Well, it's black history month, so chocolate appreciation thread?
Husbandos also welcome.
Well, it's black history month, so chocolate appreciation thread?
Husbandos also welcome.
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw no harem ending for Jack with Ashi, Flora and thicc rave chick
I'm actually part of the minority that enjoyed the ending, but I still feel wistful for what could have been.
I want Sheva in this thread
Is the Luke Cage series worth getting into for reasons other than Simone Missick as Misty?
>only posting her face
I mean, she's a lovely person, but she's got a lot more going on for her than just her face.
best underrated chocolate coming through
That's not Diana the Acrobat
I feel like Monique was kind of underrated as a KP girl. Kim, Shego, Bonnie, and even Yori kind of overshadow her.
Also, I'm kind of surprised no one's done art of that ep where Wade creates a love-ray and uses it on her, which makes her want to /ss/ with him.
Just saying...
Arnold knows whats up
Monique was the most normal. Her quirk was being sassy and fashionable. But she’s pure baby making material.
Even white boys got to shout
>husbandos welcome
It depends pretty heavily on the artist, but Miles is a Grade A twink.
I hope he gets a decent personality now that Bendis is gone.
>Tiana will never melt into your arms as you give her a backrub after a long day's work
why even live
posting a daughterfu
I love this version of Bumblebee.
did the reboot already come out?
So, how's the reboot?
Static is one my few chocolate Husbandos.
Recently found out about Baskup from Sup Forums. Gonna post some shit-quality gifs I did from what little I could find.
France makes some cute brown chicks.
Real boss nigga comin' thru.
Anybody got that chart of Delicious Chocolate varieties?
you mean this thing?
Yes, yes.
Now we need one for Sup Forums.
Seconding this idea for the whole thread to do, because maybe now we can do something about the last two spots. I don't know why, but the seems like they are out of order, and it bothers me.
Maybe it's the resolution of those two images? I don't know.
I remember user made a Sup Forums version many years ago, but it wasn't nearly as accurate to this original one and was quickly disregarded.
Coincidentally, from Dusky Dravidian, all the way to Evening Elvan is 100% my wheelhouse, and the order for the last two, has always seemed "off" to me.
Thread's still young. Let's get to image googling.
How light are you willing to go?
Sounds like a plan.
Sup Forums kind of has the advantage of often being racially ambiguous—I feel it would be more obvious if a Sup Forums chick just happened to be white with a tan, for instance, and I don’t think that’s what the chart’s going for.
Would you say Chel would be Scent of Cinnamon?
I don't discriminate--it's all good. Just modified that chart for the theme of this thread.
Bonnie's the lightest shade of brown I could think of.
Name of bottom right corner?
Tiana is best Disney princess
I don't fuckin know.
Put Chel on there, but she'll probably have to be moved.
Tiana's pretty dark, so I'll put her near the bottom, I guess.
Have fun.
Just realized my entire top row is Disney.
Anyway, I need to turn in. Hopefully thread will be here tomorrow.
See? I think it's all about where we're getting the stills of these characters. Because I feel like we're going to end up moving Chel a bit further down.
Just looks at this other image of her. Maybe their own wiki has a more "neutral lighting" images for these characters?
There's Kida, and Audrey, from Atlantis. Allura from Voltron.
Maybe throw some comics chicks in there? One that are a bit obscure would looks good.
JLU version is pure sex.
I know people will groan and moan, but if you can get an actual good-looking shot of Enid from OK KO, that's a good contemporary delicious brown.
Her Mom's design is leagues better, actually.
>JLU version is pure sex.
Yeah she is.
I don't know if we should worry about "official" skin darkness of characters, as I feel like they'll differ, especially since I was thinking about comic characters, which tend to have different appearances or incarnations. If I'm not mistaken, that Sup Forums chart has some OCs and unofficial art in it anyway--not saying that we should settle for less because that chart isn't the greatest, but I think a little leniency in the officialness of the skin tone might be reasonable.
