Why does Sup Forums still believe Trump will bring back the jobs when 1. he won't and 2. if he does they'll most likely be automated? Also what makes you think Trump can just get out of NAFTA?
Why does Sup Forums still believe Trump will bring back the jobs when 1. he won't and 2. if he does they'll most likely be automated? Also what makes you think Trump can just get out of NAFTA?
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Stop crying
Marxists shouldn't have a say in anything.
Why not?
but can he destroy a Treadmill?
>marxist utterly destroys
every nation they touch
Canada and Mexico said they'll talk to Trump about NAFTA.
What does Jason being fat have to do with anything? This is literally a personal attack.
It's already started faggot
And what jobs are coming back?
And Canada is the only one we care about.
Because they've been wrong about everything.
Only thing Marxists destroy is societies.
Yes, you didn't watch the video and are merely attacking Jason based on nothing.
how many times are you going to post this thread?
This guy is like 37 and still lives at home in his mom's basement.
Everyone has read Marx faggot, it's only morons that stopped at the first book in economic theory.
No he doesn't. Jason makes a good living off Youtube plus he has a gas station job. He was only living with his mom for a brief time in 2013 when he was awaiting trial for assaulting his former landlord.
How did he get so fat? Not everyone is fat like him. Is he getting more then everyone else? That isn't communism.
you post so much about Jason it is strange man go learn about some other dudes. Lots of cool youtube channels
He's a maoist. They aren't marxists. As a marxist I would like nothing more than for capitalists to kill every single one of them.
Jason is being attacked by youtube. That's how much of a threat he is.
He has real health issues, like being addicted to refined sugars.
Lol who gives a fuck dude is a bumbling water buffalo
You are not a Marxist. You are a First Worldist aka revisionist. There has never been a communist revolution in the First World and no one in the First World will wage revolution if they're making 60k a month as a construction worker.
Go to bed Jason.
>implying we believed Trump would actually do anything
We just wanted to see butthurt fags. You're seriously an idiot if you think Presidents, Prime Ministers, ect. are anything more then a distraction/puppet.
I'm not Jason. Jason lives in Canada while I'm clearly AmeriKKKan.
Why does this asshole sound so nervous in every video? Also this idiot believes in historical determinism but completely disregards the fact that inflation was originally defined as the inflation in the money supply and accuses the Austrians of redefining the word.
Jason here watch me take this chink dick!
That lard ass eats enough to feed the entire proletariat for a year.
I don't know. I'm not his psychiatrist.
>Also this idiot believes in historical determinism
No he doesn't. He rejects dialectics on the basis that they're unable to be proven logically.
>completely disregards the fact that inflation was originally defined as the inflation in the money supply and accuses the Austrians of redefining the word.
>Marxist utterly destroys country
Ftfy OP
stop posting these threads
Shut up, jason.
That's because he's addicted to junk food, specifically refined sugars and Burger King. He literally can't help it. It's like heroin for him.
>I don't know. I'm not his psychiatrist.
Why are you replying as if I'm speaking to you? Either you're him or he asked you to post his shit.
>if he does they'll most likely be automated
Automats in China and Mexico must run for less.
what kind of name is jason.
Hey did you guys know jason likes refined sugers.
Commie BTFO
That's my point: the jobs aren't coming back. Trump can't demand all the outsourced factories come back to Amerikkkan soil. If he did that would be infringing upon property rights.
WTF? Any legitimate Marxist would welcome Trump as he would lead to a unified coalition of the worker and a global revolution of gomunism.
Jason go to bed
LOL jewism
Marxist dialectics and historical determinism literally make believe that never worked.
It's tailor-made to fit to reflecting the change of industrial revolution(transfer of power from aristocracy to bourgeois) but sucks at everything else, hence why it never worked irl.
He will be executed with the bourgeoisie come the revolution and you will be mouth raped.
Jason stop posting
Communism was never Jewish. Marx hated Jews and the Bolsheviks did whatever they could to forcefully assimilate Jews because Jews are not a nation.
>All those down thumbs
It's weird hearing a maoist defend free trade agreements
why is everyone posting McChickens(TM)?
omg i wish I had a McChicken(TM) right now
Jason is hated by most of the internet because he speaks the truth. Youtube has been trying to demonetize his vids on North Korea, Syria and 9/11 being an inside job.
