As an AMERICAN with Mexican born parents. It angers me how naive many Mexicans are. Every single one I ask "what makes Donald Trump racist against Mexicans?" responds the same.
That is literally incorrect. It can't even be argued. How do you get through to these people?
As an AMERICAN with Mexican born parents. It angers me how naive many Mexicans are...
u don't, you just deport them
deport them
A lot of new sources broadcast it that way.
That was his initial stance. He moderated it later, but the damage had been done.
prime rage face senpai
no it wasn't
yes it was
Mexico has state-controlled media. They are a TV people.
What the fuck do you expect?
It's up to us American-born people of Mexican descent to redpill them and teach them how to be Americans.
Does CTR have a pension program or something? He said that the illegal immigrants coming our way from Mexico are criminals. He never said your average Mexican is.
Post footage of donald trump saying he hates all mexicans and wants them all to be deported. Go on, I'll wait.
He said that only about illegals
>as an American
>isn't white
>Native American
>lol not American
Cry harder, whiteboy.
You won't be relevant with that attitude in a generation.
You report them to ICE
Happens the same to me. I'm tired of having to debunk that shit every single time they mention Trump.
he initially said that he wanted to deport 11 million mexican criminals living here illegally. The mexican population of California is roughly 14 million as of 2015. Arizona, Nevada, and Texas all have far less. For him to follow these number he would have had to deport a massive majority of the mexican population of the american southwest. He might not have directly stated it (I'm not gonna dig through the garbage fire of memes and misinformation on youtube tonight), but the implication is the same. As I said, he later moderated his stance to a more reasonable 2 million, but that wasn't what people were reacting to.
>How do you get through to these people?
They're unreachable and LITERALLY hysterical.
They'll turn on their own hugboxes at this point if they try to change the narrative.
but they are right
mexicans are fucking disgusting scum
It doesen't fucking matter. If 99% were illegals, then 99% should get deported. It's not an argument for racism because it's about following the law.
Americans are white Northern Europeans bro just deal with it
>A different continent from Europe
Nah, buddy. Besides, my people were peacefully annexed in when you took in Texas.
Get fucked.
>undocumented illegal migrants are a part of population statistics
classic shill logic
Lay off that hair tonic maybe
I know it's really hard for you to understand things as a shitskin so you resort to semantics. Try your logic on yourself see how it works.
>Not sending the basket of deportables floating down the river back to Mexico
My skin's pretty white, man.
There's white people who are darker than me.
The one thing I learned from this election is that propaganda works really fucking well. Makes me doubt all of history. In less than a year the media was able to convince over half the world that trump is the devil. If trump lost he would have been labeled an "almost hitler" for all of history. I wonder just how much of the holohoax is soviet propaganda, they had decades to twist their lies.
This, the tv is their best fucking friend, they believe everything from them, also muh facebook.
You can't argue with people who refuse to see facts.
Take solace in the fact that one in three "hispanics" don't see it that way. Maybe you just live in a shitty area.
>tfw Puerto Rican
>tfw automatically American
>The irony when Teddy Roosevelt's attack on "hyphenated Americans" gets BTFO by his own actions in the Spanish American war and saying you're Puerto Rican is no different than saying you're from California or New York.
Feels good man
we are living in a constructed reality
all that berenstain/berenstein shit was an experiment, we aren't sliding between timelines, it was a ruse to see if people would notice a fundamental shift in their reality if it was done subtly
in the (narrowly averted by trump winning) future, this would mean literal doublethink, 1984 style
we were always at war with eastasia user
The ignorance of our planet is defined by the FACT that people are aloud to have an opinion without doing any actual research into the subject.
He never once said that. He said he would deport people here illegally.
you say that like the US doesn't have a long history of violating and ignoring the law when it doesn't suit their feelings
regardless of their legal standing, someone on the receiving end of a comment like that is going to feel no less persecuted or hated
so Trump being Hitler was ridiculous but Spirit Cooking wasn't?
Both were, but one was backed up with images and some proof.
M8 I'm in the exact same scenario. Its the TV, like Univision n such
Now I don't regularly watch it, just when we eat dinner. It should be a way to assimilate to the US, and instead raises a LATINOS WERE KINGS N SHIT propaganda. A typical news preview is
>tonight at 10
>Trump insists he will report all immigrants
>what you need to do if ICE comes to your door
>a man in Brooklyn was killed
>why one witness says this was a hate crime against mexicans
>plus the feds cut interest rates
>what this means for those undocumented buying houses
tell them to come to mexico and ask any mexican how mexicans really are.
>someone on the receiving end of a comment like that is going to feel no less persecuted or hated
And ONLY if they are legal, they are on the right side by doing so.