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Trump will be there president soon, learn about him

>Not knowing who Ron Paul is
I wish we could just send a death squad to your house pronto just to blow your fucking useless brains out

Why didn't you listen, Sup Forums?

>being this new

Because he accomplished nothing.


says the man who never won a single electoral vote

He's got a list a mile long of issues that need to be fixed and has to fill 1000s of positions. If you "drain the swamp" of every senior/veteran employee he's going to get absolutely nothing done. Even if there are some bad hombres hired it's not like he has an issue with firing people that don't get shit done.

Not even a week into him not even being the President yet and these cucks can't get over their failures to win or get a spot in the WH.

Ron Paul is 81. He's not getting Treasury Secretary

Speaking of Ron Paul, where the fuck was he this election cycle. He didn't offer any opinions about anything until just now.

Are you a faggot?

>Being this jew
Sorry, I had to... it rhymed you know.

>p-please notice me...

He talked shit on Trump for over a year and now wants to ride Trumps coattails?

I fucking hate myself for giving this gold shill a vote, what a slimeball

Fuck off Ron. Your son isn't getting a spot.

The man is principled and stuck to his beliefs.

Trump pretty much BTFO of every position he ran on.

There's literally nothing wrong with what he said though

Ron Paul is always the one I wanted

>He didn't offer any opinions about anything until just now.

he did all during the primaries when his manlet son was still in the running

>me on the right

aahahahah Sup Forums want this guy the Treasury and he destroys Trump ahahahah

Looks like the old nerd blew it

Trump was about to make him the secretary of the treasury, but I guess he won't be doing that now

That's more an indictment on the people than Paul himself.

third election straight I vote for Ronnie Pauly
fuck you cunts

That's such a retarded responce.

We'll I gotta fill a bunch of positions so why not just fill them all with Goldman SACHS guys?

He had plenty of people to pick from for the most important positions at the top and he picked guys we all would have been bashing if it were Jeb in office.

I'm getting tired of concern shills wringing their hands over draining the swamp because Trump is appointing the people who stuck with him through the campaign to high cabinet positions.

The only people he can trust are the ones who stuck with him through the pussy leak. Anyone who came over after he was elected is an absolute snake. So of course he'll give the most powerful positions to the most loyal supporters.

>a fence is ok i guess lol haha

>Illegal immigrants have broken the law and must be deported
>Oh did I say all of them? I just meant the ones that had committed more than TWO crimes haha..

>Bill is a rapist and Hillary is a criminal responsible for terrible damaging policies in the Middle East, we need to end their dynasty and lock her up
>I love the Clintons, they're good people. I think we should all thank Secretary Clinton for her great work serving our country.

>Supreme Court justices could repeal Roe v Wade and gay marriage laws; the choice would be with the individual states.
>Did I say that? Lmao no I love gays and I love abortion, the laws stay. When I said that my judge appointments would be conservative I didn't mean actually traditionalist lmao I just meant, like, uh, Republican and stuff.. yknow

>Repeal Obamacare!

>Drain the Swamp!
>Well... I mean, it was just a saying, you get the sort of vague general idea of what I meant right? Hillary.. I just meant that we'd stop Hillary from winning, okay?
Unbelievably cucked, I can't believe that he would do something like this, doesn't he know how angry his supporters are going to get when they realise what he's done?

>When asked if he put his own name down as a write-in candidate, Paul responded, “ Maybe the last name was right.”

>tfw you want to see your son surpass you and do what you couldn't but it's not happening and your life is running out

We got fucking Bannon in there at least

He lost. Freedom ain't free. Libertarianism will never survive in a world populated by dishonest people. It suffers the same illusions that communism does. It reduces men to materialistic animals whose only concern is wealth.

A State should exist to stir the spirits of men to reach beyond the present and honor their past.

He didn't help Trump during the election, but still is holier than thou. I hate these kinds of people who are all talk. Nothing stops Paul from helping Trump but he is too happy to live in his utopist mental bubble.

I TOLD you guys he cucked out.

People just can't understand that some Republicans saw that Trump was winning early on and jumped on board to secure their future (like Christie and Carson).

They also don't understand that Rinse Penis was practically the only GOPe who supported Trump the entire time, through the primaries and through PussyGate. Fags like Cernovich forget this and so they concern troll.

