Could someone please calmly explain why people here unironically oppose free trade?
Could someone please calmly explain why people here unironically oppose free trade?
America First
The core issues
>The working middleclass is robbed of livelihood and becomes impoverished
>Capital is funneled (((upward)))
>increased unification means national interests (the citizens government should serve) come second to globalist interests
Because it is trickle-down bullshit.
Nothing illustrates better how wrong it is than the fact Krugman believes in it.
the end result of unrestricted free trade is wage equalization between all countries practicing it
it means blue collar works for the same wage as a chink in a sweatshop that does 12 hour shifts for $1.50 an hour
Because they are niggers
We like free trade. Leftists do not like it.
For evidence, look at the last twenty years.
Ask questions, user. It's the only way you'll learn.
I fucking hate this smug prick
Best post thus far
Muh jobs muh exploitation
This. Just ignore the leftists pushing TPP.
Ayn Rand 4 Lyf fuckers
Because all Globalists are scum and Kek wills for them to be cleansed from the planet.
Because most of the world hates cheap crap flowing into their country, ruining their children.
because most of Sup Forums is too dumb to utilise free trade for their benefit.
if you are a peasant code monkey, free trade is gonna fuck you. if you are entrepreneurial or a skilled worker, you can easily find yourself up the chain of command making big league $$
because there are numerous market failures that need to be addressed by regulation and people will try to exploit any loophole, leverage or advantage they can to subvert competition
this. Big league.
I agree, we should strive to create an even greater divide between the lower and upper class and eliminate the middle class altogether
then we can be just like mexico
just because some shit is called free trade doesnt mean it actually is. TPP is free trade in name only, it has not much to do with actual free trade if they need a 1000pages containing rules and regulations.
stay wok
just because shit is called free trade doesnt mean it actually is. TPP is free trade in name only, it has not much to do with actual free trade. it has thousands of pages containing rules and regulations.
stay wok
Because currency manipulation and other Jew trickery uses Globalized trade to effectively break apart the things that make free trade fundamentally functional. You can't force people to follow environmental and labor laws and then buy from foreigners that don't have those laws and consider that a fair negotiation in a free market. You can't pay someone 1/5th for the same job when artificially manipulated exchange rates give the low-paid worker the same spending power. You can't rip jobs away from Western soil while jacking up the cost of Western Real Estate and expect shit to work.
because they don't understand how economics work
like a lot of economic theory, it is appealing when expressed in logical, elegant prose, but when applied in practice it often creates harmful outcomes.
Even libertarians like Peter Thiel have said recently that free trade, while appearing beneficial on paper, has essentially just resulted in mass transfers of wealth away from populations in one nation, to enrich a significantly more narrow category of people sitting atop the relevant enterprises.
In other words, an objectively less efficient and socially beneficial allocation of resources.
Trade per se isn't bad, and is indeed entirely necessary for any national economy to function.
However developed economies wilfully dismantling industries to benefit the 'global economy' (generally for ideological ends like liberal internationalism) benefits no one except the businesses who profiteer from these policies.
>ou can't rip jobs away from Western soil while jacking up the cost of Western Real Estate and expect shit to work.
You can if you fully expect people to just move to the poor countries if their job is not in vogue here.
>ship 7 billion jobs to a different country to get toasters imported for $5 cheaper
eventually you'll grow out of libertarianism
What's the difference of "free" trade versus "non-free" trade? Trade is the same as it's always been, based on agreements for shared gain. If that perception of gain changes, the agreements change. Repealing NAFTA is no less an act "free trade" than establishing it. That's what it means to trade freely. You get the option not to.
just because shit is called free trade doesnt mean it actually is. TPP is free trade in name only, it has not much to do with actual free trade. it has thousands of pages containing rules and regulations.
stay wok
A, B and C lose their jobs so X can earn more money for himself and sell speakers to Y for a lower price than before.
But it's free trade it benefits the customers of said businesses, it benefits the both parties in the trade, the competitors lose or lower prices, this drives innovation and lower costs and has a huge effect on efficiency.
>You can't force people to follow environmental and labor laws and then buy from foreigners that don't have those laws and consider that a fair negotiation in a free market.
"Fair Trade" is a Boomer philosophy.
It means exactly the opposite.
