What went so wrong... aside from no X-Men?
What went so wrong... aside from no X-Men?
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Shitty fanfic story, lazy menus/art, shameless DLC greed, and CAPCOM characters are shit. But you could tie everything back to CAPCOM
They thought they can treat Sup Forums the same way they treat Sup Forums.
Obviously low budget
Reusing assets from MvC3 but making them shittier
Worse music than MvC3
Story is drivel where you fight lame ultronbots for most of it
I swear the UI looks like a bootleg
Everything already mentioned, as well as the worst voice acting I've heard in a modern game.
>Oh my God, what's wrong with your FAAAAAAAAAAAACE?
shitty art style, apparently the story is god awful, too many assets from mvc3, no assets from mvc3 that people would've wanted, too few newcomers no 3vs3 mode frankensteining the old xmen and f4 movesets into new and blander characters and all the new characters are dlc.
dude looks like he just had some crack
bad roster
bad art
bad follow up to the much better MVC3
Thunder stolen by DBF and Injustice 2 was a better fan crossover game than it.