>Goldman Sachs

Jesus, you're fucking retarded. I worked at Merrill Lynch before, are you SPOOKED, faggot?

hes been doing infomercials for gold and frozen dinners

gotta pay off rands hebrew lessons somehow!

He woke up a lot of people to how corrupt the media and GOP establishment are.

>More concern trolling from the losers.

>yfw Trump responds by appointing Ron Paul to a cabinet position

so, republicans never fixed carters inflation problem? hahaha! here we are 30 years later with the same problem after all the voodoo economics bs the lower standard of living but now no one has good jobs. we got suckered


what is this

>Ron wrote-in Rand for president because Gary isn't a real libertarian
>imagining Ron shuffle into the voting booth and writing down the name of his son

This is an example of pushing people too far.
Sup Forums, or at least a large part of it, use to be Libertarian. True Libertarian, the "I don't want the government telling me how to live, taking money from me, or infringing on my rights" kind.
Instead things became more Liberal and the Left started targeting opposition. Now much of Sup Forums is Nationalist or outright Fascist.
On a larger scale in the nation people that were center, or just right of it, were disgusted by how they were being treated and so they went further right. The Pendulum has shifted and now the conservatives hold the power in the US.

Hopefully they get the hint and realize things need to be fair and there needs to be a balance. Otherwise they will just use this chance to crack down on the Left, force their beliefs onto people, and sooner or later people in the center or slightly left will feel inclined to become more radically Liberal.

Push people hard enough and they will push back. To truly drain the swamp there needs to be cooperation, discussion, and true compromise.

fighting game

Remember when Ron Paul ran for president and they sat him down at the kiddie debate table, while the actual candidates had a debate on the main stage? That is Paul style leadership- from behind, from underneath, with a small yappy pupper voice.

A total waste of time, resources, and hope. Thats why his son abandoned him for the GOPe (haha lol)

This. This guy is just a meme and a joke.

What do they want?

Any of the non-establishment people he has have been criticized for not being experienced.

>That is Paul style leadership- from behind, from underneath, with a small yappy pupper voice.
>A total waste of time, resources, and hope. Thats why his son abandoned him for the GOPe (haha lol)
This. FUCK RON PAUL . Libertariansm is a circlejerk for amateur neckbeard economists

hey trump plays 32nd dimensional connect-hundred-checkers-chess-hybrid, let's wait and see what happens in his presidency

You lynch ppl omg

Did you watch it? He didn't say shit about Trump not being able to. He just said it was going to be difficult because of all the shit he has to do with oversea connections, inside alliances, etc.



only time i've heard Ron Paul in the last 2 years is to sell me astronaut-tier holocaust food.

Who are the Goldman Sachs people?

Don't tell me you supported McMullin.



“I’ll believe it when I see it. And I think there’s going to be some things improved, but we still have a long way to go,”

>let's leave the EU
>or actually let's not

Shut the fuck up you fucking limey cunt. You couldn't even manage your one fucking vote to uncuck yourself.

Trump could literally walk back every single one of his positions and we would still be less cucked than you on a good day you cunt.

You don't even have nige anymore. He's ARE NIGE now. You hear me? ARE NIGE.

You lost your only chance at redeption, and if you can't even manage brexit you deserve to be lost to the Muslim horde forever.

No go sit back and enjoy the EU fucking you in the ass with your female PM, you tea sucking pig fucking faggot.

Post some Marie Rose. She gets me diamonds.

Weekly reminder Ron paul >>>>>>> drumpf

if only we had thousands of Joe The Plumber clones all grown up and ready to fill every position of government in order to appease the concern trolls
They can't even wait until he's inaugurated

We have abused meme magic given us by Kek to make such pathetic liar a president of US.

Kek will not approve of this, he will take away our meme magic. The eternal punishment is incoming

>>a fence is ok i guess lol haha

What context did he say fence? There is the Rio Grande, I'm sure a wall would dam up water while a fence would let it flow.


Good goy

Meanwhile the Jews win regardless of country

Some old geezer edgy edgelords worship as a false deity. It's heresy to believe in his false doctrine.

Pepperidge Farm remembers

Ron Paul is 100% the ideal candidate. Moral, just, and just a good fucking man.

But Trump is who we need right now. A staunch asshole willing to get things done quick, even if he can be a degenerate/tool

Except we didn't get fucked you faggot.

Trump is just moderating atm so we dont, you know, have a fucking civil innsurrection.

