ITT: People who've lost all credibility during this election year

ITT: People who've lost all credibility during this election year

Nate Silver.


this fatass

That fat gross bitch (all female comedians).

He never had any credibility.

You mean Nate Zinc?

>Nate Zinc
>Nate Bronze
>Nate Aluminum
>Nate Sodium
>Nate Boron
>Nate Beta Particle
>Nate Cardboard
>Nate Iodine
>Nate Quartz
>Nate Toiletpaper
>Nate Garbagecan
>Nate Poopoo (in loo)
>Nate Aint Great At Betting the Rate
>Nate Diatomaceous Earth
>Nate Cubic Zirconium
>Nate Cyanide
>Nate "If being with her is wrong then babe I dont want to be right"
>Nate Nil-ver
>Nate Rust
>Nate Plywood
>Nate OrientedStrandBoard
>Nate MDF
>Nate Sand
>Nate Copper
>Nate Vacuum
>Nate Nain
>Nate Shillver


Ellen isn't fat.


He let his jewish heritage get in the way of truth. Unforgivable in his line of work.


CNN's entire roster.


He still bases his opinions on truth, and is willing to change his opinion if he's wrong.

Just, stop being such a fucking faggot, OP. education isnt difficult.

Lesley Jones, Robert De Niro, Amy Schumer


that cuck had any?

James Comey for pulling back out of the Clinton investigation after only a few days of reviewing the new emails they got access to.

well, just his name implies he isn't the best at what he does, so we shouldn't be surprised

except Hannity..he actually went +1

There was barely even a review. It was just a way too jerk Sup Forums off for a few hours.

Those two front teeth are fucking disgusting. Really solidifies the stereotype that bongs have shit teeth.


Hannity had any credibility at any point in his absolute waste of a life?


This sad fool
"You think its yours goyim!?!?!?NOO it doesnt belonge to YOU!!"


Your ticket to FEMA camp has been reserved.

>hates corporations
>hates Wall Street
>hates war mongering
>wants jobs to come back to America
Endorses Hillary Clinton....