


>3.000.000 illegals voted for Hillary
>3.000.000 illegals voted for Hillary
>3.000.000 illegals voted for Hillary


Other urls found in this thread:


I keep seeing this, and I want to believe it, but where's the source? All I see if Twitter's I've never heard of.

literally who

quit being a faggot and post some godamn sauce

It'd be fun if we meme it to the left as a way to get against Trump only to widen the lead by a huge margin as millions of Hillary votes turn up fake.

Cheated and lost anyway. Maybe Hillary is even more low energy than Jeb after all. I wonder who can climb stairs faster.


They have to go back.

This is a necessary course of action. Can't the DOJ just take care of this in a few months?

Or do they just want to get the ball rolling?

They need to discredit the votes of the dead as well, you know.

>german fights with information to help my american brothers
>get called faggot and spit on

You make it not easy to be liked, my dudes. Calm down. If he's a faker, this thread can be forgotten, but the risk that he is not a faker is one I#m willing to take. What if he is right? Keep an eye on it.

Is it just a coincidence that 3 million is the number of illegals Trump is booting out?

first day on Sup Forums?


He used the word verified. Doubters BTFO

>still lost
I can only imagine the butthurt level.

http:// lmgtfy.com/?q=Truethevote

is anyone really surpised?


read the comments under this guy's Tweet, he says he's working on an article

how exactly are they making sure over in America that a person doesn't vote twice or more? If there's no voter ID, there's no database of who has already voted.

explain burgers

Oh fuck I hope this is real. I seriously do.


Get 'em out of here!

what do we do when this is the bait and switch and all those votes are "proven" to be for trump through russian manipulation?

maybe russia will destroy california for us???

>3.000.000 illegals voted for Hillary
And she still lost.

Who knows, maybe after Cali gets drained of Mexican citizens it'll go back to normal.

>mainstream media was rigged against Trump
>Hillary even rigged the polls

All this and Hillary still lost CTR btfo


>>Election fraud is proven
>>King Nigger declares election invalid
>>New elections are called for
>>Bernie becomes Democratic leader because Hillary is kill
>>MSN promotes Bernie
>>Massive Bernie Rallies
>>Bernie projected to win
>>Trump wins again

One can only hope.

Where the fuck is the source you fucking retarded polacks


richard stallman really let himself go

No source.
Wish this was true

>3.000.000 illegals voted for Hillary

Well there's Trumps initial deportation list.

I know when I was just about to get my Greencard but didn't (long story) they specifically give you paperwork on the rights and responsibilities of Green Card holders and tell you it's illegal to vote if you're not a citizen and you can lose your Green Card for it.

She cried uncontrollably. And had no consession speech


I think losing TWICE to Trump would break liberals permanently.

how can they measure this in stateswith no voter id?

What would happen to bets? I already cashout my winnings?

They are gonna require them back?

deport these faggots, if we can get rid of these 3 million non americans, the dems will never stand a chance again




I bet this is also going to reveal duplicate voters on the Trump side, might flip a few electoral votes to Hillary but not enough for pres but a stronger argument for ignoring the electoral college house edge.

I believe this because it feels like another setup just to get people's hopes up like Comey did when reopening the email case then later saying Hillary dindu nuffin.

and our fucking PRESIDENT told them to gofucking vote.

although some did get caught by ICE when going to vote so....


dont ignore this shit guys but really there is no actual proof as of yet and i've been looking since last night..

it's on infowar as well

But muh popular vote

This. I smell liberal tricks. This could very well be a last ditch pull all the stops attempt at stealing the election

Shit anons. They may be talking about us...
I was hearing about some sketchy leafs flocking to Buffalo because they didn't need an ID to vote.
>Then again, I was hearing CTR shills doing the same thing.
>Messy shit here, don't assume we are safe.
It would be nice if we got recognition for rigging the election, as we did.

Just wait until the European Union collapses and all of Europe goes full Deus Vault mode there are many more happenings to come.

This shit reeks of a bait and switch.

Good thing she conceded. That's why no matter what it'll never happen. All it will do is further push the Soros riots because as of now looks like Obama wont comment on it, and has Hillary even shown her face beyond that FAKE run in with a "stranger" in the woods who happened to be taking a walk with Bill?

>Op claims voter fraud
>op sauce is Twitter
>op is faggor

>UN was a mistake
>NATO was a mistake
>EU was a mistake
>NAFTA was a mistake


wtf are you talking about?


>Still got btfo

I really, really hope it turns out to be true.

OP; I see your flying a German Flag. Where did this happen, here in the USA or in Germany?

Wow it's fucking nothing

It's just sort of common sense. California has millions of illegals and zero safeguards against them voting. Tons of people have been dismissing the Clinton popular vote victory based on that since the day after the election.

