Operation #NotInMyParty

The Left is splintering, and we need to take advantage.

After the election, the Democrats are starting to eat each other alive. The cracks are there- now's the time to exploit them.

With #NotInMyParty, our job is to go undercover as democrats on social media as certain identities (Gay, black, muslim, etc.) and sow division through memeing and inflammatory statements to highlight the fact that the Democratic party is a fragile alliance of "tolerance" and wildly inconsistent identities.

They want factionalism? They'll get it.


-White workers vs. POC workers and who gets precedent
-LGBT vs. Muslims
-Feminists vs. Muslims
-Hispanic Catholics vs. Muslims


Start memeing, lads. BUT BE SUBTLE! If it gets too hamfisted, they'll see right through it.

THIS IS OUR CHANCE TO TEAR THE DEMOCRATS APART! I SUGGEST WE USE IT!After the election, the Democrats are starting to eat each other alive. The cracks are there- now's the time to exploit them.

With #NotInMyParty, our job is to go undercover as democrats on social media as certain identities (Gay, black, muslim, etc.) and sow division through memeing and inflammatory statements to highlight the fact that the Democratic party is a fragile alliance of "tolerance" and wildly inconsistent identities.

They want factionalism? They'll get it.


-White workers vs. POC workers and who gets precedent
-LGBT vs. Muslims
-Feminists vs. Muslims
-Hispanic Catholics vs. Muslims


Start memeing, lads. BUT BE SUBTLE! If it gets too hamfisted, they'll see right through it.


Other urls found in this thread:



For defending Trump



>just used this one on a liberal media page. Got 6 likes already.

>Doing Soros' work for him
You should have your thread-making privileges removed. You have no idea wtf you're doing.


make a throwaway e-mail:
go to twitter, make an account, use a picture of a:
black woman or a brown woman or a black man or an asian woman, but never of a white woman.

Then proceed to follow all the "influential" young progressives and feminists, and start engaging with them. Always blaming white women of course.

We should make a list of these "influential" types that we should target first.

Does reddit do any dank ass psiops?

This was actually a thing. Most of the liberals now are a product of this. Most agree with it. It was the arch enemy of COINTELPRO and the FBI and watched as a communist terror group. We can revive the #NewLeft. Liberals love new shit and it sounds so much more hip and trendy that Alt-Left. Bring back the #NewLeft and bust up the DNC and get them back on FBI watch lists. The origins of the new left go back to the Frankfurt School, so subtle red pilling occurs. Kek.



Damn, OP. Created it before I could!

#FuckWhiteWomen (for POCs)
#JailFeminism (for Muslims)
#BlackLivesOrNoLives (take a wild guess)

IMPORTANT: If you're creating a meme for a minority group, here are some themes to keep in mind:

pro-LGBT: Rainbow
pro-Muslim: Black and white (Think ISIS)
pro-Worker/Poor: Blue and white (traditional democrat colors)
pro-climate: Green and white

This way it doesn't seem like these memes are coming from the same source, but we have some quality control and themes to invoke associations.

-Muslims vs. Feminists
-Muslims vs. LGBT
-Catholics vs. abortion
-Workers vs. bankers
-Environmentalists vs. workers
-POCs vs. white people in their party

I don't think so. If you mean /r/the_donald
there was a /r/dons_guard that was reporting all the treats to Trump to the FBI but nothing else as far as organizing goes

>-Feminists vs. Muslims
So they kick the Muslims to the curb. Then what? They aren't a big enough demographic to matter (at least, not yet - and do you really want the Republicans adopting a "Muslim strategy" and flooding the country with Muslim breeders?").

On this angle, if you're making pro-Muslim content you should use the font "Mature MT Script Capitals", it looks Middle Eastern but it is still easily read

>everyone vs muslims
>muslims vs muslims

That's why we frame the Dems as the part of Islam in hopes that they ditch the womyn

Promote the Green Party like hell, convince Democrats to abandon the Democratic Party. Create the split.



Tf happened to going balls deep on white feminism you fags

Students for a Democratic Society along with the New Black Panthers exist still. SDS is related to the "Weather Underground", which was a major domestic terrorist group.

Let's meme it back into existence.

if you go now on reddit there are like 10 new pro bernie subreddits, /r/politicalrevolution is one of them, they sprung up when bernie got fucked. so they are already calling for a new party led by "true progressives" and not the Hillary Clinton types. So it's already splintering, we just need to hit it few more times and they will be just a bunch of loonies attacking each other.

I think Elizabeth Warren is ripe to attack. She is trying to paint herself as a champion of workers and fighter of wall street, but right now she is sitting in a meeting with Soros and other top leftist donors. Also she charges like half a million for one of her courses, and lied about her heritage to receive AA benefits. It seems like exposing her as a corrupt hypocrite would go a long way.

Don't attack Trump or his policy,
Attacks on Trump will only further rage towards him and fuel opposition in the coming congressional elections
Focus on Hillary and the DNC
Go go go! The Meme War continues! Conquest of the world is the only end!


I'm making an account of a muslim bitch. Any good sandnigger pictures I could use?

