Trump says "Stop it." Will you?

Alright, so Trump finally turned to the camera and told his supporters to stop committing hate crimes.
He said it. "Stop it."

So, as footsoldiers of the alt-right, do you plan to follow that order?

Do you intend to stop harassing and hating african-americans, mexican-americans, Muslims, and any other minority?

Are you prepared to put your prejudices aside, so that we may all come together as equals, and Make America Great Again?

Answer truthfully. This is important.

Other urls found in this thread:

>believing Trump supporters are the ones doing shit like that
>Not the libtards to make Trump supporters look bad

Post link faggot.

Except that it isn't his supporters

It seems unlikely that all of these incidents would rise from a liberal conspiracy.
Furthermore, is it not this board that so zealously pushes white supremacy and speaks so horribly of other races?
Here's a piece on the interview, and the interview itself is likely only a click or so away.

Is he referring to the current wave of nigger related punching storms?

That and some people seem unaware that hate crimes didn't first come into existence when Obama won in 2008. But it's easy to stop something I never did, and it'll be easy for the majority of the God Emperor's supporters to do the same.

I have never committed unprovoked actions against any people or niggers.

Sup Forums is part of the priesthood of KeK. Fealty to the God emperor is optional for us, for Trump is the Messiah, brought forth by KeK our true lord.

This is the Presithood Rising, and Dahnald would do best to allow it.

>Furthermore, is it not this board that so zealously pushes white supremacy and speaks so horribly of other races?

no your looking for reddit.

You both look like shit.

The only way to live in our current society is to be as complacent as possible. I'll happily watch both sides tear each other apart in our upcoming civil war.

Have you actually established that Trump supporters are going around committing acts of hate?

Further more, your post seems to bet that people on Sup Forums themselves have committed acts of hate.

Can you verify this?

This is literally "I admonish you" all over again.

He knows it's bullshit. We know it's bullshit.

ConspiracyTard ALERT!

Bitter truth: Reddit memed Trump into office. Sup Forums was largely a liability. Reddit took the few good things Sup Forums did and made it mainstream. Sup Forums's racism has fuled the worst alt-right memes, the same memes the media and Soros has been able to use so effectively to stir up chaos.

Sup Forums bros - Trump wants you to accept all races. ALL LEGAL CITIZENS. Why do you defy your so-called God Emperor?


Over 300 acts of hate have been reported since he won the election, so yes.

How do Trump supporters look as bad? The argument is that they aren't doing any of this?

Being in the middle isn't the same as being clever. You seem to me little ore than an idiot with no lot in any of this who speaks because he has to say something, while thoughtful people have something to say.

I want to jet ski there.

>telling the truth makes someone a conspiracy tard.
This why the left is losing on all fronts, so delusional they can't have a rational discussion. Please continue to be hostile to all who oppose you, it works wonderfully.

what is this bizzaro world?

more than 300 (((((((((((acts of hate))))))))) take place on this one site daily
it's literally fucking nothing but the media trying to drop his public approval ratings

A good portion of these Reports have been proven fake. I could site a few examples if need be.

I don't commit hate crimes you fucking retard. I don't protest either, only fools would waste their energy on that

I go on racist antisemitic rants and post frog pictures on an anonymous Yak herding imageboard

Actually it does, because if Trump supporters were fucking with muds and spice, they'd all be bragging about it here.

Thisis THE troll HQ, and all we've got are liberal salt threads.

The fact that you retaliate when someone disagrees with something you assert is truth without proof is telling of your state of mind.


Have they been verified to be true? Sargon mentioned a few n one of his recent videos, one of the more famous ones turning out to b e fake.

You need to verify that they aren't false flags, which are common place in the left. You need to then verify that they are committed by Trump supporters. And then, you need to weigh them against the far more numerous acts of hate against white people by niggers.

they aren't actually happening

Ha. I'm not Jewish. That whole "Jew" thing makes Sup Forums look like babbling cucks from Kentucky trailer parks.

When women speak, it's your job to listen, shitlord.

ill never stop until the 1000 year reich is firmly established

Would be lit senpai

>How do Trump supporters look as bad?
Your fucking god emperor had to tell them to stop it.

>Being in the middle isn't the same as being clever.
I'm not trying to be clever, i'm trying to be a real person.

And this place is not the real world. Meme/ironic racism is okay, real racism is not.

>Ha. I'm not Jewish.