>B-BUT Ching Chong Ding Dong in *silverware crashing to the floor* village makes a living at the semiconductor plant
And Wal*Mart STILL hasn't built a store in his village.
Because he makes 60 cents a day building components that sell for $650.
Wal*Mart is building stores where people receive a "living wage" from the government on the first of every month.
There's a reason KFC accepts EBT as payment.
ISDS clauses are fucking gay
Are you retarded?
Because they think they get jobs from just producing domestic.
In short america is only for trade when its benefiting them but when others benefit its bad and must be stopd.
Good job. GOOD JOB.
It's not that difficult, man. They don't want you to buy the overpriced real estate, or have a job. They want you gone. Move or starve. To hell or Connaught
If our currencies were all worth the same and working conditions and pay was the same across the globe then I would be ok with free trade.
(((Free trade)))
It works between states, or between similar nations, NOT between 1st and 3rd world countries.
it's more like person a loses their job making z so b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o, and p can buy product z for cheaper, now that they have more disposable income they can also buy products y, and x so now a could get a job making y or x if he could adapt
Fiat currencies and artificial interest rates cause market distortions that make free trade an impossibility.
I mean that's always been the economic policy of governments, it's less harmful to other countries now that the gold standard is gone.
>Could someone please calmly explain why people here unironically oppose free trade?
Because other countries don't have the same environmental protections, union protections, safety standards and other things that make production in the West cost more.
I don't care if free trade boosts the GDP. GDP measures all kinds of shit and doesn't accurately measure how the prosperity is distributed. Free trade is only offshoring jobs and it only benefits the few at the top. They are who gets the profits while the middle class is destroyed.
The end game of free trade is the destruction of the middle class and the whole world racing to the bottom to work for less and less and less.
Nigger human beings don't move as readily as companies can outsource their shit. In the wake of seeing the abundance of social damage that mass migration does, do you really think that I would support there being a mass migration of every single laborer in an industry (that has already proven to be capable of sustaining itself domestically and paying its employees) to some third world country every time a company decides to outsource? Do you think that's even remotely feasible for even a fraction of the population? Do we need to have a refugee crisis every time Dell builds an outsorced call center in India? Are you fucking stupid?
Currency manipulation in global exchange rates is by far the biggest Jew trick there is.
so nations should pursue trade policies they know will likely cause harm to their citizens?
Maybe if you're talking about trade between Australia and NZ, or the UK and France, or South Korea and Japan.
If it's trade between, say, Canada and Bangladesh it doesn't hold true.
>It's not that difficult, man. They don't want you to buy the overpriced real estate, or have a job. They want you gone. Move or starve. To hell or Connaught
I'm not leaving the soil I was born on, the land I was meant to walk, because some kikes pulled some bullshit.
The end result is the Brazilification of every country on the planet.
It generally implies free trade goes on with both sides. Not every country tariffing the shit out of your goods while you suck down that Chinese cock because if we play hard they will tariff us...again.
Because it allows companies to take advantage of our freedoms while disregarding our rights.
Time to get rid of the dollar as oil trade currency.
Because we lived very nicely before the fucking gooks reduced wages to two bucks an hour.
>Nigger human beings don't move as readily as companies can outsource their shit
>do you really think that I would support there being a mass migration of every single laborer in an industry
Absolutely not
>Do you think that's even remotely feasible
>Are you fucking stupid?
I'm not telling you my opinion, user. I'm telling you what (((they))) want you to do. It's what the people who support this want you to do. Adapt in any way possible. It doesn't even have to be feasible. These are the joys of the free market.
>this drives innovation and lower costs and has a huge effect on efficiency.
What is point of efficiency if all economic grows is captured by the top 1% of population? Or wait now they can afford 2 yachts instead of 1, big hooray! And this what we see now. Income inequality is insane and continue to grow. Most population real wages in US stagnated for the last 30 years (actually they even dropping as big spendings: rent and education grew unproportionally).
So it is better if goverment decides who becomes rich, not the most capable and smart people who then employ other people and fill the needs of customers.
You like it more when some corupt business takes goverment subisdies or a bank doesnt fail because bailout, just because you are jelous of an another mans work and value, you like it when the jews fuck you in the ass.
When the goverment decides winners and losers the corupt are the winners and everyone's a loser.
What is unfair? That canadians have better technology or that bangladesh has lower wages?
