Mario movie

What could they honestly do to make this work? Does Illumination have the creative talent to actually pull something decent off? Isn't Nintendo far too restrictive with Mario to let something actually interesting happen? Lord knows they're not going to take influence from the Mario RPGs. I honestly can't see anything good coming from this.


The Super Mario Bros Movie was a timeless classic.

There's no way this is going to be as good.

>insert shitty hip hop song into any nintendo movie

Illumination has the animation talent, it's just their writing staff obviously likes really retarded shit
Luckily, Nintendo isn't going to leave the writing up to them


the mario rpg/paper mario people have spoiled nintendo fans too much for them to ever be pleased with whatever this winds up being


>random out of context character saying "WOW"

this is pretty good but you know they'd also wind up using yoshi for some awful humor