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Yes by banning reviews, shilling it constantly, and pissing off anyone who dose not care for it. Just like a highschool drama teacher and Macbeth.


Blind Item #2

"Talk about being jealous. This review site has been taking heat for the promised bad reviews about to flood its site of this upcoming superhero movie which is going to make tons and tons of money. It might even make $200M the first weekend. Why would it do this? The site is owned by a rival studio/comic book series. Oh, and making sure all of the bad reviews and trying to link bad reviews to the soon to be blockbuster is this cable news network owned by the same movie studio."


Wasn't Thor Shakespearan as well?

I mean it's true

>meanwhile Kenneth Branaugh and Anthony Hopkins cry


"Shilling" it? What the absolute fuck are you talking about you literal in-real-life retard? Is a movie studio supposed to not advertise their movie or something?

But does it bring a much-needed levity to the Marvel cinematic universe?