TRUMP IN TORONTO‘alt-right’/ar-AAki50r?li=AAacUQk
this could be our chance into basedhood

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Can someone tell me why the alt right is so fucking obnoxious? You niggers are only going to bluepill people with your stupidity.

This is the same reason why increasingly more women are not calling themselves feminists.

So what you're saying is that in order to spread our ideology, we need to shut up?

>If you kill your enemies, they win.

Why do white people have the biggest victim complexes in the entire world? It's right up there with black people.

is she /ourgirl/?

is she going to make canada great again?

>the opposite of being obnoxious is to be silent

Nice false dilemma.

They're "investigating" this "poster" as "hate-speech" because the faggot SJW student from Ryerson University who wrote, printing, and stapled it to the pole called the cops saying it's hate speech and that they feel threatened. No different than Rabbis spray painting Swastikas.

And I can't find a single news outlet here in Toronto that is reporting about it.

>he thinks this blue pills canadians

torontonians, perhaps. the rest of canada already thinks like this.

Hi Toronto police. No, we don't know who did it. Fuck off.


any credibility?

Why are you so hesitant to think that it might actually be an alt-right person posting these? What's wrong with advertising the ideology? Is that too "edgy" for your post-ironic sensibilities?

Pretty pathetic that Canadians think that type of language should be illegal though. I mean, it doesn't even insult anybody. It just challenges white people to stop and think about this ridiculous world we live in.

>the ideology

Because it's written like a 2nd year sociology major trying to do a caricature of a reactionary. It's in the same tone as that fake letter that lesbian waitress posted to the internet a few years ago saying she was discriminated against.

The Alt-Right basically just Sup Forums and StormFront, and no one on Sup Forums talks like that, and StormFront would be more blunt about their cause.

You fuckers seriously better register as Tories and fucking VOTE for her

I mean it, if we don't it'll be Chong or Bernier

stop being a victim

She's a terrible choice. Why do Conservative supporters keep shilling horrible, unelectable candidates?

Are you sure you aren't Liberal shills trying to undermine the Conservatives to ensure over a decade of Trudeau governments? Is that part of your master plan?

What is it then?

>Because it's written like a 2nd year sociology major trying to do a caricature of a reactionary.
I took it at face value and had no problem with it.

>40% white, 99% liberal

lost cause desu

who do you support? the goon frog or the token chink? afraid kellie won't let the rest of your family off of the boat?

Canada is a meme country. The Sup Forums stereotypes actually aren't too far off. On an individual basis, canadians are up there with sweden in terms of being cucks.

How about some non-meme candidates, you fuck?

>wants 300-400k immigrants

yeah no.

nothing hateful about it. No even implication of that. The "other" insinuated in this poster is a faceless "they" with no identifying factors. If they had said "tired of leftists destroying this country?" THEN they MAY have a leg to stand in.

Nice to know TPS is wasting their time with this.

objectively speaking, why don't you like mad max?

I like his stances on

>10th amendment equivalent in canada
>lower taxes
>muh indians
>muh frenchies (eastern ontario but I unironically support language laws)

I'd support alexander if he wasn't shilling for immigration. I voted for him twice in my riding.

>i don't like any of the candidates, so i won't support any!
are you sure you aren't the liberal shill? cause you're acting like a real jokester

you're complaining about immigration levels but you're saying you would support alexander? alright captain

Yet our leader is a proud feminist.
Go figure.

>i don't like any of the candidates, so i won't support any!

So, who do you support: Hillary or Bernie? Come on, you're not a shill, are you? You have to support one!! :)

Even Trudeau is probably starting to get sick of the SJWs. The way the media keeps pressing him on Trump is disgusting. I heard a question that sounded more like it came from a Tumblr blog than an actual journalist.

>I'd support alexander if he wasn't shilling for immigration

excellent reading comprehension there, friend.

again, why not max? or instead, why kellie and not max?

you mean that CBC or Star question? Holy shit. Talk about using your question as a chance to soapbox your own shitty fucking thoughts.

I'm shocked and pleased at how well justin handled it, by basically ignoring the rant.

>you mean that CBC or Star question?

No idea which "journalist" asked, but it was taped by the CBC.

Whoever it was should be reprimanded.

>tfw TORONTO is the current front-line in the Great Meme Wars
>tfw TORONTO shall make anonastan proud, and deliver another sterling battlefield rout in support of our brave memebrothers and memesisters worldwide

We got this anonastan, the memevolution begins in earnest in the GTA.

Do we have any doctors, or lawyers, or doctor-lawyers amongst us that want to be elected the next Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada?

We'll unironically make it happen, we could easily take over that party within days if we each felt like dropping 10 bucks for the cause.

stfu stupid

Nice moderate fallacy

That wasn't a moderation fallacy, though.

uncuck yourselves Leaf faggots