Which country would you move to?

Which country you like so much that you would move to if you could/had to choose.

>Must not be connected directly by land (Netherlanders cant choose Belgium, but can choose France)
>It is allowed if it is seperated by water (UK and Netherlands or UK and America)
>No Israel

I'll go:


Probably Norway.

Finnmark/Troms seems really attractive, I know people keep saying it's Mordor with more depression but I like cold, secluded areas.

russia for greater slavic good

Probably hongkong. I'm way too lazy tho. I'll die here most likely

Rural Germany

Although Svalbard seems pretty good too.

Also USA here

I'm a stupid ass american I don't know anything about the world, so I guess scotland or austria.

It's the darkness. The sun disappears for half the year. You have to experience it to know. It's very nice in the summer, though.

NZ seems kinda chill. Something tells me living on a decently irrelevant island far out at sea may be a good thing in the times ahead.



>(Netherlanders cant choose Belgium, but can choose France)
Not so fast

That's awesome. I wonder where that shit is, I'd go. I''m in Westchester, NY, land of the jew.

Switzerland. Heard it's like a small USA.

same here

I hear Japan is nice. Move there, find a cutie to settle down with etc.

Is there anywhere that is seperated from all this pop culture and bullshit? I want Willoughby

god i hate that image

Daytona Beach County

anywhere with a well-regulated militia that'll let me purchase a bunch of arms

>It is allowed if it is seperated by water

So any country with a coast can only pair with landlocked ones?

I don't think you thought this one through.

Austria or Switzerland

Both are such beautiful countries

As things are now I'd probably say the Netherlands or maybe Finland.
If France uncucked itself that would be my first pick.

I would never move...

if I had to:

if not allowed since its too close:

Merkel is merely an agent of an evil, destructive cabal. She could easily be replaced.


this is the only correct answer

Top kek

And my vote is Hungary


regardless of the fact noone would choose france, this guy is right.

Southern Argentina.