Enlist the powers and motivation for them to win and survive
>has the elastic waistband powers
>name got changed to rick
>someone called him tubby
>wants an award
>has the bag of wind
Enlist the powers and motivation for them to win and survive
>has the elastic waistband powers
>name got changed to rick
>someone called him tubby
>wants an award
>has the bag of wind
Please never post again OP
just did ;)
>has the ability to swim in air
>can hide anything under his tongue
>footsteps are mini-quakes
Element Lad coming through
>can turn any substance into any other substance
>has turned air into Gold Kryptonite and Inerton (DC's adamantium)
>motivation is to save the future/United Planets
>Ultra Instinct
>Highly Adaptable
>Once Scooby Snacks are consumed, he is all but unstoppable
How can any other character compete?
>Scrooge at his strongest.
>Thinks there's money involved.
someone post the Ed boys power ranking
>For once, it IS a normal field trip.
Psycho Horse Person will dominate
>Unlimited magazines
>Access to Horse powers
>Psycho spree active
>Loves Everyone