Why can't you artists realise that nationalism has become obsolete and belongs in the past? What we need to work towards now is uniting the human race under a single government that works for the benefit of all of mankind.
Why can't you artists realise that nationalism has become obsolete and belongs in the past...
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not until america owns it all
Are you jewish or something
Fuck off. If we let all the r selected dictate what happens we are going global communism immediately. Seriously, go fuck yourself.
Well America is a democratic country where all peoples of the world congregate. Considering this its hilarious how Americans are moving towards nationalism.
fuck off trudeau
You can have a World Gov't...when you bring us Soros' head.
No I'm not. What do Jews even have to do with this?
Niggers arent human
Yes they are whether they are inferior to other human races or not.
>a single government
Horrid idea
How? Humanity should be united. The constant conflict between us should come to an end. Nationalism and tribal behaviour is what fuels this very conflict. Tibet vs China, Israel vs Palestine, Ukraine vs Russia. All meaningless endeavours.
i'll be honest with you an ideal one world government would allow humans to definetly reach out into the stars is probably needed if we have any plans of leaving planet earth anytime soon. but the problem is there are too many different races,cultures,and etc atm. there is no possible way you could unite all these different people in your lifetime. so yes its something science fiction-like that probably won't happen in our lifetime. this is assuming we human beings don't nuke ourselves out of existence due to wars over resources. i have nothing against a world government but its like a fairy tale. it just won't happen. as long as there are tribal people living the sahara and remote places you can't really call it a world government. we have to literally unite every demographic into one which just won't happen for now.
why can't you transcend time and live in the moment you self serving meat puppet
its actually a great idea.
i mean there is no way we'll leave this planet earth anytime soon while we are fighting each other.
if we truly wish to become an enlightened space travelling civilization we'll have to put aside all out petty differences. the problem is the closest things we have to a world government right now aren't really free of subversion or corruption. an ideal world government would allow us humans to pool all our resoruces together to accomplish great things.sadly it won't happen within our lifetime. this is again assuming we don't nuke ourselves to oblivion
Regardless of idealism, it's a stupid idea. Good luck harmonizing all the disparaging and antithetical ideologies, not to mention shit like race and sexuality. ME muslims won't work alongside other religions, and would actively try to kill gays, Christians wouldn't enjoy being near Buddhists, and East Asians, as a whole, prefer to remain largely insular.
OP redpilled AF. Lots of anime actually. Jews fear the samurai for good reason. I became more of a NatSoc then a Green guy after spending a few years buried in shoujo.
Ok so we kill of every one but USA then we rebuild the world as USA many leafs will die
I don't think you understand that everything will one day die. You, your children, this planet, companies, charities, religions, our sun, our galaxy, and of course, our governments.
Now, tell me; what happens when a government dies? Usually: civil unrest, economic turbulence, and potentially civil war. While we have multiple nations, each may rise and fall separate from the rest, however, with a global government, the inevitable collapse of one regime to give to another, will lead likely, to balkanization and global war. So, you have not only gone back to where you started, but most likely, also killed millions in the process. Good job, you fucking fascist.
Pls b my ai gf
I agree with you.
Except I want people who are highly ethical, strong, disciplined, and compassionate to be in charge. If you are shilling foworld government now, you are none of things I want, and should therefore die in a ditch.
The reason we have as much advancements as we do is literally because of all the time we have spent fighting each other. The initial rocket tech came from Nazi Germany looking to bomb places without risking pilots, and putting people into space and on the moon came about from the Cold War.
Not so fast kikelord
You will be the first to go.
>an ideal world government would allow us humans to pool all our resoruces together to accomplish great things
We already do that, through trade
You are not sounding very enlightened
>put aside all out petty differences
You do know that I can come to a mutual agreement with my neighbor to not shit on each others doorsteps, without having to move in together.
thats the problem even though wars do improve technology so far when will it stop? if we keep getting better and better weapons eventually won't we just exterminate our entire race? so thats why before we have another major war we find a way off this rock.
>uniting the human race under a single government that works for the benefit of all of mankind
This means lowering our life standards drastically so no thank you.
Now piss off.
Yeah have one world government that installs vassal governments in every pre-established nation because it's impossible to control the whole world from one source of power and end up in the exact same situation except each government is more unstable and untrustworthy.
>reason we have as much advancements as we do is literally because of all the time we have spent fighting each other
>rocket tech came from Nazi Germany looking to bomb places without risking pilots
This is actually why we advance, because we want an easier, cheaper, or safer way to do something, that desire may come from a military at war, or from consumers wanting a better standard of living.
good job you autist
>when will it stop
When a single government controls everything. Because then there is no conflict to motivate people. You don't seem to get that conflict=motivation at it's most basic level. Biology and evolution are predicated on the idea that adaption means survival, that out thinking or out fighting your opponent is to survive and win, and humans have just moved it to a massive scale. Just about every major advancement, from airplane tech (yes I'm aware that the Wright bros invented airplanes before WW1, the technology didn't take off, if you'll excuse the pun, until WW1 was partially underway), to radios, to the internal combustion engine, to major advances in medicine, to rocketry, to computers all came about as a direct result of war. Technology and ingenuity come about as a result of conflict.
The threat on your life or the threat of a slightly pricier item, which is greater motivation?
I want Japanese anime to be Japanese
Korean music to be Korean
French festivals to be French
German beer to be German
Globalists spit in the face of history and tradition where the little history we do have, is the only history we can look at and say "We came from there"
I would be all in for a Earth-wide government if we had to participate in galactic politics,otherwise it's pointless.
>At war
How do I kill the other guy, so he doesn't kill me?
Pretty strong motivator
>At peace
What could I offer, that would have enormous demand from consumers, to make me one of the richest men on the planet, so that I may live like a demigod?
Pretty strong motivator
The the main problem with globalists like yourself is that you are oblivious to human nature.
Under a world government there will be more civil wars and conflict than you can even imagine.
The best countries in the world will be flooded by the lowest common denominators.
Instead of having first world and third world countries the entire world will become a shithole somewhere in between.
Countries are the physical manifestations of the cultures and people who live in them, which is why Japan is Japan and Ethiopia is Ethiopia.
If you swapped their populations around, Japan would become a shithole in less than 20 years and Ethiopia would become one of the most powerful nations on the planet.
The only ones that would benefit from this is the elites, for the average person this would be a nightmare.
>How do I kill the other guy, so he doesn't kill me?
>Pretty strong motivator
Try "how do I contribute to the effort of preventing not only the loss of my life, but the loss of my family's lives and the loss of my culture" vs "how can I best bilk the money from these idiots." Capitalism has many benefits, but it's main strength has always been in marketing rather than innovating. Don't get me wrong, it definitely drives innovation, but war is a much stronger motivator.
Daily reminder the future pirate king is most likely a Trump supporter. His "will of D" is nothing more than his sworn war against the jews after their intoxication from a momentary win through morally bankrupt methods. After that, alongside the cuck kingdoms who sided with them, they formed the world government and the navy. At the end of the day they're only hurting themselves. The seas aren't free anymore, people are always fighting for their rights no matter what. The great national treasure in Mariejois will be thoroughly defeated after Monkey D. Luffy goes to Raftel and sends the entire world into chaos.
Remember this celestial dragons... or should I say THE JEWS: your time is up. You're not going to dominate this world with your LIES for much longer. It's time for the pirate king to set this world straight.
To add to your point
Innovations come more easily and rapidly when there is higher demand. This is basic economics. Where and when there is demand there will be supply.
War creates a lot of demand and so innovators will supply with increased motivation.
Fuuuuck you.
Sure war may be stronger to a degree, but at what cost? Your resources are wasted on munitions, driving up the cost of living for civilians, reducing innovation in regards to consumer goods, and putting yourself at risk of defeat. Sure, you'll get brilliant new technologies faster than in peace, but was it worth it? Was the marginal increase in tech, worth the marginal cost in your nations happiness and standard of living? Was it worth the opportunity cost of devoting your brightest minds to weapons tech, rather than what they would otherwise choose to peruse?
