BREAKING: Hillary Clinton files for divorce in New York courts

It's Ogre.
Press F to pay respects.
Or not, I don't really give a shit.

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This can't be true... If so though, fucking KEK


why does it look like it was made in ms paint?

Poorly shooped.

Obvious fake


You should see the document I have where instead of irreconcilable differences it reads because she's a lizard person ayyy lmao

Is the she going to keep her own last name

So they can witness against each other?

I see pixels

Put this post in your article too nigger

Snopes are shills pieces of shit that should rot and die in a ditch. They garnered trust for awhile and then cashed it in this election.

maybe this has something to do with it?


>stop herb

he doesn't want pot legalised

He wants to stop George HERBert Walker Bush.

She rode his dick for that game in the political works and now that she has no use for him she leaves him. What an ungrateful bitch. I hope Bill gave her aids too

very, very, very poor photoshop effort.


Holy shit. So many shills here today. Don't they know it's like pissing in a shit pool. Not going to work, if anything it will make us double down

I've been saying for a couple of weeks that Bill and Trump were working together secretly.

If this is true then I guess hillary wants to die in peace now.

you also need a better source than a fucking christian newspaper.

obviously fake

tmz would have this shit the day it happened if it was real