Get ready for the incoming salt from liberals bashing Obama
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Get ready for the incoming salt from liberals bashing Obama
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It took how many fucking days for Obongo, or Clinton, or Sanders to tell these rioters to fucking settle down?
incoming assblasted liberals in t. minus 10 minutes
So he told the rioters to fuck off?
I'm very glad I voted for Trump.
unknown, none of them have said anything of the kind as of you
Digits confirm liberals are the one lynching the nigger
Kek has spoken. Let it be so.
You're expecting hate from Obama against Trump now?
He's been pretty chill to him after the election and wants to help a brotha out
>repeating frog digits
Checked kekd and rekd
I love how DOW is up on the bottom right.
he doesn't seem that mad about it all
The weak should fear the strong...... which is which?
yeah, he realizes nothing can be done now, best he can do is give him legit solid advice and hope he does well from there on
wtf I love Obama now!
Obama is tied to Hillary's illicit dealings and he's trying to get on Trumps good side to avoid the ax.
He also said that liberals being fucking crybabies and rioting is "healthy"
Thank you.
If anything it makes moderate and normal working democrats realize how bullshit the riots were when they started destroying their cities.
have you guys been watching him talk? he is just rambling and praising himself. he is literally still blaming bush and wont stop talking about how good of a job he has done and how good a state the country is in right now
he is obviously trying to set it up for the fed treasury to kill the market with increased interest rates and make trump look bad so people vote democrat next time
I'm fucking happy that Obama is solid when it comes to stuff like this. Imagine if he agreed with the mentallyhills out on the streets, that would be chaotic.
>libcucks don't get their way
>start destroying shit and claiming it's just a peaceful protest
>start bragging on twitter that they'll just secede from the Union because that's totally how that works and has totally never happened before
>failing that they'd rather be a fucking leaf
>I'll do anything Donald if you protect my legacy
>yfw libshits try to move to Canada only to realize they have actual immigration policy, and you can't do it without money, sponsors and about 10 years of paperwork
I wonder if Obama actualy wanted trump to win. We know he hates hillary. He was probably just towing the democrat line.
Nice trips, but Obama didnt tell the rioters to stop... wtf???
I Love Obam.....
No, can't do it
>Lucky 777
A frog god is more reliable than the media.
i hope we can accumulate enough repeating numbers and magic for the upcoming elections in Europe