Who has
>the best game/charisma
>the best style
>the best “moves”
>the best reputation
>bedded the best gals
>had the best relationships
Let’s settle this Sup Forums. Obviously it’s for comic versions, regardless of pic.
Who’s the better Playboy?
Batman is a autistic virgin LARPing as a Chad. He does it purely so he can run around in tights and hang around with teen boys at night.
Iron Man is a Chad.
Stark actually is a playboy, Bruce just cultivates the image.
>Batman is a autistic virgin LARPing as a Chad.
>Bruce just cultivates the image.
Dunno lads, Bats has a Latina sidebitch now.
tony stark is alpha negative and bruce is alpha positive
is she a green lantern?
There's nothing to really settle, typically the persona Bruce affects is an exaggeration, Tony these days is written as actually what he appears to be until the guilt catches up to him.
If he wasn't Batman Bruce would probably be closer to Lex in public presence. You know minus the shady associations.
She's Jessica Cruz, the gal who was Power Ring for a while but then became a full fledged GL.
>is she a green lantern?
She's about to be a Star Sapph...wait, no that's not clever enough.
>is she a green lantern?
Yeah! And she's about to recharge her battery with her personal oath!
>Oh, Bruce. Bruce! BRUCE!
I was going to do a whole Ai, papi thing but we've already established that's not really Jess, it would be amusing if Bruce made her call him Batpapi though. You know I'm joking about this but I'm actually slightly aroused at the idea myself