There are no Trump supporters doing anything wrong. There are Trump opponents beating innocent people on video and it is not being reported. The fight is not over and you will be ash.

>acts of hate have been reported

How completely new are you? You smell new in general, but you also talk down to us like someone who is posting in their first thread.

Can't stop what you didn't start though

I've been ready since Day 1.

It's you guys spamming false flags and having hissy fits that aren't.

It was never trump supporters, it was hillary supporters pretending to be kkk to make trump look bad.

Yes, I will stop doing those things that I was not doing; absolutely I will, I'm not a fucking hate-filled bigot

300 unproven (many proven false) acts of hate vs video footage of trump supporters being beaten?

>Says this shit, probably believes in cultural relativism.

Nope, now were playing by Saudi rules. No one gives a fuck about your half testimony. Tits or GTFO

White people ARE niggers.

So....are you saying it's a conspiracy?

>the protesters are paid
>but le racist sexist bigots assaulting people are genuine and must stop
flip flop flip flop

>Your fucking god emperor had to tell them to stop it.
We haven't verified that it has actually happened as reported. Lets wait for some tangible evidence.

What we can verify is hate against white Trump supporters.

>I'm not trying to be clever, i'm trying to be a real person.
>LOL imagine if these stupid idiots just killed eachother xD
>I'm above it all
You're a person alright. A petulant one.

>real racism is not.
And why is that?

I've followed this place for a long time and post now and then. Honestly, you guys have some good ideas but how do you not suffer from massive cognitive dissonance over Trump's positive views of gays, blacks, and etc. You guys are literally making no sense.


No, they pressured him on air, and he said "anyone doing that, stop."

Meanwhile tens of thousands of libshits are rioting and openly attacking people and Democrats everywhere are encouraging it. There are no videos of these supposed hate attacks, but dozens of videos of Democrats chomping out abdbattacking people. We objectively have the moral high ground here.

Trump humbled himself before God by apologizing for something that wasn't his fault. Watch what happens next to the Democrats and their rioters. Come on guys, the story isn't over yet.

Yeah you guys are good boys you dindu nuffin its the liberals who are the racist ones

>Doing/liking/saying/enjoying things ironically is okay
I wish you would just die.

I've seen 300 acts of hate in a single Sup Forums thread

> Do you intend to stop harassing and hating african-americans, mexican-americans, Muslims, and any other minority?

No, get out of my country.


>Alright, so Trump finally turned to the camera and told his supporters to stop committing hate crimes.

Other then unsubstantiated Twitter posts from butthurt Hillary voters, what evidence is there of Trump supporters committing any hate crimes?

>LOL imagine if these stupid idiots just killed eachother xD
>I'm above it all
Yeah, pretty much. I'm not seeing any problem with me feeling this way. Fuck your war, Sun and Moon comes out on friday, that shit's much more important.

If you need to be told why racism is bad, you need to go back to school. As in, elementary school. Hell, pre-school.

Well we're all gonna die someday, user. It's inevitable. Someday you'll get your wish.

by hate do you mean autism?

come on man. you can post real home invasion killings from this month alone without making shit up. you have never even read that picture have you?

>White people ARE niggers.
No, they factually aren't.

I'm saying that on the ground level a lot of people a lying. Like that chick that came out and said that her Muslim friend had a knife pulled out on her, and mother that claimed that an old woman said "you can't wear a hijab anymore or we'll hang you from it". Just two popular incidents, the former being proven to be fictitious, and the later having nothing to back it up.

A lot of this has resulting in no charges or arrests, so I ask you, should we take the pleas of the left as fact with impunity, or should we learn from our mistakes and ignore them until the present something worth reviewing?

A conspiracy? No. A bunch of hysterical lying cunts? Yes.

I'm going to report you to the FBI for threatening to rape me.

Enjoy prison

Nope. Just a fact that liberals lie constantly to make themselves look like the victim and the media selectively covers events to push a narrative.

If you would like to disprove this, find me one piece of actual footage of these hate attacks that supposedly occur in broad daylight.

Stop the made up stories about innocent liberals being beat up by white supremacist trump voters?
or the hundreds of liberal rioters?
Think you're asking the wrong crowd.
We're over here happy as fuck, I'm throwing no tantrums

>the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

>300 unproven (many proven false) acts of hate vs video footage of trump supporters being beaten?

The very existence of fact-checkers has been proven false. You are all Soros shills, phony appeals to authority with not enough inside information to know up from down.

