Is he the best solo villain movie in MCU thus far? What did he do right that other characters like Justin Hammer...

Is he the best solo villain movie in MCU thus far? What did he do right that other characters like Justin Hammer, Kaecilius, Whiplash, or Ronan did wrong?

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good design villain trapped in a shit movie

It's criminal how often this happens.

Hammer, Whiplash, Kaecilius, and Ronan only exist because the narratives in which they appear *require* antagonists.

MCU movies are "character pieces" wherein the protagonists biggest issue is usually themselves instead of an outside force. Tony, Strange, Thor, and even Spider-Man, all suffer from inflated egos, hubris and have to learn (and relearn) humility, trust and the like.

And that's what Feige and Marvel Studios prioritizes over whether or not a villain is compelling. As long as they think the protagonist is compelling, that's all that really matters.

Now, why did Adrian Toomes work when compared to the examples above? I think, in part, the low stakes of his movie is part of it; Toomes isn't trying to destroy the world, or some large scale equivalent, so he doesn't have forced motivation that doesn't resonate with the amount of damage he's attempting to inflict. By playing closer to the ground, so to speak, we can identify with Toomes more so than we can with someone attempting to blow up the world because they had a bad day that one time.

I thought Yellowjacket was good.

Anyway to answer your question, OP, it was several factors. You could sympathize somewhat with the guy, he was smart by trying to lay low, and he had a clear character arc going from a down on his luck business man to a ruthless criminal willing to protect what he earned.

>he had a clear character arc going from a down on his luck business man to a ruthless criminal willing to protect what he earned.

that arc was finished like 10 minutes into the movie though

Not really. Before he was all about being under the radar, and didn't really want to kill anyone. However we quickly saw Toomes become casual with murder, and got more and more ambitious with each deal

If they actually gave Mads more screen time and scenes, him explaining his reasoning (wishing for people to live forever rather than fearing death, since his wife died IIRC) would have made him far more fleshed out as a counter to the Ancient One's teaching. A shame they didn't go through with it.

Ban live action threads

Ban faggots who shit up long acceptable cape movie threads.

The best MCU villain is Tony.

They did a really good job at making the Iron Man suit intimidation here.

Amazing acting. Keaton stole every scene he was in. The tense atmosphere in the kitchen and car scenes was probably better than any of the grand, high-stakes showdowns we've seen in the other Marvel films.

Adrian Toomes works because of the actor. Michael Keaton nailed it with his performance, that's it.

Both Hammer and Whiplash's actors made the best of their characters and Ronan served his purpose as a completely serious Kree supremacist. Kaecilius was indeed underwritten as fuck but the real bar for shit MCU villains is Malekith.

You guys think they'll ever go full villain Tony?

I wish, but Civil War is as close as we're going to get.
If he doesn't die in an Infinity movie, he's just going to be a background character who shows up now and then.


keaton is a god tier actor so he did an actually good job in the movie instead of just collecting a pay check.

-Has a personality.
-Has a relatable social background.
-His reactions to certain events (getting scared shitless about the though of attracting the Avengers attention thanks to his stupid teammate) come off as natural and the moments when he interacts with the rest of the cast are great.
-The "hero" and his friends are fucking annoying.

I can sum it up in that he's an actual character and not just a villain. The motivation is just a plus.
Really, your villain can be bent on world domination or on stealing a puppy but if you don't put effort into making him part of the cast or at least making him entertaining none of that matters.

He had backstory and motivation. Not just, "I'm evil now!"

>hey heres a really cool and relevant reimagining of a classic villian
>SIKE its just a actor, pretty clever hu guys

don't forget about the awesome costume