Disney Parks

Got accepted into the Disney College Program yesterday to work as a chef during the food and wine festival.

Any tips for someone who has never been behind the scenes before?

Also general Disney Parks thread. The thread died way too fast yesterday

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Retired Skipper here. Don't show your penis to the princesses, that can get you in a lot of trouble.

If you work as a chef, you won't be near the main degeneracy garbage. That's usually reserved for the rank and file employees, especially the costumed folk.

Why would you show your penis to the Princesses anyways? I don't think they like that sort of thing.

I did mine two and a half years ago and had the time of my life. Great group of friends and we'd go to the park most days we were off. It's like 90% girls and 5% gay guys, so a straight guy can really clean up. Or get married. That happens quite frequently too.

I took the buses from housing and went to each of the resorts. Snuck in and tried all the pools. And when I just felt like chilling, I'd go to the lobby of the Grand Floridian and just sit back with a good book. Fun times.

Yeah yeah that's what my managers said too.

Shoulda listened to them. Better yet you shoulda known not to do that.

>It's like 90% girls and 5% gay guys, so a straight guy can really clean up. Or get married. That happens quite frequently too.

This is the secret to success. Not a Disney employee but a camp counselor working with kids who have health issues. You can genuinely get a lot of play just by being an attractive and good person and working out regularly.

>You can genuinely get a lot of play just by being attractive
And in other breaking news, water is wet!