Would you eat that up, Sup Forums?

Would you eat that up, Sup Forums?

Looks like yet another meaningless retarded ramble about nothing, as one would expect from Dobson.
Also chinks have proven that they don't like pandering and diversity. They want pretty white actors, not the latest shaved baboon or helpless hapa dancing on the silver screen while the media screams how beautiful and amazing it is.

I don't think Dobson understands how little East Asians like each other.

Diversity is good. I’m glad there’s a push for it. China will come to its senses one day.

Yes I'm sure China, one of the most xenophobic countries out there, will love a Korean American Hulk.


The history of almost any region in the world can be summed up as "Here's three people that look alike and fucking hate each other."

Seriously. Works for almost any area of the world

This and it's not even a matter of hating there own race. They have their own media with their own people.

When I watch the occasional Chinese film I don't ever think to myself "where's my representation", I doubt the Chinese do that when they import.

He just copypasted his other Kamala fanart he made before on this, what a lazy fuck

All asians are the same, why wouldn't they be?

All black people are the same, what do you mean you've never even been to Africa? Your dark skin makes you all identical and you must care about THE CULTURE.

I miss regular Amadeus Cho. He was a good character in his own right before the push.

Holy shit, that high-tier laziness tech tho.

It's really easy to tell who the white guys are because they keep making these arguments
Being black, all day, every day, forever, is fucking exhausting. I've seen the other fourteen MCU movies without comment or it being an issue, now suddenly because the next one in line has a guy that's my skin tone it has to "matter". Everyone's insting it "matter". Maybe I just want to watch a movie and have it not matter?! Maybe I just want to take a fucking break?!
Fuck that. And fuck all these fairweather controversy assholes and 'fans" that are making it impossible for me to get a day one seat.

Yeah, making people hulks for the sake of hulks is pretty lame.

He didn't need to be able to punch people to be interesting, if anything he's less cool as a roided-out gamma-freak.

I'm sure the japanese will love korean american hulk too.

why the fuck did he drawn Cho like a battletoad


I like that Dobson can't even be assed to draw his own comics and just reuses his old art.


>Listening to white people

Life becomes so much less stressful once you stop taking their opinions into account


nobody cares bout that azn in ea, unfortunately

what they enjoy isnt the product of american identity politics and hulk isnt popular at all

Does he know Cho is Korean or is this a "they all look the same so the Chinese will love him" episode

>all asian people are the same

That's pretty racist of Dobson to think. You can't just lump a whole bunch of countries and cultures together and say they're all the same thing just because they're the same race.

chinese hate seeing their own kind in movies, its why matt damon was in that wall movie

As someone who's left wing enough to probably be called an SJW here, this is utter bullshit. Assuming people in China or Japan would lap up a movie about a Korean Hulk is remarkably ignorant. As far as I can tell he's basically saying yellow people would love a movie another yellow person.

That's also ignoring the fact that Asia is a big fucking continent that covers a huge spectrum of cultures and ethnicities that he's just lumping together

Calm thine tits.

>That's pretty racist
everyone else thinks "thats pretty american"

You're right, it really shouldn't matter. It should the same reaction if the character was white.
People making such a big deal out of a character's race and/or sexuality really undermines the point of equality.

>As far as I can tell he's basically saying yellow people would love a movie another yellow person.
Dobson has zero knowledge about anything Asian, a while ago he said Japanese people should go to cultural sensitivity camps because he was offended about Metal Gear.

Listen here, if a Jap or a Chink doesn't love a Kimchi, then they're racist and they'll have to learn from the superior west how to be PC. Got it?

Stop giving him attention

>Comic fans don't like a character
>Let's spend billions making a movie about that character
Flawless logic Dobson.

Off the top of my head I can list these ethnic groups:


That's a fair amount of culture and history all within that one region. Does Dobson really believe that just because they're asian, that asians are going to automatically like Cho Hulk?

we all agree Amadeus was better as not a Hulk right?

And yet he thinks ignoring the true fans to cater to chinks and social justice fucks is a good idea. Is dobson too retarded to see how bad marvel is currently doing?

If only there was a commonly known way of derailing Dobson threads.

Its more like they have their own movie industry. Hollywood movies are their cheesy kung fu movies and seeing a bunch of Chinese pandering is like if the next Ip man had a 30 minuite non sequeter segment where they went to America, meet Brad Pitt and Jenifer Lawance, talk about the greatness of the American auto industry then deink Bud Light, and this scene is only in the American release

How does Dobson prove himself to be even more retarded then we actually think he is everytime he posts?

You forgot Laotians.

>Does Dobson really believe that just because they're asian, that asians are going to automatically like Cho Hulk?
SJWs are the real racists. It's not news.

Think he'll ever realize how stupid he really is?

nobody cares bout that guys ethnicity

they all think hes some "asian american". nothing more and less

asian americans arent considered as some native from ea, but just as an "american" person whos heavily americanaized.

this is a common view among all those countries

Sorry user, their is a reason why i hate most white people in my generation.

This so hard.

He was a lovable dick. Also he had the balls to kidnap X-23 and tried to trick her and a few other teens into being a part of his legacy hero team.

This didn't end well for him.

He's almost 40, so probably not.

That's only east Asia, he's also assuming India, Pakistan and dozens of others are the same

Is that Chinese or Japanese?

Ha haaah!

they are making a captain marvel movie tho

Stop rp'ing as a black person. That's just sad.

