Serious question: Does white privilege exist?

Serious question: Does white privilege exist?

To me, it exists to a degree in that, yes, of course white people living in a predominantly white country are less likely to face systemic racism than people who aren't white.

However, it doesn't apply to all white people. Were the factory workers who inspired Marxist theory benefitting from their white privilege? Did the miners who lost their jobs because of Thatcher maybe overreact because they had white privilege and they were gonna be fine?

I just love the whole notion of middle class university students telling the working classes about their lives and how they have nothing to complain about, despite never ever setting foot on a council estate or actually knowing what it's like to not have privilege.

Brown people in a predominantly brown country are less likely to face systemic racism than people who aren't brown.

What's your fucking point.

>Majority privilege is a thing.


Well exactly. My point is though, that it's not as simple as "white people have easier lives because they're white, black people have harder lives because they're black."

Technically every sort of privilege can exist since you can easily construct any sort of situation where being X or Y could somehow give an advantage. However this approach is meaningless since it doesn't prove the existence of an advantage that is widespread or significant. Capitalism destroys the majority of social advantages by only taking in consideration the color of the money.

yes white privilege exist

White people don't get declined for job offers or passed up for kidney transplants for being white. But minorities get profiled, pulled over, discriminated against, passed up on welfare, declined by hiring managers, skipped for raises for being colored

>Well exactly. My point is though, that it's not as simple as "white people have easier lives because they're white, black people have harder lives because they're black."
I think one needs to take class into consideration. That is one of the few things I agree with Marx on (communism for example not at all, a classless society won't ever work).


im white and got targeted by police and blacks while living in a mostly black city. When a few blacks moved to my parents small white town no one bothered them. Dont fall for their nigger tricks

other races worked hard too and it got them diddly squad in the social ladder

this is the definition of white privilege lol

Western civilisations was built by whites for whites. So obviously they thrive in it.

Not to the degree people claim, and it certainly doesn't apply to all whites, which makes it very dishonest (and ironically just as bad as someone saying "all blacks are dumb" or something to that effect)

If we are going to create a post racial society we need to stop viewing everything through that lens, but they don't want post racial anymore. They want more credit purely due to skin color

In the US, Asians, when compared to whites have;

lower poverty rate
lower illegitimacy rate
lower crime rate
higher high school graduation rate
higher college graduation rate
higher average salary
longer life expectancy

If the US is a 'white supremacist' nation with 'white privilege,' then the people in charge are doing it wrong.

Of course white privilege is real, it's biological. That is why leftists hate the concept of Europeans, because as a group we are literally better in almost every way.

It's the truth and everyone knows it. I've fucked a few black chicks and they have felt comfortable admitting it to me.


White privilege does exist. It is genetic. PsOC need to take up their grievances with God.

Having said that, I don't give a fuck and neither should you. I treat people based purely on merit. If a black man is better than me at something, good. They usually aren't.

Personal responsibility needs to make a comeback.

asians and jews ae doing better than whites in the usa.

>systemic racism

"I'm the good kind of white, trust me guys, just read this awesome book it's called 'the manifesto'"

the post

White privilege exists but you don't have to feel guilty about it. Being able to recognize the advantages and disadvantages of various groups is just good social thinking.

Only if you're rich and daddy can get you into an investment bank or middle class left with access to overpaid government or blue collar work like working on the wharfs.

Everyone else is basically on their own and has to move up the hard way.

>factory workers who inspired Marxist theory

Fuck off jew

it does yes

if you're born as a black person that wants to improve himself and leave the urban city, you're going to find a lot harder time doing that because other people won't want to hire you based on previous experiences (unless it's something like fast food or maybe retail), it's kind of a cycle I think. That's what I've heard.

if you're born in a more rural place than at least from what I know, it doesn't matter as much.

>Does white privilege exist?


Leftist have a bad habit of confusing classism with identity politics.

The "great divider" is money, not skin color.

> White people don't get declined for job offers

Are you trolling? Have you never heard of affirmative action or race quotas? Whites absolutely get passed up for jobs because of their race!

Of course it's real, but what are you gonna do about it?
Minority groups will always be disadvantaged in anything even resembling a democratic system, based on their sheer numerical inferiority.
It's not an issue that can be resolved either, so stop agonizing over it.

Also, the working class is subhuman filth.

Affirmative Action.
