Drag the pics and create your teams. Come on Sup Forums, let's have a fun thread. Me, I want with a quasi-Midnight Sons revival. Ideally you'd have two titles; one headed by Doctor Strange and being more "heroic" in nature,while the other would be ehaded by Doom, and feature the more "unhinged lunatics" type of people. Strange's would be more of a "fantasy group", really, wheareas Doom's should spell D-O-O-M.
Who gets DOOM'd first?
Thomas Morris
Scarlet witch has already been Doomed user
But my team is just a Scott harem book.
Jonathan Cooper
>His daughter Rachel
Blake Long
Well, we don't actually know that. She had no memory of who she was, so Doom being a traditionalist may have wanted to wait until after marriage.
Aiden Peterson
She banged Clint she banged DOOM
What's the problem?
Cameron Johnson
>She banged Clint Clint's canonically hung like a horse though. And that Wanda was retconned as a Doombot.
Aiden Reyes
I couldnt really stick to cartoon/comic book characters on this
>inb4 final fantasy has a comic book
Easton Taylor
>Doom bot
Why. Doom would still fuck her though
William Smith
>Why. Fuck if I know.
>Doom would still fuck her though Well yeah, but question is whether he did. Wait. If he has a Wanda Doombot then tha-
>Doom has build an entire Harem of notable heroines as Doombots >he fucks them senseless every night, rapes them and humiliates them >he has constructed their robo-vaginas in such a way that they're the perfect sleeve for his dick WEW!
Cameron Rogers
In a planetary crisis, a team of amoral heroes consisting of former villains who've claimed the mantle of their adversaries unite under the banner of "The Revengers".