Reminder that Christianity is a vehicle for Marxism.
Reminder that Christianity is a vehicle for Marxism
.i know
Catholics are basically just Jews
I refuse to believe that isn't shopped.
Keep being mad.
Any non-self-loathing Catholic hates the current pope. He's another globalist scumbag.
Nah, it's just Catholicism.
I feel this is appropriate.
Yeah, by banning abortion, they have communized your womb.
>facebook tier bullshit
I'm not gonna kike-on-a-stick post here but that's retarded.
the new pope is just fucking horrible
The pope is trying to keep South America catholic.
They are converting to some sort of liberation theology in large numbers.
Wouldn't be a bad strategy if he would keep it local. But universalism is built into Catholicism.
oh ye of little faith
Jesus was a communist - Fidel Castro
>Not being mormon
That's Catholicism you dense fuck
This shit don't fly under JP2 or B16.
>universalism is built into Catholicism
Catholicism oscillates between its Aristotelian and Platonic influences. This current pope is pure Plato.
Yep, and trying to open up Catholic to a wider audience and the hordes of immigrants who might turn to a real religion. Next Pope will probably be more conservative.
i want a conservative revolution on the vatican, now
This is entirely wrong. Christianity is fundamentally libertarian
People that never lived in a communist country have no idea how funny this is.
Catholicism is a threat to private property and must be destroyed.
Christianity is fundamentally supernatural and focused on the life to come. It doesn't fit into any political ideology.
Hail the Aesir, Vanir, and Wights!
Hail the Ancestors!
Hail the Folk!
>I'm not christian I'm Catholic
Current pope is a fake, jesuit faget
Last pope isn't dead, he resigned. Can't do that, he's still pope.
already dumped nigger cuck's church 8 years ago
praise kek
This comes from Venezuela, anythimg else?
Mormonism is fundamentally better than most branches of Christianity, it promotes taking pride in one's self, establish a strong community, taking care of your body, and most importantly the women will be faithfully to the end.
How much does it cost to rent a pope?
pick one
This Pope is more liked by left leaning atheists than Christians, but he's so fucking dumb. John Paul II was leagues more charismatic, and Benedict was much smarter. Francis is bottom rung stupid and unlikable.
Robo John Paul when
What the hell kind of Catholics do you talk to? I'm Catholic, and the whole Catholic community ranges from somewhat Right-wing to Far-right. The Pope might say "OOOOOH NO CASA POR TU, LA CASA ESTA POR LOS SYRIANOS," but Papal Infallibility doesn't cover that for him.
Yes but what political ideology allows people to live as they want (according to God or not)? It's not the statist bullshit infesting every western democracy
One could make the argument that Catholicism's preferred mode of government is monarchy with a strong, independent Church wielding its own degree of authority.
Catholicism used to be good while we were still focusing a lot on old testament. It matched the patriotism well and promoted law and order. Now what we hear about is almost exclusively new testament where Jesus specifically tells you often that he does not give a damn about life on earth and didn't came to bring peace, yet nowadays everyone puts emphasis on mercy and compassion as if it was the only message of the religion. we need a new luther that will create strong national church with the old values in the spoltlight, not the 'lets all hold hands and be happy' bullshit
>Reminder that Christianity is a vehicle for Marxism.
only when the pope is a heretic
>the spoils of victory are sweet.
That is why I converted to Islam. Fuck the pope and fuck christians. Allahu Akbar!
Pope hails commies for caring for the poor?
Eh and Gulag was a vacation resort right?
What a retard
Id cheer if vatican city was attacked and pedophiles were getting slayed left and right amongst all the gold and wealth strewn about so disgustingly.
>This current pope is pure Plato.
How is that?
Can you elaborate?
The only right answer
It's a shame that Monarchy has been cucked to oblivion. Any chances of a restoration? Pic semi related (got ZAPOTECKED)
John Paul the Great is rolling in his grave. The Church was an active part of the fall of the Soviet Union.
It's because the communists in South America focus on the welfare first, and spirit second. It works as well as you'd expect, but many retards (especially those with communist parents) believe it.
> Christfags ignoring the fact that their religion is being SOROS'd in front of their very eyes
I wish an Aloha snackbar would take this pope the fuck out. Catholics are too coward to take him out for heresy.
lmao this new pope SUCKS SHIT
Soros is old. He won't mess with the Church under pain of going to Hell.
Collectivistic, Communitarian, etc.
this is fucking embarassing
>. It doesn't fit into any political ideology.
t. Protestant cuck that hasnt read the bible
Reminder you're a cuck. KYS.
>Christianity fits an arbitrary ideology in existence for less than two hundred years.
Christianity is monarchist, traditionalist, progressivist (plant trees, cut bad ones out, on individual and on community level), idealist and stoic. It is against uprisings and revolts, it is for property rights and well mannered behavior, it is for humility and knowledge.
What political ideology fits Christianity?