Because power = corruption. Worldwide coordinated power = worldwide coordinated corruption.
It's a matter of which evil do you want? Decentralised evil is slightly better.
You should realise that all systems become corrupt. That is why all living things die and reproduce from a core code. Never assume those in charge can remain pure. They can't. Temptation.
Actually he's a criminal, so he's apolitical.
If your tech is better in the end? Yes.
Marginal tech? In between WW1, WW2, and the Cold War we've jumped massive leaps and bounds. Literally 120 years ago, Calvary units with sabers were commonplace and radios were sci-fi. Now hand-held radios are kids toys, and horses are a relic of the past reserved for rich kids. War might not be pleasant but it's much better than a unified planet devoid of dissenting ideas, slowly trudging through time.
oi fuck you for insulting one piece you leaf
the world nobles are the jews
the navy is the us navy
the 4 emperors are Russia, Iran, North Korea, China
>marginal increase
Worded that poorly, meant it in the economic sense, but that still wasn't used properly. I was trying to to tersely say "addition gains in tech caused by war".
Sure Leaf, I'm sure North Korea would love to own the world in the name of Grorious Reader.
Fundamental flaw, one world government - one ideology and not necessarily one you might agree with. Of course, you could always leave and go somewhere- oh wait a minute...
Your desire misleads you. If you force unity then go to the stars we will then have space wars as we factionalize and fight over rare resources. While being on one planet is a risk worth resolving, you can't magic away tribalism. It is natural. Instead I would increase interconnections between places on Earth and let natural cross-pollination occur. Anything forced eventually snaps back (unless you kill them all).
So you'd like to enduring the risk of getting bombed, rationing, and potentially fighting on the front lines?
We won't let that happen!
War is the reason we have anti-biotics, penicillin came about directly as a result of injuries sustained in war. Economic benefits are marginal, depending wildly on the policies of the governing countries, but seriously look at the technological benefits coming out of wars. We have basically not come up with much actually revolutionary ideas since WW2, just improving old ones (albeit wildly).
>ignoring the multiplicities of value and culture systems
A world government simply cant work because people want to be governed differently
Of course it's a fucking Canadian
>our govts are corrupt
>what we need is a one world govt
>surely that will fix things
Not yet. This is not how the world works. We need to work together , but we cannot for at least 200 years.
but no muslims
But not everybody believes thar you can find your own way to the top of the mountain on your own. We have to knock the mountain down to hill size to accommodate everybody
Your philosophy is stupid, and I bet you are stupid
I don't want war, but i recognize it's benefits and if it happens, i better endure.
>as a result of injuries sustained in war
Awesome, you discovered a medication a few decades before you might have otherwise... in exchange for millions dead, and a country in ruin. Terrific deal
Leaf please go
Again probably around 100-200 years worth of innovation in the span of 4 years. All countries involved keep their sovereignty and individual ideologies, there is no forcible compliance with a larger government. The resulting freedom is much better than a 1 world government, even accounting for the deaths suffered, especially when you consider that all the soldiers died to defend their country.
>Millions dead
>Country in ruin
You think countries remain in ruin forever? You think populations remain depleted indefinitely?
>neo liberal
>benefit of all
pick 1
>get rid of all cultures, religions
>get rid of ambitions
>get rid of everything that makes us different and unique
>all to please some faggot leaf's fantasy of being some intergalactic hippie commune
>implying we cant do this while separate nations anyways
Protip: life isn't fun when everyone is the same and you're toiling away for nothing because there is no competition and no strive do no anything.
So one corrupt bunch of self serving assholes can screw everyone more efficiently? Nah.
Literally the whole point of that anime is that the World Government is an immoral organization that is run by elites that allow warlords to destroy kingdoms because it is convenient for them. The protagonist being someone who is after freedom for himself and everyone by breaking these bonds.