Because free trade prioritizes the trader's capital over the health livelihood or well-being of the people who produce the capital. The term 'free trade' only serves as a smokescreen to disguise the fact that it causes economic tyranny.
that the business can put a bunch of Canadians out of work to sell them the same shitty product back for maybe a dollar or two cheaper, while the company (and thereby the management and major shareholders) massively increases its profits.
Wealth gets transferred out of Canada, and Bangladeshis are still virtual slave labour.
>Could someone please calmly explain why people here unironically oppose free trade?
Free trade, with a state controlled economy, eh?
doesn't sound that free to me.
>So it is better if goverment decides who becomes rich
But this exactly the case of immense transnational corporations. They intervene with governments so much you can't say where one starts and other ends.
Listen I do agree that outsourcing is a disaster, but it is done because the wages of canadians are huge because goverment regulation, so those businesses cannot compete if they hire canucs, if the regulation was lowered like it is in bangladesh then no one would hire people from bangladesh it just would be easier to hire canucs.
This system is not free trade because the worker market is fucked and cucked by all those minimum wage, taxes, medical costs, and a shitton of regulation and legal risks.
Yes but if the goverments didnt have the power in the first place they wouldnt try to take that power.
If white house bails wall street, the 1% stop fighting to please the customer, they start fighting for power of the goverment, because it doesnt matter wtf you do if you'll be bail'd out.
It all goes to shitter.
If governments didnt have the power to oppose the global corporations poor kids in vietnam would be bred for slavery like cattle instead of at least trying to resemble fair treatment
It lets companies use slave labor from third world countries and sell the goods produced in high price markets. This makes for cheaper consumer goods, but puts American workers in direct competition with third world slave labor, drastically lowering the wage they can command and the importance of treating the average American citizen humanely and respecting their individual liberty. It also halts mechanization and labor saving technological advances because third world slave labor is so cheap that it renders this technology superfluous. This is one major factor in why China slid into technological stagnation while plagued-ravaged Europe with its low population boomed technologically and took over the world.
Even if the regulatory costs were largely removed and wages driven down, the Canadians would still likely be un-competitive against the Bangladeshis under free trade.
So, the only option would be for the works to either accept third-world conditions or lose their jobs.
it's not free trade if you can't sell child porn
This is the ultimate red pill
Normies will stick their fingers in their ears because they can't see beyond today
Free Trade -> Free Movement of Labor -> Nigger Shit
Every time
I'm not against free trade aslong as you make sure that the niggers and mudshits stay in their hellhole.
Goverment makes the corportations evil by regulating the shit out of them, by selling special favors to them and divorcing them from their customers.
Just try to setup a business you will see how crazy hard it is to hire people and do everything by the book.
Canucks would ask a higher wage but that would imply they are better educated and more productive, also they have a huge advantage because of location, so sometimes yeah maybe there are great and smart and hardworking and superproductive bangladeshians who would outperform canadians but in most cases people would just hire canadians.
free trade in theory requires the free movement of labour & capital.
A) no one wants to move to fucking china
B) they go on welfare instead of retraining for a job they couldnt do in the first place ie how many guys in a manufacturing plant can work as a computer programmer.
This leaves you with the loss of jobs, welfare dependency and to compensate you, you get a slightly reduced price of shitty quality goods from china.
tl:dr free trade is a globalist policy & scam by some corps/foreign lobbyists
If you destroy the walls, the bigger fish will have the advantage. All of them will have more space, but it wont make happy the smaller ones too long.
It is like how invasive species getting new territory.
The second problem for me is, that big companies already have too much power. And these free trade laws will make them even more powerful. I promote nations and don't want to live in that scifi dystopia, where companies replaced the state.
Be german, have highest Environmental Standards, mfw best economy
That sounds great except the company that makes product x and y did the same thing as the company that makes product z.
Why should I, as an America, allow these ducks to trade for free?
>It's bad for countries to put their own interests and people first
holy shit Germany
you are so fucking cucked
Protectionism is necessary in a distributist society. Ergo, I support protectionism.
This kind of thinking is exactly why you're country is in shambles. There is nothing wrong with a country looking out for its own interests above others.
To expand on that, basically, I like small businesses and cooperatives over large corporations. However, I recognize that if the economy is made of small businesses and cooperatives, it won't be able to stand up to cheap goods overseas, so it will need protectionism to protect the small businesses.