Hey ! so i heard the good news that Donald won the election, but i was in a coma and i forgot about the Vice President guy, what was his name ?
Hey ! so i heard the good news that Donald won the election...
Mike "put fags in bodybags" Pence
Mike "AC/DC for LGBT" Pence
Mike "Feminine Penis no match for Tesla's Genius" Pence
Mike "Like a Trap? Get the Zap" Pence
Mike "270+ Electoral Volts" Pence
Mike "Electroshock Your Love of Cock" Pence
Mike "An Ampere a Day Keeps the Gay Away" Pence
Mike "One Watt for Every Impure Thought" Pence
Mike "Follow God's Path or Feel Tesla's Wrath" Pence
Mike "These Fags I Will Not Kill, But You Gotta See My Electric Bill" Pence
Mike "Turning Fruits into Vegetables" Pence
Mike "If Men Make You Jerk It, You Complete the Circuit" Pence
Mike "Clean Your Closet with an Electric Deposit" Pence
Mike "If You Like Men, The Dials' Going to 10" Pence
Mike "Power for Queers Measured in Volts x Amperes" Pence
Mike "LGBBQ" Pence
Mike "The Orlando Shooting Gave Me a Hooting" Pence
Mike "Enola the Gays" Pence
Mike "A Silo Just For Milo" Pence
Mike "AC/DC for LGBT" Pence
Mike "Believing in Evolution Explains Your Sexual Confusion" Pence
why are threads 404ing all the time?????
>Mike "Turning Fruits into Vegetables" Pence
thats a keeper
Mike "If you like the dick you get an electric prick" Pence
Kike Penance
>Mike '270+ Electoral Volts' Pence
Sounds good
Truly the best of all possible timelines.
Red pill me on pence volts.
Does he finally have competition?
>Have a fag coworker that does nothing but start drama and fuck off all day
>He shows up to work in tears after the election because Mike "toss fags over the fence" Pence is vice president
Mike "Don't like chicks?, we'll fry you quick" Pence
aren't timelines on facebook? You are posting a twitter. I don't have twitter so I know nothing about it. Did they steal the idea or what?
>Mike "LGBBQ" Pence
top kek
These are all genius.
Mike "very frightening bolt of lightning" Pence
Mike "Hunting is fun" Pence
>"AC/DC for LGBT" twice
Come on
Mike "Slay away the gay" Pence
You mean Mike "Frag a Fag and Put Him in a Bag" Pence?
I don't get it
Mike "Don't like the twat? Prepare for a gigawatt" Pence
Fruit is slang for a homosexual
vegetable is slang for somebody who is braindead.
Mike "Swing for the wrong team hang from the ceiling beam" Pence
Mike "Toe tags for all fags" Pence
Mike "Fruits, meet Zeus" Pence
Mike "Belittle a skittle followed by committal" Pence
My apologies
Mike "Suck a Cock and you're in for a shock" Pence
Mike "If its queer it doesnt belong in my hemisphere" Pence
Mike "Blasting gays with Tesla rays" Pence
Mike "take it in the crapper, get the zapper" Pence
Mike "I Like Dykes...Sike!" Pence
A fruit is a faggot and a vegetable is a person who's completely paralized for life.
Mike "Make the Yaoi go owie" Pence
Mike "Out of the closet and into the ground" Pence.
One of the best versions of this meme
Mike 'Tense Beside Dykes' Pence
Someone please explain this to me
Mike Pence looks juiced up.
He looks like he lifts every day.
Mike "Like Sodomy? Try a Lobotomy." Pence
Mike "Taze the Rainbow" Pence
>Mike "Like a Trap? Get the Zap" Pence
Sup Forums on suicide watch
Mike "See a Faggot? Bag and Tag It" Pence
Mike "The Dyke Shrike" Pence
Mike "Male-On-Male to the Third Rail" Pence
Mike "Homoerotic? You'll Be Necrotic" Pence
Holy kek.
Your toothless mama
Mike "If You Like His Bod, You Better Find A Grounding Rod" Pence
Mike "Don't Wanna Fuck Her? Hold This Conductor" