I love Riri Williams!

This is the best comic run that I’ve read since Civil War.

She’s amazing. We need a movie of her soon!

>best comic run since civil war
Civil war is mini not a run

No accounting for taste I guess.

Ikr she's better than Miles and even than america


bizzaro thread?

I know you're probably just kidding, but its despicable how blatantly she is being pushed in media. Every article ive read about "where does marvel go after infinity war" has this cringy section where they go "WELL ONLY FELLOW NERDS KNOW THAT TONY BECOMES AN AI AND APPRENTICES A NEW IRON MAN, AND FANS ARE EAGERLY AWAITING THIS INCLUSION, WHICH YOU WOULD ONLY KNOW IF YOURE A REAAAAAAL NERD LIKE MYSELF WINK XD"

its so forced, no one gives a shit about Riri.


The great thing is that Slott is a Tonyfag.
The bad thing is that he will make Tony bald fat and ugly for selfinsertreasons. I saw in another thread that he might retcon riri into a midget

SHe's bland, generic, and others are way too forgiving. She lacks anything and everything to make her a suitable enough character to carry on Iron Man's legacy. Why her abrupt appearance as a character at the very least COULD be forgivable, it's not; the way she is written is horrid and, to be really honest, offensively moronic and stereotypical. I'm surprised more people don't dislike her and I'm baffled as to why these comic book sites are pushing this false narrative (unless they're being paid by Marvel to promote these falt mockeries of what real, deep characters are).

If you do a Legacy character, you have to make the successor worthy. Miles Morales is supposed to be worthy because he saw that he could've been something more and used his powers to help people -- that with his great power, he had to be responsible with it and do what's right. Even if he's simply bland, his premise as a whole makes sense. The same goes for Falcon as Captain America; it makes sense that he'd be the next choice for the title because he and Captain AMerica do have a real history. However, the odd forcing of making Captain America (the original) an agent of Hydra all along with Nazi connotations and the like? That's bad, disrespectful, and is blatant favoritism regarding the ethnic nature of one character over the other: for such an attack from Marvel to the fans, they should have known that their dwindling and exasperated fanbase would respond as hostile as the choice of changing Steeve Rogers was.

Riri lacks the heart in her name. She's accepted far too quickly, praised for bad choices, and so on. It has nothing to do with her skin (though the fact that Marvel insists that it does is really off-putting as it makes all fans seem like they're racist when they're just normal customers who are getting something they never asked for), but her nature as a character, the choices she makes, and so on do not make her worthy to carry on the Iron Man legacy.

as so many anons have said, if it would have been Lila Rhodes it would have been no problem

She put me off when she complained that she didn't want to have a fender specific moniker


lmao i was thinking the same thing mate

oh, i mean

me was not thinking same as you

*Gender my bad

>though the fact that Marvel insists that it does is really off-putting as it makes all fans seem like they're racist when they're just normal customers who are getting something they never asked for
Claiming someone is racist/sexist/etc is the easiest thing in the world because how does a person properly prove they are not as a comeback? It would take dedicated time and effort, meanwhile everyone has accepted the new labels thrown at you with zero proof.


Lila Rhodes has many of the same issues as Riri. "Oh, you're supersmart and you once helped out War Machine, who never mentioned you before despite being your uncle, in a mini that no one read, you're Iron Man now, kid." Legacy characters simply showing up is something of a genre staple, the real issue with Riri is that they never gave her a good motivation for building a robot suit and fighting crime other than a vague implication that it's due to her dad, stepdad, and friend being crime victims. And honestly that background would fit more towards her being a Punisher-type than Iron Man.

I like the costume. I'm not gonna hate her because I haven't actually read any solo stuff. I just know that her introduction was sloppy as hell.

I think having a Tony successor makes sense. Tony is extremely self hating, and he'd definitely give his livelihood to an absolute nobody solely so he feels better about himself. It'd be interesting if the book played it like Tony was being short sighted and made Riri's life worse because he was too blinded by self hate to see two steps ahead of himself, giving a kid keys to a multi million dollar kingdom and putting them in a superhero suit.

Riri's cute too. Good waifu material. Love black girls with curly hair

I don't know OP, she might even be the best Iron Man ever!

>Tony Stark
>self hating
>short sighted
You don't read comics at all.

Well jeez, it looks like you haven't even read Demon in a Bottle, the first fucking Iron Man story you should read.


It's the same costume as Tony was wearing prior.

There is a fairly common element of self-hate, or at least guilt and self-recrimination, in Tony's personality. He can easily recognize his mistakes but often it's only after the fact.

I can't wait till she is killed/raped/becomes evil/quits/is forgotten like most heroes like her at some point.

Might as well get it over with sooner than later.

What issue does she bounce on Tony's dick.

>no Riri hentai comic about Kamala taking her out for a girls' night to help her loosen up and make friends that turns sexy because Riri hasn't reached the point where she can distinguish platonic affection and romantic pursuit, like a black teenage Ronnie with DSL

>dat ironbutt


Yeah I know but it looks good on a chick

One of the cover artist made some slight tweaks to it, less of a face on the helmet and altering the proportions somewhat that made it look a bit more unique.