Why are Americans so retarded? How did you let it come to those two options...

Why are Americans so retarded? How did you let it come to those two options? Literally BOTH of the choices didn't even belong there. It was supposed to be Cruz Vs. Sanders but you guys literally vote the most retarded choices.

Back! Back! You little fucker, get back in the mulch pile!

>Bernie supporters still feeling the burn after all this time

It was his party's fault. If it was Bernie vs trump Bernie would have won. Blame the democrats

>cruz not being retarded


>how america repaid him

No, that's how the Crooked bitch Hillary treated him.
Get it straight.



>The Democrats will let me win their nomination even though I'm not one of them! They're the good guys!

Bernie is a sell out bitch

RIP to the last of the hippie leftists, not with a bang but with a wimper

bernie sanders is a socialist

Halfway to being a national socialist. Oh what could have been.

I'm a Trump fan, but I liked Bernie too. He had an honesty, a naive honesty perhaps.

Bernie has been pretending to stand up for causes and then backpedaling at the last minute for his entire career. Notice how he has never actually produced tangible results in spite of being a career-politician

America didn't fuck over Bernie, the Democratic National Committee did you retard, get your facts straight.

>Comrade Sanders
>Canadian Cruz

Is there anything more pathetic then Bernie supporters who voted for Hillary?

>Bernie, a good choice

>You have go, leaf

He's a fucking communist

He supports. System than offed 100million people because it's fun to virtue signal

Fuck him

You're literally retarded. They were both good choice

No worries OP

I'm sure his new house is quite compfy