I don't know why, but this really triggers me, and I'm not even white nor American.
I don't know why, but this really triggers me, and I'm not even white nor American
He will be fine he is a corporate leader, he is most likely surprised there just happens to be a lot of work. Being surprised doesn't equal the competency of you doing it.
What the fuck is unqualified? Literally the only big requirement to be qualified is to win the fucking elections! Ignore the libcuck, based Sup Forumsack.
They're moving the goalpost.
> Trump can't win! He's unqualified!
> Lol a black man teaching a white man!
They will never admit defeat. They're as primitive and arrogant as they desperately want us to be.
They have to be destroyed completely.
I don't know guys, 'smith' doesn't sound very Jewish to me. My confirmation bias is annoyed that I even noticed.
isn't he just equally racist as people that he accused for ? Look at this white hate, I'm not even holding this much hate to white people.
Jamil sounds like a poo in loo name to me.
He kinda has a point tho :/
Its the top Executive Branch position, so they probably need some sort of Chief Executive experience.
> Want people to stop being racist
> Refuse to stop talking about race
It's race baiting.
If its a surname referencing a precious resource or an important job title, its probably a jew.
If you didn't go to law school, don't know anything about law, and have never practiced law, yet someone hires you to be a lawyer, does that make you qualified to be one?
Doesnt seem to specify that anywhere.
In fact until 1950 most presidents had neither, or very very minimal.
In this case they mean both inexperienced and unconnected. A person who had been a former senator or Governor would people his team of aides with political careerists and would be familiar with the tidal shifts in staff, all the lateral movements, the deal-making, etc. that occur during a change of presidents. Trump, being an outsider, and with his team made most of outsiders, is unfamiliar with these steps.
really shit analogy. post denied.
>reach white voters who will never vote for you
Trump won states that Obama won twice and were considered safely democratic.
Isn't it specified right there in the title of the branch of the government, what do you think they were trying to specify by naming the president chief executive?
>Chief Executive
Like being a CEO? I mean, Chief Executive.. it's right in the name. That's you're logic, correct? It's in the name?
Wait, just to get you straight, you are saying he is basically the most qualified President-Elect ever, by holding the highest paying executive position, right?
>be 35
>natural born citizen
Nope he's actually fine.
>le stupid trump doesn't know what president does meme
haha i get it, the media still has some people paying attention to its lies
Name and function.
>obama was qualified when he took office
Hey man he had a whole 1 senatorial term under his belt.
But you know, I do admire Obama's superhuman ambition. He went straight to the top with no breaks.
That's a stupid ass analogy
You're legally required to be licensed to be a lawyer. The presidency only requires you to be 35 years old, a resident at least 14 years, and a natty citizen
That's the point of democracy ANYONE can run for the highest office, not just the chosen elite.
He didn't even manage to get anything correct in his fantasy post.
Its a huge industry intertwined with every fortune 500 company, politician, public utility, and internet service provider.
>said people familiar with the meeting
>explained sources in the campaign
>showed pollsters in the swing states