Illegals voting in California is not even a conspiracy theory, it's pretty well-established fact.

Meh, it's not even provable. You might find 3 million unregistered voters voting but you will never prove where they came from...inside or outside the US.

The sad part is that hillcucks will find a way to rationalize and support this. Fucking animals.

OP contains the word "Hillary" three times and a tweet by a guy called Gregg Phillips

>he thinks Trump didnt rig the election in his favor




muh russians

OK so Hillary visted her campaign staff 3 days ago. No comment on riots from what I can find or even anything beyond 30 second footage of her shills cheering for her. Also Obama's bitch ass didnt either yesterday. Tfw race war. shits getting weird here in the Bay Area guys. Oakland is literally fucking zombified


>literally just a guy making up shit
>again, NO proof. None

fucking clickbait. kys.
>mfw American republic falls because of fake news

p.s. I hope they come through with a based report but I'm not holding my breath

There maybe really three million illegal votes, but I doubt that the problem easy to deal with.
But would be good if it happens.

I wish I screencaped it.
I swear to Kek though, during the day of the elections I was in a thread where several leafs admitted to crossing the border and "looking through a phone book" for voter info in Buffalo (no ID need) and going Clinton. Then some other leaf said "I voted for Trump 3 times".

Dude that's not how news works in the real world.

You break a story, you provide evidence.

A comment on twitter is not evidence.

The burden of proof lies with you.

Not being dicks. We don't trust MSM either for the same reasons.

This is going to be some retarded hokie repub shit from people that only read conservativetreehouse and Facebook news. I hope whoever this faggot is gets BTFO.


>believing anything Canadians say on Sup Forums

I'm not worried but most law abiding citizens in cuck central SF/bay area don't even own a knife much less a firearm

its weird here in chicago too. im planning on getting out of here and heading to AZ asap

It's so obvious fraud occurred and the dems are in on it.

Why the fuck else would hillary concede without a single recount? Because she doesn't want anyone to examine the voting record too closely.

Oh cmon, who would just like go and vote twice. That is illegal!!!

>Digits of truth
Like I said, they were Leafs, so a step away from Jews. You're probably right, but they are shifty and filled up CTR.

>cayman islands

So are you like....the concierge at the hotel these freaks stay at?

google just changed everything now when you search "election"

in b4 (((they))) claim its under the trump camp
in b4 its all over the place as for """key""" states that would hand her the presidency
in b4 jews win again.

>p.s. i hope they come through with a based report

Hans, if you paid more attention you might not have gotten cucked by Muhammed

CTR btfo hard

>new election
>trump vs bernie
>looks like next harvest will be even better

Would be nice if it turned out to be true.

>lost the house
>lost the senate
>lost the presidency
>lost the SCOTUS position

>only thing they have left is their lead in the popular vote, even if it is within the margin of error and not even fully counted yet

If you take the popular vote away from them too they have absolutely NO straws left to grasp.

>And had no consession speech
Probably never expected to lose, kek

I love this place too much, as brain-dead most have been lately.

The election really wasn't close enough for a recount to change anything even if there wasn't fraud. Trump got over 300 electoral votes which means several states would have to shift by 1-2 whole percent or more on a recount for Hillary to even have a ghost of a chance.

>p.s. I hope they come through with a based report

Wow you just insist on presenting ur inferior IQ so openly,

That's real courage right there!

>"Haha Drumpf btfo"
>[inserts semi pro-Trump post so nobody calls you out for the shill you are]

Get over it, moron. You've lost. White pride, worldwide.

Really stimulates the neurons.

The popular vote isn't even a straw it's literally irrelevant.

The college was a landslide but the victory margin in some states was small. They were definitely worth a recount but they knew it would reveal their crimes.


Plot twist: they voted for trump in the swing states and by uncovering this we lose Trump the presidency. Just kidding if his votes were ilegal fuck everyone then

>The popular vote isn't even a straw it's literally irrelevant.

Oh, I am fully aware of that. But they do believe it is a straw and they have been clinging to it like their lives depend on it in the last days.

This isn't about winning anymore because we already won everything that could have won in the US.
This is about crushing them to ensure that they stay gone.

Dem nipples doh... mmmm

I didn't support Hillary. I was a soldier in the meme war in the support and informatics division.

Meanwhile this retarded progressive whiner I know is pushing this shit on Fugbook: readersupportednews.org/opinion2/277-75/40246-focus-the-election-was-stolen-heres-how

Yeah, really guise, the election was stolen by the Rethuglicans! Really!

My dear sir, in reality there is no such thing. If it's repeated often enough and by the right people, it becomes a fact. You can then produce strong evidence against it and you'll be laughed at and called names.

I'll bonburger your mom you twat.