Noam Chomsky: 'The Republican Party Has Become the Most Dangerous Organization in World History'
Noam Chomsky: 'The Republican Party Has Become the Most Dangerous Organization in World History'
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You're goddamn right.
he's right, the neocon invasion of the republican party made them into a cancer
the most overrated Marxist useful idiot of his generation.
Set AI research back for decades.
Supported the Khmer rouge and denied that the killing fields was happening.
Much loved by vegans and simpletons.
Noam Blumpkin should stick to linguistics.
i guess he thinks they will gas 7 million instead of 6.
Who cares?
Dudes a living (barely) holloween prop
How did he set back AI research? I know he doesn't believe in the singularity.
>Professor of words
So ideologically stuck in his own ass that he cannot see that progressivism and SJWs are the entire reason why the left lost since 2012. On every front, SJWs lost and lost hard.
Im no natsoc but this guy needs to get in the fucking oven
literally british level chompers
Fucking move over Al-Qaeda and ISIS
Remember mina-san... when marxist kikes hate you, you're probably doing something good.
He stopped being relevant a long time ago
Who gives a shit what this half-dead faggot thinks?
(((they))) name themselves again
go manufacture some consent and fuck yourself chompy
Nice memes.
>muh useful idiots
Not an argument.
>supported the Khmer Rouge
Another meme. He disputed the US government claims of what was going on there because there was some distortion of primary sources going on, but because of that people have been smearing him as a genocide supporter and supporter of Pol Pot.
He's anti-SJW. He has staunchly defended free speech as an absolute right multiple times.
You put it more succinctly than I did Nordbro
like clockwork every four years the esteemed radical anarchist intellectual creeps out of the shadows to extol the moral virtues of voting democrat, what a hysterical cuck
That's called being an 'enabler', useful idiot. You need two guys, the frontman and the enforcers. He's a front man of marxism, and gives no fucks about the SJW plague, truly.
Noam Chomsky is one of the reasons I still believe in Amerika and look up to this great country. I'm dead honest.
Well, with all deep respect that I do have for Chomsky, my first point is that Chomsky, who always emphasizes how one has to be empirical, accurate, not just some crazy Lacanian speculations and so on… well I don’t think I know a guy who was so often empirically wrong in his descriptions in his whatever! Let’s look… I remember when he defended this demonstration of Khmer Rouge. And he wrote a couple of texts claiming: No, this is Western propaganda. Khmer Rouge are not as horrible as that... And when later Zizek was compelled to admit that Khmer Rouge were not the nicest guys in the Universe and so on, his defense was quite shocking for me. It was that "No, with the data that we had at that point, I was right. At that point we didn’t yet know enough, so… you know." But I totally reject this line of reasoning.
said the multi millionaire
He's not marxist though. One of the few leftist theorists who stays true to anarchist agenda without slipping into cultural marxism and sjw crap. I actually respect him even though disagree on many issues.
you're a simpleton
see cause he gets it
Is there any actual evidence for that or is it just another meme?
People still take this fucking fossil seriously? Hasn't he been wrong about virtually every political regime he's endorsed?
Not really.
>you can't tell someone is a jew simply from their looks
filthy kike
>The Democratic Party Has Become the Most Dangerous Organization in World History
Doesn't he work for the MIT department that does government research for DARPA?
Go to bed, Slavoj
>Set AI research back for decades.
His language theories contributed to AI modelling, what the fuck are you talking about?
>Supported the Khmer rouge and denied that the killing fields was happening.
Here is 15 solid minutes of why you are wrong, straight from the horses mouth, including citations.
Anybody else have any shitty arguments against Chomsky I can rip through in 1 minute?
>Noam Blumpkin should stick to linguistics.
As soon as you here someone is a fan of this man you know you are dealing with an idiot.
Saying meme doesn't make you smart. Go jack off to CNN and leave the board to the adults.
>you're a simpleton
Yet I can see though this self promoting piece of shit. What does that make you.
>People still take this fucking fossil seriously? Hasn't he been wrong about virtually every political regime he's endorsed?
Yes, he has. His latest "great hit" was endorsing Venezuela.
The one that nailed you.
He's senile
No one cares about this pseudo-intellectual except for gender studies students.
Good guy New Zealand, fighting the good fight.
t. professional liberal who thinks socialism was good
Stick to linguistics commie.
Chomsky is a senile geriatric kike, who cares.
>>Set AI research back for decades.
>His language theories contributed to AI modelling, what the fuck are you talking about?
>>Supported the Khmer rouge and denied that the killing fields was happening.
>Here is 15 solid minutes of why you are wrong, straight from the horses mouth, including citations.
>Anybody else have any shitty arguments against Chomsky I can rip through in 1 minute?
He killed AI research funding using his media celeb status to bolster his incorrect views.
He's the whining lefts idol and a self promoting fuck who devoted his life to criticizing the US and supporting marxist failed states.
He's a cretin and only would be pseuds incapable of critical thought think he is of any merit.
He was not juts wrong on the killing fields....his writing helped delay aid.
He's a complete cunt and generally the hallmark of a numale cunt is to think he's something worthy of being stuck on a pedestal.
He is not.
>No one cares about this pseudo-intellectual except for gender studies students.
And their fag nu male cucks.
>The Republican Party Has Become the Most Dangerous Organization in World History
Watch any of his debates or speeches. He's totally lucid, and if you stop spitting vitriol at him for 5 minutes and listen, you'll hear 5 minutes of cited and well reasoned arguments that crush your worldview.
Ebenfalls, Deutschland, für immer und ewig.
I appreciate what he's done for language theory but everything else from his rancid mouth is garbage.
Good. Run in fear. Left-Libertarianism is the Creationism of political ideology.
