Can we talk about politics for a second? Please?

Can we talk about politics for a second? Please?

How does stop corruption in a nation?

Other urls found in this thread:

you kill the corrupt politicians


Literacy helps

Replace all the redundant administration personnel with computers. Shoot to the back of the head on first count of corruption

fucking phone reee


genocide non whites

You can't ever truly get rid of it because even when you set up an organization specifically to monitor for corruption you will inevitably get a "who watches the watchmen?" scenario. Have everything run by super efficient computers I guess.

I wanna fuck that Velma.


Kill jews

We elect leaders who agree to abandon all luxury and materialistic possessions during their mandate while rewarding excumbent leaders with favorable pensions etc.

No money, a leader would be provided with whatever food they needed but that's it.

Live in a country that has high quality people, and don't let shit people in.

by posting more of that

Ultra based Lee Kuan Yew says: meritocracy.

The first thing is to realize that egalitarianism is a lie.

Create artificial general intelligence and replace humans with superior bots.

are there any forms of government that use meritocracy?

Political entropy cannot be stopped, only delayed.

Who programs the computers? Bad idea, that's just concentrating power further. It would also never happen.

Look up Duterte.

Limit government power and keep government power limited, like your ancestors did before the faggot nation attacked and made freedom was kill.
Or this.

In the speeches, he heavily implies that Meritocracy is it's own form of government.

I don't mind corruption, as long as the government works well.

Make velma real & impregnate her. That will probably fix everything

You can create disincentives for corruption., The way our system is set up now, it REWARDS people for being corrupt.