What modern political ideology aligns perfectly with the Church's teachings? Its ideas on a variety of policies are all over the political map. It's super left-wing on immigration, for example, but super right-wing on abortion.
Catholics used to be the übermensch of Europe.
Their having a bad run but it will only take one decent pope with a decent term service to turn things around. The biggest, quickest step to fixing the church and stopping it from shrinking and being out of touch is allowing priests/bishops to marry. I'd become a priest in an instant if they did that
Reminder that Christians should follow God's words and Jesus Christ examples, not a traitorous Pope or a bishop just because they have a position of power within the church...
Opinions of determined groups of members of the church, specially politically allined views of marxism/communism that are already excommunicated, every Christian that promote communism is automatically excommunicated from the Church.
If people are not aware of that fact and keep following the traitor, well, that is their problem.
What the fuck does being Marginalised even mean.
I keep hearing how everyone these days is marginalised or some shit, but I don't understand what that even means in practice.
This isn't the first shitty pope. Look at history. John Paul II had to apologize for them. If the Roman Catholic Church continues after Francis he will be remembered as an embarrassment.
Daily remindert that Catholics literally invented the "social justice" meme.
I wonder if she left brown stains on that white outfit?
Any books you recommend to read of each to get a good idea of their ideologies and philosophies?
>the pope does not have a basic understanding of Christian principles.
>What modern political ideology aligns perfectly with the Church's teachings?
Social democracy
>Reminder that Christianity is a vehicle for Marxism.
Unironically posted by a pole.
He's absolutely right. I always wondered why Christianity would not basically be in favor of communism ( Aside from the tendency to destroy religion. ) because it definitely preaches similar beliefs.
And like Christianity, communism is an idiotic thing to base national policies on.
Bergoglio is #NotMyPope
>Not respecting tradition
this dude was a member of the Hitler Youth
It's funny, Pope Francis is beloved by atheists but he's doing nothing to slow down the decline of the church. If anything he's just accelerating it.
Well, the Soros backed Poles, the feminist Poles and the Libtard Poles are all against Christianity now that their right to murder babies has been taken away from them.
No other reason. Judging by Podesta, Canaan and Judaism there never will be.
Maybe his shitty version.
Not the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
Since day 1 I've always been suspicious of the media's cozy relationship with the current pope when they were incredible wary and sometimes critical of Benedict XVI. St. JP2 from what I remember had a warm/cool relation with the media depending on the season.
back then 'social justice' was concerned with more practical concerns like 40 hr workweeks, living wages, unions, and fair markets. Nowadays it's been fucked over by identity politics and other cultural marxist bullshit.
Nicomachean Ethics for Aristotle, since we're talking about Christianity. Also Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica to see how he marries Aristotle with Christianity.
For Plato, you need to read the Republic with a sharpened mind to see just how atrocious his morality is. One thing Plato was correct about is that if you don't understand politics, you're liable to be controlled by your inferiors.
Fuck ... AAAAAnd AGAIN the conspiracy theorists had it right D:
Christianity respects the right of property. That is basically one of the main ideas that the church holds. Communism wants to abolish some kind of properties and that is why the catholic unions and church opposed communism in the XIX and XX century. This pope was just pulled out of reddit and is a moron
How did this guy become pope?
The "former" pope talked about a gay mafia infiltrating the Vatican, in his book. His sudden abdication implies a takeover to me.
Not that I like papacy, mind you.
John Paul II spent his life fighting communism.
I'm a Catholic but I swear there is not a single Argentinian in the world that is worth listening too.
Falklands, bitch.
The current pope is a product of liberation theology, a so called "active measure" left over from the Soviet era, wherein the KGB deliberately engineered the Christian faith in South America, in order to deliver the continent to commmunism.
I encouraged you all to read about Oleg Kalugin, or get a audio copy of "the world was going our way".
>Le first black pope LMAO
Fucking progressives I swear
Virtue signaling, and the perceived need of a desperate overhaul after a parade of fucked up scandals.
How can you call yourself a Catholic if you hate the Pope?
How could you be American if you hate Obongo?
>be polish pope
>see the suffering that communism brought upon my people
>spent my entire life and influence to fight communism
>became a pop star not only among polish catholics but to most slavic christians
>finally took down the red snake
fast forward two popes
fuck that.
Fucking frogs we were about to finish that heresy for good until > Le Spain is too powerful LMAO. And chose to join protestantcucks in the 30 years war
any italy bros awake yet?
Did he really praise communism? Can't be arsed verifying source. If so then this man is the black pope, maybe even the antichrist. Communism literally destroyed churches, brutally murdered priests and killed Christians by the millions in Russia alone. If this man praised that system then he deserves to die. #notmypope
Pride is a deadly sin brother.
Can you share your library, or atleast sell out the place where you get your bibliography from ?
It's so difficult to get relevant reading material, I have to buy it from random websites and wait 2 weeks before they get to my country, mind you, overpriced.
Current Pope is Antichrist, devil in Vatican city.
Church doctrine is hard-Aristotelian. I don't think you really know what you're talking about.