Here's another one I tried to make, if you have suggestions on how I can make them better please give them to me

Good thread, bumping

I'll add, maybe if you are sockpuppeting niggers add in some sublte anti-semitic stuff.

Not nazi-style, but more nation of islam and black israelites, synagogue of satan shit

I love seeing identity politics turning on itself, we knew it was going to happen eventually but to be triggered by Trump's victory is the best case scenario.
If the neocons/republicans aren't retarded they should be able to gain control of the country for a decade or two.

Wait on her, Warren's time with come to bring her down.
>Right now we need to fracture the Dems into supporting as many opposing figures as possible. We need her now, let her take from the Clinton, Sanders and Radical left. Then have the rest pounce back on the Warren crowd.
I for one will be memeing radical liberalism. I'm educated in Anarchist Theory so I'm a perfect plant for that.


That one is really good. The font is a tad amateurish but it still works well. Good job user.

spend your time on

>the left is eating itself and trolling them now is bringing sand to the beach

go to r/hillaryclinton and read a few threads
>they are unglued
honestly feel like the Left won't survive this..

This is more effective

Ooo, this one's good.

I think this could foster the radicalization of certain groups and backfire intensely, since groups of citizens can detrimentally impact the entire country. I say let the divisions arise naturally, as they clearly have already, and let people make decisions for themselves without playing the role of the devil.

The biggest crack of all is still Berniebros vs Hillshills

Put them against each other as much as possible. Make sure in 2 years when midterms roll around the bernie supporters remembered how mean the hillary supporters were, and vice versa.

Suggestions for a muslim profile bio?

Blacks only make 25c for every dollar a white woman makes, yet not a word from the privileged white liberal women

#hypocrisy #fuckwhitewomen



stop using the term POC as it unites them against us.

We already know the facts in PizzaGate and have countless anons ripping apart new WikiLeaks as we post. "Eyes Wide" threads are still very active. They are doing Kek's work, let this be a multi-pronged attack. Saturate them with shilled memes like CTR did to us, and once the DC Pedo Ring breaks, they will shatter.

You talk as if it's a bad thing, you're not Islam if they radicalize they won't go around with guns and kill the dissidents, they'll just circlejerk and never go anywhere while losing support.

What the fuck are you talking about? This one is obviously bait. No half intelligent environmentalists would spread shit like this. They too know they have to be subtle and quiet about the fact that environmentalism sacrifices blue collar jobs.

Don't underestimate these people, they're brainwashed, but they're not complete retards.


Duely noted, user, but the meme war has just branched out. Just like the US military has an Army, AF, Navy, and Marines, Sup Forums is doing that now. You go have your pizza party and we're going to infiltrate the DNC. We've got enough power and resources to pull this off. We'll start hitting them from all sides. Godspeed and praise Kek.

No. We are Psy-oping this. They are splintering, now is the time to create as many "options" for Democrats as possible.
>Look at me, I'm CTR now.

Nah, I'm good.

Meme-ing Trump into office was our Apex.

Politely, not your personal army faggot.


Take out the part where it says "liberal", liberals themselves don't use that word like that and it's not really in black people's vocabulary. They see the world in a very "black and white" manner.

be careful what you wish for. the green parties in Europe are the worst. They are degenerated hippy scum, who rapes language with genders and children with forced sexual education. Furry pussy and furry dicks.

>Look at me, I'm CTR now.
RIP my sides.
I'd love to get a COINTEL/POL/ patch if you can shop one up. Our army is growing and we're creating new branches. It's beautiful. I love it.

Bad or too obvious.

Turn the commies against the liberals.

This always fucking work.

what's this supposed to convey?

This is not personal, this is for the future of America. If you think you've reached the pinnacle of Memetics, I feel sorry for you son.

I have my "sjw" and "minority" twitter accounts on it already. I'm going to try and target and alienate the moderates even further.

I have quite a few accounts and a few words of advice

Never post them on Sup Forums or reveal them to anyone anywhere

No anime or videogames ever

Tweet a little about normie interests like celebs or sports to lighten them a bit

A little and often - be subtle and don't poke away too much and don't over exaggerate on shock and awe.

Keep track of your multiple accounts and watch the world burn around you

I'm gonna get a lot of white women to start hating on some niggers. Is this a good profile picture??

You're right. How about blacks vs spics? I feel this would gain traction.

You should just keep hammering the woman thing. Learn to stop signaling that you're joking. Stop being our caricatures of them.

Easiest attack: Why is the chairman of the DNC another fucking male? We need more female leadership now than ever.

>White workers vs. POC workers and who gets precedent

This is absolutely the best thing to attack.

A) we know it works
B) were halfway there already

Getting fully there would mean a complete absolute white flight of the Democratic party.

No, no one use actual cameras anymore

I think you should do more feminists vs muslims and vice-versa. One pick with women rights discrimination in Islam( For example with a phrase "If we fight this one( Trump pick) that doesn't mean we don't fight this( some muslim pick)" and the other one with rich muslim woman in hijab or a happy one with lots of kids and a happy family and crazy feminists on the second pick . Something like that could be triggering.