Fine, you two seem resolute. Have fun with your war. If the US would ever get into another large war; I'm personally getting the fuck out.
The meek shall inherit the earth....
Wait a minute what war?
war leads to overall less violent deaths and more peace in the long run.
Let's start with at least one government that works for the benefit of most of its constituents as a test program.
I think there's more to the World Government than just being "le ebul globalised fascism". Them forbbiding any knowledge about the Void Century could mean that there's an even bigger player behind them; so they're either trying to protect mankind from that specific person or they're just doing his bidding. Which could explain their actions.
We've already discarded that as possibility. Now we assume that a government by the people will be for the people.
Unfortunately, it seems that the people don't really vote, so the smarter of them end up controlling their worlds and realities and the same thing ends up happening.
The next thing to try is to increase intelligence through extra-cultural methods - ie intelligence amplification at the genetic level. Unfortunately this is met with extreme resistance (eugenics is a dirty word) so now we are trying "progenics", where the unborn would be fashioned such that they are more intelligent, which is also already being met with fear.
It would seem that humans prefer to remain stupid and enslaved no matter the context.
In a truly egalitarian form and heavily based in maximum utilitarian ideal, yes is a good idea, given who is currently behind the reigns on the push for this sort of thing, don't ever do that, do not go full retard.
also there is no reason what so ever that this cant be done in a way in which core racial groups have defined areas with nationalist ideologies, this forced mixing pot shit in the current paradigm is a sure fire way to end up with a low economic threshold slave race that is a uniform shade of light brown governed by high class pure race masters
The Gorosei and Tenryƫbito are fucking Rothschild tier Jews and the Ancient Kingdom was white! WHITE!
There will be justice for the crimes of the Void Century!
The D stands for DAHNALD!
Just like Hitler, stalin, napoleon, mohammed, the british crown and the russian tsar wanted. Good job leaf. Funny how letists have become the baddies so fast.
Holy shit someone is bluepilled as fuck! You need serious help leaf
HAHAHAHA fucking fool! Good goy!
>will of D
>will of Donald
Nationalism itself is what you are looking. Not this my country is the greatest and the rest should fuck off nationalism. We should seek a nationalism where everyone is proud of it's countries achievement and work for the best for one's country and respect and admire other countries for doing so without egocentric views and call those out profiting(abuse) from others. That's what the true spirit of nationalism should be.
Uniting people under a world government will only cause them to lose their (national) identity that's what happening at the moment, people no longer think that they are doing something good for their country/tribe/race(call it what you want) with their work contributing to a greater good seeing the fruit of their work. Forming humanity under a world you might unit humanity, but you will inevitably seperate individuals one from another resulting in even more social instability, it won't be the factor nationality that would seperate them but their jobs/income/social status.
Individuals as the word says individualize, this has never been so strong as in our time, and social division is way worse then the division by nations. And if you don'r have a save space where you are under your kind this will lead to the creations of ghettos, now think of a Detroit in the dimensions of Europe, you are going to create a wild west that you can't control.
So is Trump Whitebeard or Blackbeard?
>Julian Assange is Luffy
>Trump is Dragon
>Putin is Garp
Dragon is a smelly hobo who prefers to operate under the radar. Not like Trump at all.
get fucked, you faggot globalist leaf
>saged and hidden
Who gets to decide who runs what? I'll be king of the world sure. Then what? How do I explain to retards in africa that fucking a virgin doesn't cure aids? Where will everyone decide to move to? Are the laws the same everywhere? What if certain regions don't like those laws? Will they fight? Take your commie ass to north Korea because that's what is going to happen worldwide if its a one world government.
Fucking globalists. Here, have a nice music everyone who is a bit tired of today's shill horde tide.
Dragon did nothing wrong
think the goal of globalization is for the ayyyy lmaos to have a legitimate representation (see: simple majority) of the human race to bargain with per their legal structure.
then they can buy our manhattan for some beads and knives
what if world becomes a global concentration camp with no escape possible?