."

Yeah. Basically there would have been no fucking reason for the less populous states to join if it wasn't for EC; because then they would have handed away all their influence.

The only alternative to EC would have been war and good luck occupying that much fucking land. Anyone demanding its abolishment is a fucking retard.


> aggregating search result by IP

You will literally have to change your IP and Session ID to have legitimate results, allowing you to vote like that is a way to stop you from voting multiple times.

I don't understand these numbers
CNN is the only one reporting these while other sites have Cal at 100%. It's still at 70% for Cal but the votes have gone up by almost a million.

MSNBC closed it. Stopped it before it got too close to no.

>if they had no representation it would be easy for Washington to walk over them
They get representation in the form of the votes they get for the presidential election and the members of congress they send to Washington.

When you subtract all those illegal immigrants, dead people, and migrants Obama brought in Trump won the popular vote. Clearly.

Polls and statistics by the mainstream media are always wrong and misleading. If you haven't learned that by now from Brexit and a Trump victory than you are beyond saving.

Aren't Iranians white though? That's what Sup Forums told me.

California and New York put Clinton millions of votes ahead, Trump win the popular vote across the country, which shows in the Electoral college.

>difference still only within the margin of error

Wouldn't matter either way, then we'd just expose the voter fraud and she'd have even more crimes under her belt.

No? If you listen to Sup Forums, your conclusion should be opposite. Iran isn't white at all.

Well done

>Iranian upset that he might have to stop bullying Democrat leaders and face the reality in his own country that the Islamic Revolution has devolved his country into a mudshit hellhole

Your country sucks now and you're a fucking faggot. The Shah did nothing wrong.

I voted yes.

water rights can be divided up by international treaty just as effectively.

Because actual democracy and liberals = superplusgood retarded.

The Founders knew that well. It's why we live in a goddamn Republic.

That's fucking retarded

You know how big Alaska is? And it has fucking nothing, just rednecks and fish

I hope they change it so that every state but New York and California leave the formal union and the pissy liberals can't do shit about it because they don't have guns and they'll starve to death without the food from the rural areas that hasn't had a say in elections.

Stop trying to change the subject, we're talking about your country not mine.

It's a pretty common belief. Not just Sup Forums.

Push for your state to divide it up by congressional district. It used to be much more common. Now it is just my state and Nebraska.

And felons hiding out.

Hillary Clinton leads trump by about 5 million illegal votes, should illegals and dead people be barred from voting?