>Watch any of his debates or speeches. He's totally lucid, and if you stop spitting vitriol at him for 5 minutes and listen, you'll hear 5 minutes of cited and well reasoned arguments that crush your worldview.
>Ebenfalls, Deutschland, für immer und ewig.
Someone wrong as often as he has been and yet is still in the self promotion game.
So his entire rant is about pseudoscientific man made climate change crackpottery. Junk "science" and science fiction which his fellow jews and progressives/marxists have used lawyer's rhetoric and unrelated small scale experiments to con innocent people. It's basically the same story throughout jewish history. Fuck these kikes somebody should gas Chomsky for the irony factor alone
Sort of interested in how he would respond to this. He did not disappoint.
Technically that's true of any political party that takes all three houses.
His political views are conspiratard tier. He's only taken seriously because he picks his fights with lightweights like Buckley
Vital reading for uncritical Chomsky 'fans'
He did a lot of real harm to human and scientific progress and very little good.
Chomsky is a self promotion engine but that is all.
Go and find out how wrong he was on AI and how much harm he caused.
And his 'great work' universal grammar?
Shit that time will show for what it was.
He got btfo'd by a fellow fag
lol ireland destroying everone itt
Watch the video, he wasn't ever even explicitly wrong about the Khmer Rogue. There was no aid coming, at the time he wrote about the Khmer Rogue, there was a single source, a french book written by a priest, which conflates the Khmer Rogue's death toll with the lives lost by American bombings. He disputed the number while criticizing American foreign policy, which he was totally valid in doing. The moment there was confirmation of the Khmer genocide from other more objective sources, he voiced his opposition of them. He never needed to retract anything because he never expressly denied the Khmer Rogue's genocide, just the unlikelihood of the number (which he was right about :^) ) of people they killed.
Re: AI research. When did he do this? What would he have to gain in quashing AI research? Give me one source to confirm this. Protip: you can't.
Didn't this guy love Venezuela or am I thinking of another cuck?
His teeth have become the most dangerous organization in oral history.
>literally said the refugees were lying
>"chomsky a good boy he dindu nuffin"
Color me (((surprised)))
>Commie kike hates Trump
I'm shocked
>The most butthurt organization in world history
This website comes up when you google "why was chomsky wrong" on the first page.
It's empty rhetoric all the way through. If you think critically about the refutations and do 1 minute of research for any given claim, you'll see Chomsky's "lies" aren't actually lies at all, but have a solid grounding in reality.
Rather than ad hom Chom to death, I challenge you to give me one single lie Chomsky told (you have a list of 200, should be easy, no?) and I'll explain why Chomsky was right and it's empty rhetoric.
He probably does, but you're probably thinking of Michael Moore
>With considerable justice, Bangladesh's leading climate scientist said that "These migrants should have the right to move to the countries from which all these greenhouse gases are coming. Millions should be able to go to the United States."
Yes goy, take those poor peo - I mean refugees
He's a linguist. He's jewish. Jews are really crafty with their words and he is one of the craftiest. He seems to be a sociopath as well
Even the biggest moron on Sup Forums knew venezuela would fail. Further proof he follows ideiology and not logic fact based arguments.
>I'm a total cuck that can only criticize people but can't provide a working model to save my life
This guy is a typical marxcuck. They can bitch and moan like pros, but when it comes to actually producing results they're absolute shitbags.
Fuck Chomsky's pseudointellectual drivel.
I don't everything he says but for me Noam Chomsky stands for a much more relaxed, peaceful and also thoughtful america. An america that is not feared around the world for their constant violent interference in other countries matters but admired for their progressivenes, freedom and scientific excellence.
What's the source when he said the refugees were lying? He never denied atrocities in Cambodia, and the only person he publically suspected of being incorrect was the french priest who wrote the only source material at the time regarding the Khmer genocide. He was correct in his assumption, because the source conflates 3-700 000 (I'm hazy on the exact number) deaths due to American bombings with Pol Pot's regime.
> after calling Republicans Nazis for the entirety of this century they are now genuinely scared
Hope it's not just an act.
Isn't his universal grammar shit completely wrong?
Noam Chomsky was one of the founding members of the totalitarian genocide fan club.
Fuck this faggot, sniff man is a better commie.
some guy found a tribe in south america who didn't follow his theory and he bitched and moaned about it
No, there was a clickbait article someone incorrectly titled as proving Chomsky wrong about a month ago. This shit happens all the time with massively influential forerunners in their field like Einstein and Chomsky.
kek some dumb fucking Irish drunk with typical dumb Catholic opinions
yeah, ever since his days on primetime talk shows.
Bill Buck made a joke about being an alpha and 40 years later leftists still parrot it as if he threatened Noam and lost the "debate".
The fact that it is common to hear that Noam "won" the "debate" shows just how much disinfo have surrounded this guy for years.
>hey guys, can we really trust the US?
>why don't we take into account the other side
>the other side who has spread propaganda about killing enemies of their cause
>the other side who had shown themselves to be killers in the name of their cause
>I highly doubt that they are genuine
He's gone back and forth for decades over what he meant and why.
>lucifer is promoting the ultimate self-promoter
sure glad I didn't take any of your posts seriously, devil.
>influential forerunners in their field like Einstein and Chomsky.
good one kiwi
Daily reminder this fucker got rekt so hard in a debate with a 4channer he ragequit.
This is mere rhetoric. Chomsky had no real understanding of the halls of power. Read Disraeli or Kissinger to get a good understanding
Read the "french priest" account of it
He isn't marxist, he's an anarchopunk.
holy shit take get his fucking cock out of your mouth
Chomsky is a filthy Jew
How is this even a question