You'll never force Huntress into your nerd hobbies...
Adventure Time
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Best girl and best ship
Why do people like this consolation prize again?
She a cute
She's the best balance of everything. No daddy issues, no deceitfulness, no lesbian subtext, no grand ambitions/duties that stand between her and others.
I don't like the direction AT has been taking since S3, but Huntress Wizard has such a great design that I don't mind her writing.
Who else can Finn get?
You have terrible taste man, i'm sorry
Ah Satan dubs. its nice to see you.
There's always Flame princess... when he's an adult
The main prizes all turned out to be trash. HW isn't though.
>Wanting someone after Cinnamon Bun of all people
flame princess stopped being fun or interesting at all after frost and fire
without fin she's literally nothing, hell even when she was with fin, she was basically nothing. we saw SOME character from her in the dungeon date episode, but that was fucking it. I've said this before and I'll say it again, flame princess is probably THE most useless and unnecessary character in a cartoons ever, there is no reason besides what she was suppose to be: finn's gf
The writer's haven't had enough time to squander her potential and ruin her character. So we as viewers are left to fill in the bkanks and imagine her as the ideal waifu for Finn.
Plus she's cute.
The creators realized just in time that if AT ended with Finn being single all manchild would flip their shit out. Thus, Hutress Wizard.
They realized they couldn't do my nigga finn like that so they gave him literally best girl
I said, i fucking called it, when this hoe first showed up all those years ago, I said she'd become a love interest for finn, all these niggas laughed, WELL WHOS LAUGHING NOW MARCIFAGS, WHOSE LAUGHING NOW BUBBLEFAGS, I WIN
Did Huntress actually become a character? I only remember her as a one off
Sort of.
Marceline and Bubbline have always seen him as a kid brother, and they've more or less hooked back up with each other. Fire Princess was great, but Cosmic Owl's a bitch. Though it was probably for the best due to their physical incompatibility, and they probably would have broken up for something else down the line, especially after she replaces Fire King.
Huntress Wizard had some decent episodes with Finn, though I'm worried about that dilemma where he kissed her and he could only see Fern's face.
There was an episode that properly "introduced" her which is where it's shown that she and Finn are sort of an item but not really, and then after that there was kind of two background appearances of her, then another episode that reinforced them being sort of an item.
Then she appears at Finn's birthday and gives him an elk's heart, so they're pretty much really close.
She's a character in that she has a personality that you can either find endearing (since she's kind of a stoic character but still a weirdo) or find amounts to nothing.
She's done basically nothing except kiss Finn but because all we know about her is she's a fighter people she's Finn's "thanks for playing, try again later" She's about as interesting as a dirty doorknob and there's no time to fix this
When are shit writers going to stop pretending have 10 lines of monotone (mostly pretentious) dialogue doesn't make character's cool? And when are they going to stop pretending having characters act far less capable than we know they are is a good way to boost other characters?
>doesn't make character's cool?
Meant "pretending it does make characters cool"
>all we know about her is she's a fighter
I say!
she's also like
really close with the woods n shit
you know what I mean man
How can someone watch something like chamber of frozen blades and her parents and think any part of nuAT compares?
The amount of tumblr filenames speaks wonders about this faggot dumping
>tumbwer! haha :D
Adventure Time is garbage
Only emotionally stunted and immature tumblrettes like it
That’s right, LSP raped Finn. I though I repressed that.
HW turns into a log every night. You can't snuggle a log.
> having characters act far less capable than we know they are
Never has a truer sentence been trued.
Especially Jake, in the beginning he was Finn's sidekick. He mightve been even alittle more powerful than Finn, but in the past couple seasons hes just dead weight.
nigga fuck you
Of course you can
I wonder what Huntress Wizard's Genderbent equivalent in Fionna and Cake looks like
Defense force
Because PB is unironically a psychopathic manipulator and huntress wizard is a good person.
Harems not allowed
woah who the fuck made this?