How mad were you?

How mad were you?

Not at all. Only autists actually got mad.


I never got the anger centering this, seemed like an average episode to me.

Ain't no Steamed Hams that's for sure.

he's mad at Sneed.

Not at all. It was a little weird, but it fleshed out Seymour and his mom a lot. It's just a shame that they never explored the adoptive angle after this episode, since it made the Skinners' relationship more interesting.

A little steamed.

Not as angry as Ken Keeler got when people called the episode out on being shit.

I was like 13 when this came out, I didn't have the incredible autism rage that only develops and steels itself in the fiery forge of a manchild's nostalgia-addled mind. It was like any other episode where continuity was loose and the implications built up in the show had no actual bearing or weight in any subsequent episodes.

don't be mad at Sneed, be mad at Chuck for selling up

Well, Armin, I made it- despite your directions.

Ah Pointless side character McGee Welcome!

I hope you're prepared for a unforgettable let down!

I saw what the show had become and I accepted it and moved on.

>I don't even care about the show but I feel it is necessary to tell everyone what I think

As a kid I didn't see the issue with this episode but as I got older and started writing I learned to hate it. It's not funny, it's poorly structured, it's ending is a pure copout, and even with retroactive continuity in mind it hurts Skinner's character in more than one way.

I'm glad they did this. Skinners PTSD was insulting to any veteran and writing it off as humor was disrespectful and in poor taste.

I was 3 years old, so I believe I was more concerned over which of the Teletubbies was my favourite.

The answer was Po btw.

Even young me knew what Skinner did was shameful to a degree no person should put themselves thru.

>So did you get mad?

At the time it looked comparatively bad but when taking into account all seasons of the Simpsons to this point this episode looks better.

I dont recall thinking anything special about the episode until later on when I found Usenet at first then the internet in general all butthurt about it.

Most of the episodes had events that could've have lasting impact of varying degrees but were never referenced again. Its just the nature of episodic storytelling from different writers.

Maybe having grown up with the nightmare of comicbook continuity before the Simpsons had built up a tolerance.

>I'm going to ask a question then get mad when people answer it.

But what if, I were to steal Seymour Skinner's name and disguise it as my own identity?

Ho, ho, ho! Delightfully devilish, Armin!

>I dont recall thinking anything special about the episode until later on when I found Usenet at first then the internet in general all butthurt about it.

I could understand the upset over Principal and Pauper but too many people on Usenet were upset with too many episodes not just in that season but also past seasons.

It's why I didn't bother joining the Usenet group after finding out about it.

>that elephant ate my whole platoon

>a thin stew made of [a fuckton of high quality ingredients].I try to make it here but I can't get the taste right. It drives me mad

Yeah, I'm pretty sure they were taking the piss here a little. No veteran is going to confuse Skinner''s experiences with reality.

Armin's Feed and Seed
Formerly Seymour's

I thought the episode was actually pretty funny when it came out, and as an adult, I still think it is funny. It's a cartoon, only someone who is invested in the show at an unhealthy, autistic level would actually be upset over it. The show is episodic and clearly even then had been on long enough for people to realize that very few changes actually stick. Why anyone gets upset over anything fictional is beyond me though

Not mad at all. Just bored and dismissive.

A weird but funny episode. Also an example of how fucking invincible The Simpsons was in its prime that even a bad episode had some incredibly memorable jokes like Homer asking where everyone is in the car or Skinner trying to attract people into the porn theatre while reading off a script. Even touching moments where he found a big brother in the real Seymour and Armin can't bear to tell Skinner's mother her son has died. It sounded like they had a good concept for an episode but failed to finish it in a good way (They even mention on the DVD commentary they kinda botched the ending which is why people were so mad). Did sound like they had a way darker episode in mind (Probably the "Real Seymour Skinner" is killed in some sort of bizarre accident and Armin just takes his place back) and it didn't come together so they rushed the ending.

The commentary says not that they botched the ending but that they wanted to make it even more obvious that the episode was an insult to the fans who wanted things to stay the same.

That the irony was that the town accepting to forget this ever happened was dumb, but that's what fans would have wanted too.

It'd probably be good, clever meta commentary if season 8 didn't already have two episodes about how the show had already ran its course and started decaying into something unrecognizable. It'd also probably be better if it wasn't an insult to the fans, too. As I understand it, people don't like to be insulted.

I think I was like 6 or 7 when this episode came out so I didn't care but rewatching it, it has some quality jokes but ya, I hate what it did to Skinner, considering he's my second favourite character in the whole show

I wasn't mad, since I was a kid when this episode aired. I knew it was a bullshit ass-pull, but I also knew that Simpsons is an episodic series where barely anything sticks.

Were people really got mad at that episode?

I thought it was funny, maybe its because im mexican or something.

If anything, i thought the only pre-300 bad episode was 'homers enemy', and even then, it wasnt 'whine and scream' bad.

I didn't hate it. I kind of just felt empty because my brother and me's favorite jokes were Skinner's Vietnam flashbacks, and this episode made them not exist. I know continuity was always loose, especially with Homer and Marge's wedding, but the Nam jokes always fit together.

I watched all first 10 seasons and honestly there was worse episodes. It was a lot more entertaining than some others. It was a lot less insulting to a fan than some others.

Overall, people just bandwagon hate.

Are you forgetting how terrible episodes were like such as the one where Bart breaks his legs and makes Lisa go through hell when babysitting him?
Also the Ned Flanders one I feel was the biggest slap in the face of ANY character in the first 10 seasons. Ruined his character IMO.
Diddly is actually passive aggression?

I doubt having bad taste has anything to do with being a mexican, so that's just on you.

The Flanders episode builds upon him, instead of destroying. It's absolutely unobtrusive and can safely be ignored in further episodes because it wouldn't be the first time in the show Ned masks his frustration with a flurry of his friendly words.

Lisa's babysitting episode was awful, but hey, it's post season 8 when awful episodes weren't uncommon.
This one episode just stands out as more memorable because asides from being quite unfunny most of the time, it also forcefully broke the show's reality.

That's the best part. The episode was literally made for the purpose of triggering autists. It's an inconsequential episode and given how there's little to no continuity in the show you can ignore it (the show itself even tells you too). Plus it's a pretty funny episode on top of it.

are you a homosexual by any chance?

I wasn't mad about the replacement so much as how terrible what Skinner did was.

The writers were so mad they completely contradicted it in further seasons.

When it happened I didn't knew about the reactions until several years later. But seemed a bit odd, but inconsequential.

My dad is a Vietnam vet who was shot down three times. He loves every single one of Skinner's flashbacks.

>a thin stew made of [a fuckton of high quality ingredients].I try to make it here but I can't get the taste right. It drives me mad
especially this one as he loves SE Asian cooking.

Did you miss the part where the entire town got together, tied the real Seymour Skinner to a train, a judge gave Tamzarian Skinner's entire life and mother, and then told everything to never mention all this happened?


I am 33 and what I remember is a deep feeling of "this is very very low quality"
but I dont remember anger