>-White workers vs. POC workers and who gets precedent
>-LGBT vs. Muslims
>-Feminists vs. Muslims
>-Hispanic Catholics vs. Muslims

"Minorities first." The more "minority" you are, you ipso-facto deserv pity fucking from everyone and their sympathy.

So, like, a transgender feminist Muslim Arab faggot reins supreme because -current year-.

Really drill their own fucked up ideology home.

This this this. This is how it's done. Tweet or post brainwashed normie shit and post in forced hashtags. Drop a "yasss queen" on Beyonce and other sheeple nigger stuff. You have to seem authentic.

Try to find atleast 3 pictures of the same person. I can always tell fake accounts by them posting a single picture and no personal status updates (so fake some updates too)

THIS, these retards are not be subtle at all. They think all liberals are more retarded than they are.



I'm on board. I used to be a Demo-rat, but now I'm ready to burn the party to the ground. I voted for Trump b/c i knew the left would self-destruct with all of the saltiness and butthurt. You can already see the rampant auto-cannibalism as Leftards turn on each other looking for new people to blame.
Make America Not A Bunch of Cunts Offended by Everything Again!

Crazy enough to work. Fucking love it.

We are becoming the Jews.

We need a guide on quickly getting twitter followers with fake leftist accounts. Can't just add each other because it's too obvious.

Easy thing to do for this is to dox an attention starved normie nobody. Not to leak their info, but to become this person. Look for someone with hardly any subs or viewers or followers etc. Very easy. There's alot of brainwashed normies out there that nobody knows and nobody gives a fuck about that have hundreds of pics on their facebooks.

Yeah, I'm not interested in partisan activism and jousting windmills.

I'm here to watch the world burn.

Trump winning ensured almost uniform butthurt and maximum chaos. This only targets a specific group for lower ROIK (return on invested keks). I'm ok. You guys have fun.

That just made my head spin.
>A little too edgy in my opinion, but fuck it.

When #NotInMyParty finally btfo, we can always just make up another hashtag or co-op already liberal ones.

Did any of you anons hear about soros starting something brand new called democracy alliance? He had lunch with a bunch of dems, I think he's trying to start some shit


I wouldn't be surprised at this point if they try to stage a silent coup.

How do you guys think libs and sjws would react to pretending to be a muslim and saying something like:

>respect our cultural boundaries: homosexuality and transgenderism is NOT welcome in the presence of muslims #islamicvalues

>jews have killed countless innocent palestinians- this holocaust is actually happening #muslimsagainstisrael #stopaidtojews

>the west allows men to marry each other, but muslim men are limited to one wife? #truemarriageequality #polygamynow

This. Yall need to post the twitters your using and try to make normal posts and not purely #not in my party shit. Use #not my president as well as reblog other ledt wing bs and make sure your following some actual leftist blogs. Invest in persona

>>just used this one on a liberal media page. Got 6 likes already.

Excellent start---> keep it subtle, simple, benign and then we add the Wall Street: #NotInMyParty tag.

LOL if we unite the left around a slogan then demolish them via identity Balkanization.

Just to reiterate

The normie and subtlety shit is incredibly important
I can spot most of your trash false flag accounts a mile away which means so could a lot of other people

Like if all your account does is tweet constantly about politics like an autist you have no hope

This is the most Jewish thing I've ever read.

Yes..yes. We must taint Bernie from ever running again.
Now HOL UP hear me out.
If Bernie runs its over for Trump in 2020
Unless he dies of old age before then.
But you know he would stomp trump
We must taint him to his party to protect the future

You should probably stick with one of these divisive tactics only. And the intention should be to alienate white people, white men in particular, as much as possible.

yes i was about to write something about integrity and honour. Don't become like the MSM and the leftists.

What does it mean?
Is it for white women or against them?
What is the 'real oppression' ?

>Like Jews and Muslims, or Hindus and Muslims, or Christians and Muslims, or Sikhs and Muslims, or Buddhists and Muslims, or African Witch-Doctors and Muslims, or Muslims and other Muslims!
>Damn Muslims! They ruined Islam!

Well I think they are trying to take over the dem party. He doesn't even try to hide the fact he is their king anymore.

Way to obvious desu
I think it's too soon to attack Bernie. The SJWs love that guy.

C'mon make the shitskins give back our white qt's

He's a soros bitch too

That feels believable.

>Return on invested Keks "ROIK"
>This term needs more usage.

Same here, my goal is to spread chaos as well. We need "the Trumpping" to totally destabilize the US while he is still in his presidency, that way Trump's people can seize control rather than Soros. I for one find it hilarious how gullible the left has become (I myself being radically left only a couple years ago). This Meme War must press on, total chaos before the enlightenment of man. Kek wills it

I like the pro-gun idea more

>pretend that you're a lib and claim how pathetic you feel like because of the alt-right being armed while you're disarmed like a cuck
>cry that your whole life (and every minority's) is threatened by racism and another Hitler relighting the ovens
>proceed to incite a majority of the left to become pro-gun during a completely conservative government that will push absolutely any law pro-2A