Why do you fags act like this melodramatic fanfiction is somehow beyond being used by DC for sequels and marketing...

Why do you fags act like this melodramatic fanfiction is somehow beyond being used by DC for sequels and marketing? Alan Moore doesn't respect other people's characters, why should other people put his on a pedestal?

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He respected them enough to not use them for his fanfic, which is more than can be said for DC.

Because the deal he did meant he thought he'd get the rights back pretty quick. Nobody saw the changes coming that would have superhero books being kept in print for decades and not being generally disposable and collectibles for a select few. It's nothing to do with respecting characters.

Well for one doomsday clock is fucking shit

He wanted to use other the Charlton character, so yes, he's writing fanfic. He could have come up with original characters, like Moore 'did' with Supreme. Instead, his alternative was to go get public domain characters and write fanfic for them and claim it as his and get all butt-hurt when Wildstorm sold itself to DC and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen are suddenly being sold by DC, which is why he went and wrote MORE fanfic with these public domain characters and got Top Shelf to print them, which is now in bed with IDW and neither of which will be independent companies in a decade, but Moore might be dead by then.

If he wanted his rights respected, he should have (a) used original characters and (b) gotten a better lawyer, just like Gaiman did; Sandman is also still in print and you don't see Neil bitching like a bitter old twat with her knickers up her snatch.

It has nothing to do with respect. It's bad because the whole point of the original story was deconstructing superheroes by having them behave how they would in a realistic setting with everything going to shit in a closed narrative, which is all the exact opposite of making a continuation to it where the characters interact with Batman and Lex Luthor in the regular DC world. There's not much point in using the Watchmen universe in that way because you're not getting anything out of what defines it as a story. All they're really getting out of it is name recognition.

Pretty much this. Watchmen is a complete story and having them meet with other unironic superhoes only gets the crowd who saw the Watchman movie years ago and thinks they are a superhero team

it's like if somebody wrote a crossover of War And Peace and Johnny Got A Gun, though they may seem similar, mixing them together is not a very good idea

>Alan Moore doesn't respect other people's characters, why should other people put his on a pedestal?

You're not wrong.

it's called Johnny Got His Gun, plebbo

Most of the people complaining didn't even know about Watchmen till the movie came out. Fucking pathetic, really.

Because it was good when he wrote it and shit when anyone else did so I would prefer if others stopped.

Fuck off johns.

Fan is short for fanatic, user. Fandom is a shit place to look for reason.

>realistic setting.
It’s a pessimistic setting, user.

No, it's realistic you hippie. Real life has both moments of horror (the squid thing) and moments of wonder (saving the tenants)

Depressive realism my man.

>Why do you fags act like this melodramatic fanfiction is somehow beyond being used by DC for sequels and marketing?
It's not.
But it's a good story, so I'd like any followup to actually be good.

>Alan Moore doesn't respect other people's characters
Someone remind this faggot that he sent all the proceeds he got from writing Miracleman to the character's creator.

>you don't see Neil bitching like a bitter old twat with her knickers up her snatch.
Because DC treated Neil Gaiman far better by giving him a deal that allowed him to retain creative control of his characters. And it's not like Moore is constantly complaining about the way DC treated him, he pretty much just washed his hands of DC when they fucked him over twice and only refers to them when interviewers constantly ask him the same questions.

Furious DC Faggots will turn on anyone who speaks ill of The Company, even if they are the very people that made it great in the first place.

This, a thousand times this.

>act like
DC has proved it to be beyond them themselves