>Japanese people should go to cultural sensitivity camps because he was offended about Metal Gear.
Ah, a visionary! Of course, in this day and age, you can't just crow about this stuff and expect it to happen. No sir! For real change to happen, someone needs to step up, take the reins, and get things moving by force. The only way our culture can move forward is if we have a strong leader, one who can make our ideals a reality and punish those who have caused our problems to begin with. And hey, someone that special wouldn't just lock the undesirables up, they'd get them to work and earn their place in the world (and if a few die, so what? That's one less parasite.).

He's been rambling about Korrasami for fucking years now, the guy should just stick to that.

Cambodia and Vietnam are SEA

Is Bruce still dead and/or shelved?

It's carol danvers. Would've been cool if it was monica rambeau, but then, you really can't do a superman anology.

Who is this blue Teddy Bear and why does this website care about him?

But people love Carol Danvers as Ms. Marvel

is that guy a westacuck? i mean, a japan hater

>all those squinty-eyed yellows are the same
>i'm not racist though

> cultural sensitivity camps

Yeah because placing japanese people into camps worked out so well the first time..

I dunno about that, MIB 3 and Jumanji are successful movies in China and both feature nonwhite leads.

Please go back to the youtube comment section.

Oh yea, I also forgot that Coco is the most popular Pixar movie in China.

He makes bad comics. Sup Forums loves comics that are really bad.

He was brought back as a Zombie in Uncanny Avengers before being killed again. Then he was temporarily brought back during Civil War II thanks to magic, they didn't bother recovering the body. Finally, he was brought back yesterday in Avengers: No Surrender because nobody seriously considered recovering his body and the Challenger needed an extra player.

Does Dobby really not know how much Asians fetishize whites?

Its ludicrous when people slip up and say "African American" to describe a black guy that is neither African nor American.

>how important and meaningful it was to so many of us

calling someone "black" is a slippery slope as it already sounds strong enough but the word for "black" in spanish is actually the n word

Fucking ignorant retard has no point to make. His strip just ends, why even bother to illustrate such an empty verbalization.

Different pronunciation, and we don't care if you call us black, Africans might.

As long at it doesnt mention Tibet or Taiwan or the human organ traffic or anything else that could tick off the CCP, China would indeed eat that up.

Negro isn't Nigger?

And its not exactly their fault the word Spaniards use for actual color later became a difficult term in the English language.

african/asian american is literally an american word that upper middle americans and american media have tried normalizing

i for one dont like using these ones because it sounds stiff and prim

id call that guy just black

As a foreigner the whole x-American thing is just weird. The amount of Americans I've met who, on hearing my accent, brag about being Irish. If you can't tell a Scottish accent apart from an Irish one then you probably aren't

The middle class white people of this generation are starting to make 'progress' their religion. It's now a pissing contest to see how holy they are, they force other people to be like them, they think they're doing good for the less fortunate, and in the end it'll start to make witch hunts and effect legislation in a variety of countries.

The cycle of dangerous beliefs hidden under a glided covering of morality and 'what's right' will never end. People are fooling themselves into thinking they're any different from the generations they hate.

>He thinks Scottish and Irish are different
You guys all sound the same, plus isn't scotland an irish colony?

Oh aye, "I'm actually Irish-American" or "I'm 1/8 Cherokee on my Grandmothers side" nonsense.

Isn't America a British colony?

Really? Of all the controversial diversity characters, he picks fucking Amadeus Cho? He's the one that comic fans usually have the least issue with. The only complaints I hear about him is that he was a strong character on his own and didn't really need to become the Hulk.

It's weird to me, and I'm American. I'll never understand this need some people have to self-segregate.

And Spanish, and French.

No it isn't. Negro is Spanish for black. And who gives a fuck? Kunt is Dutch for "can". Nobody should get pissy about other languages having perfectly normal words that coincidentally sound bad in other countries.


I've never understood a regular old scottish person in my life. I know the english is there but the dialect puts it through this batshit insane filter unlike anything I've come across linguistically.

>Selling comics in drugs stores = okay
>Selling comics in a book store/comic store = racism
I still don't get how he came to that conclusion.

Because he has already reached a conclusion (that comic book fans are racist sexist assholes) and is just constructing evidence to fit his world view.

I think he that he thinks that the regulars at the shops are overly hostile to newcomers which includes minorities and women

>As someone who's left wing enough to probably be called an SJW here
How so?
Are you a communist?
Do you believe in retaliatory racism/sexism/bigotry?
Do you hate discourse and promote ideological violence?

I don't think Dobson has been in a comic book store (or any nerd store) in at least a decade.

Only white people can hate you silly shitlord.

The Japanese are not people.

that is some next level laziness. It would have probably taken him like 10 minutes to draw another Kamala.

Gotta admire Mr. Man's set up. He puts in the effort.

You know for years I have heard people claim that comic shops apparently lynch women/black people that come in as some kind of universal truth and yet never once have I been shown any evidence of this, you would think with the prevalence of all these hidden camera videos some feminist with nothing better to do (all of them basically) would have thought to capture these horrifying daily occurrences on video.

I've encountered one and they went out of business because that shit loses you customers. Its all exaggerated and people take one bad experience and apply it to every store.

Marvel Studios doesn’t care about the comics division. It’s why Feige had Disney kick them all out (because they were sick of their shit). Marvel Comics has no input on Marvel Studios. It’s why Bendis killed off War Machine (he didn’t know what was happening in the Civil War movie).

No one is telling at MarvelStudios/Disney Marvel Comics/Entertainment to create diversity heroes to appease the Chinese audiences. The Comics division did it all on their own free will.

It amazes me how much autism Dobson and Moviebob have to believe this shit.

Hate to break it to you: if you're on Sup Forums you're not a SJW.