Are mentally disabled people a burden to our society?
Are mentally disabled people a burden to our society?
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Stupid question.
By default, yes.
Definitely. Imagine how much better the internet would be without Sup Forums.
Gee, I wonder.
Imagine the time that the family spends on deciding how to manage time and getting a work that wouldn't neglect caring for the disabled.
Yes. It's true. People let them live for their own selfish reasons. If you don't contribute then there's no reason for you to exist. It's that simple, don't ever tell someone this publicly.
I would legitimately have sex with that.
Yes and so are fat fucks like you.
Why is this even a question?
yes. they should be gassed. they serve no fucking purpose to society or humanity
Yes, OP, you are a burden to society.
And there it is folks.
Join in, baby
Not all. Some can contribute
Yep. Which is why I am an advocate for post-natal abortion.
Gotta cull the herd of dead end genetic stock that is an overall net burden/drain on society.
We should be focusing on pushing forward our best, not trying to drag up our worst.
Yes they are a burden, and they can be dangerous. My cousin's sister in law was bitten by one.
I'd vote for you.
Too bad no civilised country would ever allow it.
>tfw stem cell treatments are too expensive per shot
What mentally disabled person can contribute anything? Drool? Finger nail clippings? Hair for dolls?
ahahhahahhha i love this thread
because of muh humanism and the paradigm of intrinsic value of human life
Nah they create jobs for care workers. They're good for the economy. High functioning retards can even work at McDonalds.
This kills the erection
They're probably less of a drain than your average Sup Forums NEET desu.
Those workers are paid with tax money though. That's a burden.
Technically... yes they are a burden for most of their lives. Drain on our tax dollars. But they are also human and it's not their fault they are born like this. It's mostly the parent's fault for drinking or doing drugs when they have a bun the oven. We can't just kill them off. Would be too inhuman.
Tho we've trained some of them on really easy jobs like putting sporks and napkins inside small plastic bags to be sold to restaurants. Others have jobs include wrapping lolipops. So they are at least employed and benefit society moreso than their deadbeat parents collecting free welfare.
They're still more useful than liberals.
fucking australia
Who the fuck is posting this thread all the time? Is this really what you spend your time thinking about.
I work in a crazy house
Most will never do more than dig a hole or change a light bulb. And they can only do this for about 15 minutes before they spaz out
What do you contribute, exactly.
they do help us appreciate life more
That and circumcision and jews and black men.
>Are mentally disabled people a burden to our society?
What do we do?
Accomodate them and help them live the fullest life possible. Anything short of that is literally fucking Hitler.
Cheers m8
Empathy for weaker beings is inherent human trait that will be the hubris that will cause their own downfall.
The weak will eventually get completely dominated by the strong, it's only a matter of time until how absolute this is.
We should examine children and discard if they aren't up to par. We could use stem cells, and not put in the time and effort to support a life with no quality to it. Also, the population needs thinning
So are government officials, then, and they take bribes and remove jobs. 20 retards are less of a drain than one senator.
If we stopped giving them a free ride and made them work in factories they'd be great. Like the upsilon minus minuses from Brave New World..
>dig a hole
>15 minutes
>spaz out
ahaahaahhaahaha pls stop
Obviously, just take a look at pol, it has the highest concentration of them of any place.
You don't need legs to be an office monkey. And there are lots of other possible jobs the crippled can have. It heavily depends on the type of disability.
>ahaahaahhaahaha pls stop
Some of them can't even get through one shitpost without spazzing out, it seems.
Some people won't live past adolescence. Some kids get 200k+ worth of medical care in their first year of living just to live till 5. I truly believe that the altruistic choice is to let them die. Most parents would never do let them.
Hi there, cuck. But feral niggers, nation-wrecking kikes, and sexual mutilation of babies are actual issues that matter and are bringing down humanity, not the disabled.
ya cheeky cunt
Sounds pretty stimulating for the economy desu. I never would have generated 200k worth of income for someone in the first 5 years of my life.
I work in a Children's hospital.
My girlfriend is pregnant, if its a spastic its getting aborted, if somehow it is born I will give it away. I could never love a spastic, and im just being completely honest here
It's the inherent guilt that one would feel when you could've made them live longer but chose not to.
Feel you bro. If a child is retarded it's better just to end it, won't accomplish anything in life, meaningless and sad IMO.
Don't worry. Your kid will be fine. These diseases are very rare
How is that contributing to society. Your janitorial job could be replaced by almost anyone who has their health.
>20 retards are less of a drain than one senator
Nope. 20 retards cost 10 times the salary and perks of a US senator
None of them are political issues either. Circumcision is an SJW issue. GTFO SJW.
>somehow it is born
>I will give it away
ahahahahahahahahahaha enough already
Seriously, if there won't be any quality to their life, why not use their fetus stem cells to make life better for others? All they'll do is waste time and resources anyways.
Also, we'll weed out bad genes from the gene pool.