Nevermind, almost done, Jesus.
I'd forgotten just how many brown Disney chicks there are.
I love her. It's too bad that due to politics, we'll never see the likes of her again.
Yes, please.
It looks like she falls somewhere in-between Dark Vanilla and Dusky Dravidian.
I know the cartoon is racist as fuck, but she is a fucking hottie.
We need some Goo in here.
Fuck it, here it is. Might come back and revise it.
Gonna sleep for real this time.
Oh, dang! All but 2 are super waifuable to me.
It's not that those 2 are bad, it's just that they're really not my thing.
Pretty good actually. Even for the short amount of time.
Man, now that's a box of chocolates I wouldn't mind tearing into before Valentine's Day.
>Making chel Bedouin
>Pocahontas is fucking Okinawan
What the fuck is this? How do you even fuck up this bad? Do you even know what the fucking Earth looks like? How the fuck would Chel be Bedouin? That's fucking middle eastern. Put her under Amazon or something. You know, like the part of South America, where she's FUCKING FROM? Spoiler alert there aren't any Aztecs in the fucking Saudi Arabia. Like holy fuck just look at her, does that look "middle eastern" to you? Look at how she's dressed. She would get stoned to death in like 2 seconds, god fucking dammit. It's like you picked a random ass place to put Chel because somehow the one place that was LITERALLY WHERE SHE'S FROM didn't make sense to you, and so you managed to pick the most retarded, nonsense place possible. Fucking congratulations. And what the fuck is with Pocahontas? Make Pocahontas dark vanilla or some other shit, not fucking Okinawan. like holy fuck, think about how fucking dumb this is. are you trying to tell me that Jamestown was built on a fucking island off of the coast of Japan? I guess all the fucking Japanese were too busy being on the fucking east coast of the US to care, right? Let go of your fucking dick for two seconds and pull up google maps. Type in Okinawa, and then type in Jamestown. Look at the fucking distance. You were one continent and a fucking ocean off. It's a distance of 8,000 fucking miles. Can you even fucking understand how big that is? Fuck you. I'm surprised you can even resist the urge to chew on your monitor long enough to read this post. How do you even fuck this up? Like ok I get it you don't know what Bedouin is, but Okinawa? Jesus fucking Christ. I'm surprised you didn't make the African Queen fucking Dora the Explorer. Fuck this place. Can the mods just ban me already?
I always assumed it was a descriptor or the skin tone rather than actual ethnicity. Especially considering the Evening Elven one.
Does Sup Forums have any dark elves?
I never wanted to kill niggers until I fucking glanced at your essay
I always assumed this too, and thought it was just supposed to be a scale of darkness.
But if people are gonna get this buttblasted, I don’t see why we couldn’t just rename some of the descriptions since we’re already replacing Sup Forums entries with Sup Forums anyway.
>getting this pissed off over an image chart
Can you eat a Snickers while you're at it too?
Jesus fuck it's actually not that serious
C'mon now.
You can come up with a better name for us.
That shit's outdated as hell
> I can recognize a pattern here.
Childhood is having yellow fever.
Adulthood is realising brown girls are the best.
>try to look up porn on paheal
>only image of cute brown girl is from poland and marked from 2012
Even with all the LR posting last year she somehow wasnt posted yet
true, Monique need more love.
Also the other(s)...
Check the booru. I requested some art of her in /aco/'s drawfag request threads a little while back, and ph delivered a really well done piece that's not on paheal.
Also, we may possibly get more in the future, as ever since then I've noticed a guy showing up and requesting Mia in every drawthread since.
Basquash is half french so it counts, right?
I like my chocolate waifus, but black history month is a racist concept.
Think of it as the educational aspect of a containment board. You have it so that you can ignore it the rest of the year.
Who is she
Muses are underappreciated
White hair looks great on brown waifus. Greenish hair is the best though.