
Ok so this nigger won't stop bothering me at school and keeps on acting like were friends. then he pulls up some bullshit on how i owe him money and hes gonna kick my ass tomorrow if i wont pay up. he has some pretty strong friends. help?

Be a man.

Tell him to take his cottonpicking arse back to Africa.

you kno what? i just came up with an idea thatll get his monkey ass expelled and out my life

Tell us you fag.

tell a school official that you're being targeted for being trans
I think trannies win the minority-cup against black males

Fucking rat on him. There is no shame in self preservation. Exaggerate if you need to. File complaints with the school board about the student. Attend School board meetings about. Become a thorn in the side of the administrators until the kid and his friends are gone. Victim politics goes a long way with liberals.


sounds like you broke the cardinal rule
Around blacks, NEVER RELAX

Fuck off, underage.

in an age where university and college adult age adults are having safe space "cry in's" to get over their feelings from a typical scheduled election that happens every 4 years. im sure you could go walk to the actual office and have a chit-chat with somebody there and they might get security to help you, but then again I doubt they would care since your probably not important enough for them but its worth a try.

but on another note i know alot of people on Sup Forums dont like this but im mixed race. white on my moms side and mexican on my dads. i love all of my family, but im really dissapointed and embarrassed at my people (mexicans) mexico is a hellhole right now thanks to the cartels. i have supported trump since august and safe to say me and everyone else on Sup Forums are satisfied with the election results. sadly, alot of legal mexicans dont understand how bad of a reputation were given thanks to illegals.

Hire a security detail.

Bring a gun.

Stab him. In the throat. Make it count kid.


Tell on him for bullying you because you are gay. Tell the administrators the truth, that you thought he was your friend so you confided in him. Let them know he has been black mailing you ever since you revealed your secret and you've run out hush-money, and now he is threatening to kill you. Simple.

Have someone else record the beating and then you can get his ass expelled or worse.

Be a man an stand up for yourself only the first punch hurts then you get mad fight back

I dont understand why white people are so afraid of a good ol fight. That gives you balls become a man. Ancient initiation to being a human You pussy.

You dumbass.

You should have fucking fought him the minute he tried starting shit with you.

That's what coons will do user. They'll just keep testing you until you do something.

My advice is to just get it over with and take your beating or fight them or whatever. Preferable with lots of people around so someone can break it up if you get your shit kicked in.

Let this be a fucking lesson. Blacks are cowardly and there's a reason this nigger didn't try to rob you on his own earlier, because he was worried about you putting up a fight. Next time a nigger gives you any sort of trouble you better fucking squash it right then and there you idiot. If you do that chances are they'll back down easy


but thanks for the advice Sup Forums. im newfag so i need to get used to posting here.

call the cops, tell them he's harassing you AND THAT HE'S ARMED. When they get there, just yell "GUN!" and dive to the ground. He'll be dead in three seconds flat, especially if he tries to run.

you aren't a man

Just to add to my already lengthy response.

The same thing kind of happened to me in high school. This one black kid kept wanting to fight me and every time he brought it up I told him we could step outside right there and then.

It usually took him about 2 seconds to realise I was dead serious and he stopped annoying me after a few days.

n-no..shut it, leaf..

you are a coward

Actual real life top tips:

If you're going to get the shit kicked out of you, then take your beating like a man. Whatever you do, don't go to ground.

Don't try to cower or hide, or you'll only get beaten harder.

If you're going to punch back, then don't go crazy. Don't let your guard down, don't swing unless you need to: just shove and push until you see a clear opening.

If he takes his shirt off, take yours off.

Don't fight too dirty. Spitting and kicks to the balls will mean that you'll just get sucker-punched at a later date, because you're a dirty little cunt who doesn't fight fair so why should they?

Don't be a hero, don't be silly, and don't overestimate your own strength.

You fucking pussy

uppercut to the nose hard enough and he'll be a vegetable

Is this supposed to be bait?

punch him in the cock and call him a nigger

If you're attacked completely unprovoked then kicking someone in the balls is probably the best way to go imo.

But yeah if it's like a schoolyard thing that you "consent" to doing and you're gonna be around these people for another year or so then don't be that guy..

call police and explain the situation. He gets put in a cage where he belongs.

where are u KOBI

If you owe him money don't be a faggot fuck, just pay him back, it's one thing that he bothers you but if you mess with someone's money you def deserve to get your ass kicked, regardless of what rednecks tell you in this thread

You're in the U.S. Shoot them with a gun. Jesus Christ OP, use your freedoms.
Use a cheap camera so you can use it in court. But seeing as the homies are shitbags that probably wanted already, going to court won't even happen.

Bring a gun to school

fuck its you I know this is you you fkin dickhead kobi

Right here SALEEM

Tell him you won't pay shit and beat them all up with some key-spiked knuckles.

who is saleem - i dont know who saleem is. kobi u fkin cocunut

Fuck off SALEEM

Tell him to piss off and if he doesn't you'll smash his teeth in. Blacks are pussies.

fuck these white people man fuck em

Do NOT fucking give that nigger money, do NOT give into them.

look these white people arent your people bro - come back to islam. allah wants u bro

Man up. You will get a beating if you do nothing or they cuck you for years. Go out swinging. Aim for throat, eyes or balls. Start with the loudest one. If one goes down make sure to stamp on his head. They'll think twice next time even if they kick your ass.

Fuck you, that is literally the best way to handle to situation. Nobody gets hurt and the victim wins. You can't beat niggers at their own game. You've got to move the battle to an arena where you have the advantage. That is the court system, or in this case the school board.

stfu pussy

>Ok so this nigger won't stop bothering me at school and keeps on acting like were friends. then he pulls up some bullshit on how i owe him money and hes gonna kick my ass tomorrow if i wont pay up. he has some pretty strong friends. help?

If he tries to extort money punch him. Even if you loose every time as soon as you can hit him in the face. Never quit doing this. Demand money to stop. Doing this will teach you the most important lesson possible in life. Never quit. Never surrender.

You will get your ass kicked by a real neanderthal?

Where the fuck did you find him? And why did he have money?

lolwut? how stupid are you ?

Are you fucking retarded? If he gets name as a grass then everyone else will pile in for the rest of his time at school.

Wait til after school and then break his kneecaps with a metal bat. Make sure there are no witnesses and you have an alibi.

You do though and more and more mixed/latino people are waking up.

Start taking self defense classes.

BJJ is good if you're stalkier.