>Nope. 20 retards cost 10 times the salary and perks of a US senator
Depends on the retardation. There's no way your average retard is costing the state 100k a year, even with free healthcare.
Choosing death is more altruistic than choosing life.
It is selfish to let someone who cant live past 20 live. That isnt a full life. Even if they do live they most likely dont even understand what they are doing,where they are ,or what it is thats wrong with them. Euthanization should be a choice.
>Circumcision is an SJW issue
Go suck a bloody dick you pedophile hebe. Circumcision causes mental illness in and of itself. There is no way you can have a trauma like that and not be effected forever, especially if you're a baby.
youve cursed him
I'm on disability, by the Gov I am deemed disabled. Social security is a great thing, it's a net that catches many of us from hitting the street, vulnerable and the elderly benefit from social security.
People like me get dumped into the 'burden' 'bludger' hole because there are so many people out there who abuse social security. I want to contribute, but I didn't ask for the hand I was dealt.
My mother, sister and father all work full time, my father is an old school trades man and is very pilled on the who social security bludger thing, yesterday he told me he was proud of me that despite my misfortune, I've never given up. He's happy paying tax, because the money goes to me.
If you want somebody to blame, blame the niggers and the bogans and the trash who simply refuse to work yet expect to be carried.
If I had it my way, I wouldn't be like this.
if they have the money and resources to take care of their own, then they should be allowed to do so
they should not be allowed to pass the cost on to the state however
I'd bet my house that an unborn baby at 8 months which legally qualifies for abortion is more aware than one of these drooling messes
fuck democrats.
Yeah, liberals are pretty detrimental to society.
I disagree.
The mentally slow can do basic work and participate in society in a healthy operating workplace.
Losers think down, winners think up.
T. Known Boss
>Are mentally disabled people a burden to our society?
Yes, by definition. Are you suggesting we should treat them negatively because they are a burden though?
Yes. Anyone that says no is mentally deficient.
I work in the laboratory. I pay my taxes. I do my job. I help save some children. I'm just a normal bloke. I'm may not be doing more for society than some people but I'm not doing less. Also it's hard to replace me. That's one of the hardest things in my field right now. There aren't enough people to hire.
So what isn't going for you
>he's never heard of Travis The Moonstar
lrn2economics, chump. An inordinate amount of GDP is produced by keeping retards breathing.
>mentally disabled
He was meaning pure mental deficiencies I'm sure.
Short answer is yeah.
Their a burden Even on their families. Once the parents of the mentally ill person dies his/her kin must take care of him/her my mom and I volunteer on tard ranching, sometimes I bring the Shiton of larp weapons I made so I can enjoy a cold beer and run my owb autistic thunderdome.
Also pic related it's one of the armor set I've made.
Unfortunately now I simply have no time to ether make new stuff or to be a tard shepherd.
it depends on the level of disability and whether or not technology can fill in the gap so they can become intellectual assets, or practical ones.
Then there's the question of their own personal suffering.
Ahahahahahahaha you fucking socialist jew gtfo
>need to do a fuckload of work and go to a good school to get into the medical field
gee I wonder why no one does it
They increase global warming.
the fuck is wrong with you? those are human being you piece of shit.
is that what darwinism taught you? you're worse than those chinks, or you are.
What a huge burden it has to be for the parents. I imagine it was semi-cute at first but I saw a gathering of full blown downies at the mall and they looked in their mid 30's all with their moms.
One of them was just in their wheelchair with a possessed look on her face, eyes rolled back with like a silent scream just frozen, kinda looking she's asking to just die.
Butthurt Wage-Cucks would rather have tards shitting and pissing over their office than have them miss out on the joy wage slavery.
When did Humanity become so cucked?
Depends on how bad the level of disability is, if they are a vegetable then they would have been euthanised back in ancient times, if they are a little slow but could work in a shop or something then it's overkill.
without them, i would not have a job.
Damn that's hot. I would fuck her right in the pussy.
Because of economies of scale, they're probably a negligible effect overall but have huge impacts on their family/caregivers
this is what happens if you dont jerk off or get enough sex to cum.
Yes they are. That's the point.
Now you have to ask yourself if they're worth giving your compassion to. What's a society that doesn't take care of its weakest members ? It may have been too hard for people in a traditional society but with the ridiculous productivity of people nowadays they're a far smaller burden than they used to be. It'd really be a small corner to cut if you were willing to cut spending
Liberal campaign consultant?
im so sorry.
What kind of disability do you have? I think OP was talking about the human version of vegetables. I would gas all of them instantly, for their sake primarily.
If its a spastic bastard, im blaming you
Oi in your country if you shit out a tardo do you get like get autismbux or special assistance from the government to help or only if you're a pov cunt and apply for it.
General question to the board. I know how it works here just wondering about the world at large.
mentally disabled people are our greatest allies
how can a autist look alpha as fuck as Travis?
What is the battery for?
People born with a somewhat severe mental retardation should be killed.
The talk I had with my gf about this was hilarious.