>Communism was never Jewish.
“Himself a Jew, Marx has around him, in London and France, but especially in Germany, a multitude of more or less clever, intriguing, mobile, speculating Jews, such as Jews are every where: commercial or banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades, with one foot in the bank, the other in the socialist movement, and with their behinds sitting on the German daily press — they have taken possession of all the newspapers — and you can imagine what kind of sickening literature they produce. Now, this entire Jewish world, which forms a single profiteering sect, a people of blooksuckers, a single gluttonnous parasite, closely and intimately united not only across national borders but across all differences of political opinion — this Jewish world today stands for the most part at the disposal of Marx and at the same time at the disposal of Rothschild. I am certain that Rothschild for his part greatly values the merits of Marx, and that Marx for his part feels instinctive attraction and great respect for Rothschild.
This may seem strange. What can there be in common between Communism and the large banks? Oh! The Communism of Marx seeks enormous centralization in the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which. speculates on the work of the people, will always find a way to prevail ....”
He's not defending them. He's just saying Trump can't leave them.
He's a fatass and you're defending him for that lmao
For me, it's the mcchicken.The best fast food sandwich out there.
>funny meme XD
Who cares if he's fat? Can you debunk his arguments?
Your entire head will fit between Jason's asscheeks without even touching his butthole.
Honestly man, I know you actually want to debate politics here, but to be honest Sup Forums isn't the place to really do that, go to /his/ or /lit/ or something
not an argument
It's past your bedtime Jason.
>Can you debunk his arguments?
No one in this thread has provided any arguments outside of personal attacks on Jason for being a Marxist and fat.
Then do it. Explain why Jason is wrong about Trump.
the left under the neo cons like the bushes:
>no global! think about the workers! reeeee
the left under trump:
>there's no way that globablism can be reversed, we better off anyway
fucking hate you all. become race realists and join us or prepare your neck for the day of the rope :)
Jason is a fat slob
>Then do it. Explain why Jason is wrong about Trump.
Because his bones are 100% lard.
Or y'know... He's retarded.
That's because he's an addict. He's a very logical man but addictions destroy rationality.
cucked by the food jew lmao
He has no self-control in this matter. But that shouldn't matter. Care to produce a real argument?
Marxists can't destroy anything, except maybe their own credibility
>Care to produce a real argument?
rich assholes move the industry out of the country you despise so much and move it to china, vietnam, mexico, guatamela, they create unemployment and use children as slaves to make they overprice products.
the democratic party is not the workers party anynore. maybe, and i repeat, maybe, there's a chance that the republican party will become a nationalistic yet pro labour party under trump.
>a fence is ok i guess lol haha
>Illegal immigrants have broken the law and must be deported
>Oh did I say all of them? I just meant the ones that had committed more than TWO crimes haha..
>Bill is a rapist and Hillary is a criminal, we need to end their dynasty and lock her up
>I love the Clintons, they're good people. I think we should all thank Secretary Clinton for her great work serving our country.
>Supreme Court justices could repeal Roe v Wade and gay marriage laws; the choice would be with the individual states.
>Did I say that? Lmao no I love gays and I love abortion, the laws stay. When I said that my judge appointments would be conservative I didn't mean actually traditionalist lmao I just meant, like, uh, Republican and stuff.. yknow
>Repeal Obamacare!
Unbelievably cucked, I can't believe that he would do something like this, doesnt he know how angry his supporters are going to get when they realise what he's done?
desu senpai this guy could solve the third world hunger crisis if he halved his daily calorie intake
he said you can't just teleport jobs back but if trump could develop a teleportation device than he actually could do that and it would not be that hard.
The Democrats are a corporate party as are the Republicans. Trump can't bring jobs back even if he wanted to. The falling rate of profit gives these businesses no reason to come back.
>fat boy nobody marxist lectures president elect and his voters on sharing
He cant stop himself, every single day, from eating too much food. But he can tell you the best form of government.
He's literally addicted to junk food. He can't stop. That's how addictions work.
Marxists can't destroy anything other than functioning society's and economy's.
has he tried exercise?
Exercise never works.
Thats because trump supporters think that america is #1 and that the usa rule the world.
What a bunch of retards.
YouTube was a mistake
this, also check
>really gets the neurons firing
this desu
Jason has to tuck his belly under his chin to take a piss.