Go look up the origin of the word and tell me that doesn't accurately describe the average hillbilly.

>If you need to be told why racism is bad, you need to go back to school.
Not an argument.
Tell me, why is racism bad?

he actually told the press to stop making shit up. and turned to the camera and said it. Sup Forums is fucking stupid as shit.

no we're just an interesting cartoon board

>be on planet where everyone in civilization carries a camera in their pocket
>hundreds of supposed crimes by Trump supporters
>0 videos



>Not an argument.

I wasn't arguing, i was stating a fact. I don't argue with idiots. I'm just here to read your dreck and feel better about myself.

I was cracking on mexicans all day when the results came in and my boy said "adios hombre" when some Mexican was leaving. But yeah it got played out after a while and I urge others to stop as Trump is a president of unification not division.

Nobody here has been doing anything. 90% of us are neets who live with their parents and rarely venture outside. Also Id wager that these attacks are false flags perpetrated by liberals.

No peace.

thats not even what he was talking about. he was telling the press to knock off the bullshit.

The MSM has to double down on framing the right so they won't be seen as frauds after the election. The false flags will only get worse, and attention whores will latch on to get their piece of the pie. This is pretty much gamergate all over again, except now half the country is Zoe Quinn and Brianna Wu, and the entire MSM is kotaku and polygon.

>why is racism bad

>Alright, so Trump finally turned to the camera and told his supporters to stop committing hate crimes.
He said it. "Stop it."

In the interview he got conftronted with it and he says he didn't know about it and can't believe it. But if it would be right he would tell them to "stop it"

You take it as a fact and call it on the alt-right immediately.
Are you the joker in your class?
>Answer truthfully. This is important.


Sup Forums was right

330 million people.
300 acts of hate.
Holy shit! It's an epidemic!!!

>Trump never said it
>We've done nothing
Just a bunch of "Hey rabbi"s lying about their friend of a friend getting culturally purified.

And gamergate was a supreme waste of time for everyone involved and accomplished nothing. We're off to a good start here.

You aren't telling me the answer.
Why is racism bad?
It sounds like you can't prove it's bad so you're deflecting. Surely you can prove it's bad right? Prove it to me, why is racism bad?

>Furthermore, is it not this board that so zealously pushes white supremacy and speaks so horribly of other races?
The majority of people who come here do not actually hold these beliefs in real life. I talk about the zionist jew conspiracy and zog governments here all the time but dont believe a fucking word of it. Dont take Sup Forums seriously you fool.

The international rootless cosmopolitan puppet masters do not listen to the opinions of the puppet.

no he winked at the camera

See user, there's this thing called "human decency". I advise you investigate it.


>I've followed this place for a long time and post now and then.
I'll take your word for it. Normally I can smell a normie, but whatever.

> Honestly, you guys have some good ideas but how do you not suffer from massive cognitive dissonance over Trump's positive views of gays, blacks, and etc

If we saw our only means to power in people who totally agree with us then we wouldn't get anywhere.

>You guys are literally making no sense.

Your grievance is based on the straw man that we are riled up that Trump isn't some kind of Hitler loving KKK endorsing freak.

>Yeah, pretty much. I'm not seeing any problem with me feeling this way.
You claim that you are being a real person, and yet conflict doesn't worry you i the slightest. You are being an edgelord, and I don't care to hear you reasons for why this isn't true.

>Fuck your war, Sun and Moon comes out on friday, that shit's much more important.

This is why you aren't very clever. You don't actually understand what's going on. Not nearly enough to have an opinion worth listening to. If this is how you feel, then fuck off. If you feel like getting attention, rather than talking out of your ass, go on /r9k/ and tell them how your day has been. Talk about you "Sun and Moon" bullshit ITT if you must, just don't pretend to have something worth saying.

>feel better about yourself
i guess getting cucked by jamal gets depressing after a while

>So, as footsoldiers of the alt-right
ha ha ha

We never supported any shit like that. We want everyone to have EQUAL rights, because we know whites/jews/east asians will put in the work needed to thrive under equality.

What we're against is Equity rights, which is what SJW is all about. Abolish racial quotas, abolish affirmative action, get that racist shit OUT of our society.

No mention of black people in the article. Implying four black people did it.

Hahaha, just a spooky conspiracy theory! False flags could NEVER happen IRL you dumb Drumpftards.


You're a fucking waste of oxygen, you know that? Kill yourself.