Ronald Reagen was never a great president. He just had a really low-hanging fruit called Soviet

Ronald Reagen was never a great president. He just had a really low-hanging fruit called Soviet.

Prove me wrong

Other urls found in this thread:

he was also behemian grove connected
trump is not

the burden of proof is on you

I'm not the one claiming he was great

He had a great program
but was Thatcher who delivered the goods.

Because you only claim Allah is great

Ronald Reagan? The actor?

wrong last best president since trump

>it's a [cucked European country] gets assblasted by [great American president] episode

It's easy to dismiss the huge achievement of defeating the Soviet Union after 40 years of the fact.

In reality if it was anyone else we could've very well gotten either nuclear war or the complete subversion of the West.

He was the right man for the time. Just like Trump will be.