Not much of a fucking point to being elected president if you don't have a country.

>this ID is "Jew Fool"

kek magic is real

As someone who didnt follow the Primary in 2012 cause I didnt care, wtf is that? They wouldnt give him any media time? Fucking Jews, man

Ron is fucking stupid. He should rejoice at a Trump victory since he has punished those who screwed him into as submission. Not only that but Trump always speaks super highly of Ron and tried to stop the unfair treatment of him back in 2011/2012. And for that matter all outsiders including Bernie should rejoice that he has taken down the establishment and paved the way for outsiders to be able to gain political power. What an ungrateful ass.

THIS. I don't get why he hates Trump so much.

It was his chance once.

Trump said that he's building a wall, but a fence will be necessary in some areas, such as terrain where a wall would be impossible to build.

user's just a freakish sperg who's jumping on the "GRUMPF'S BACKPEDALING" meme. Many others like him. all from Sup Forums or /qa/

Steve Bannon used to work for Goldman Sachs. Basically the same guy that the MSM is screaming anti semite white nationalist is getting shit on /pol for being from Goldman sachs


He is consistent with anti-interventionist foreign policy and seems to value it higher than anything else. Considering Trump's stance on the Middle East, it's easy to see why Paul would overlook the anti-establishment appeal of Trump. I don't think Paul ever cared about anti-establishmentism in the first place. He's only cared about preserving liberty.

He was the anti-establishment at the time. He kept quiet in 2008 and 2012. That HAPPENING pic with him waving his arms was when the candidates were asked about abortion and they skipped him, a doctor.

he has his own youtube show that was running throughout the election, the liberty report

The media did whatever the fuck they wanted until this election, when their tricks were used against them. The treatment of Ron Paul in the media and debates was disgraceful.

Theres no need to be a Ted Cruz

Ron Paul is the one who woke me. It never even occurred to me that the government could be totally corrupt and the media could be totally government propaganda.

There was nearly a complete blackout against him.

And it's funny because the head of CNN basically said they regret not giving Trump the same treatment (they instead covered him heavily because his celebrity factor gave them ratings, which backfired on them)

Maybe it just played out like he was the outsider and he didn't want it but he started the anti establishment fire, or at least engaged it again from Perot/Buchanan. Also Trump wants to stay out of the middle east and stop dealing with other country's shit before our own and not tie us down in treaties. You'd think he would like that. Hes the least interventionist candidate since hoover.

no one cares about tina nigga, post hitomi

>Appoint a banker from Goldman Sachs as treasurer
>Le draining le swamp xd

The man could appoint Hillary Clinton and Obama at this point and you fucks would celebrate it.

fuuuck guys this is it drumpf is over and done

Ron Paul is the only one who is smart enough to realize what is going on in our government and isn't afraid to say it, even when he is greatly outnumbered.


Why is he even questioning that? Of course Trump won't, and Ron Paul said it himself four years ago that Trump is a clown, and even said it again during the republican primary that he's a dangerous conman who won't change a thing. I cannot understand how so many people got fooled into thinking Trump is some anti-establishment revolutionary fighting for the working class when two years ago everyone knew exactly what kind of man he is. Did the country get amnesia over the last year and forget Trump's history?

Fuck that other guy, post best girl: Christie.

>these cringeworthy animations

There is already a fence.

we've found the 400lb hacker

>Libertariansm is a circlejerk for amateur neckbeard economists

>Unironically supports a candidate that wants to put a 45% tariff on Chinese imports

Cabinet position in the trash

Sup Forums is retarded counter culture. after 8 years of trump this place will be shilling for the dems

>the media was wrong about literally everything regarding Trump for the last year and a half
>the media is now saying Trump is rescinding his promises so I'll believe them now lol

Have any of you NEET's ever worked in a job where you had to fire everyone? You don't just walk in and fire every single fucking person. You absorb their inside knowledge on systems and shit first. He can't just walk in there and pull the drain as shit would be fucked and nobody would know where the fuck anything is. I would think he is much smarter than that. Let the man do the job we elected him to do. He;s got to break the infrastructure that created the swamp or it will fill right back up. He's not even president yet and some of you taking obvious b8.

Reminder that Trump will not drain the swamp. He himself dwells in the swamp. You've been rused family.

ctr pls

dont make us fight you paul

Bill Still > Ron Paul

Lmao at you.

Presidentially cucked, forever.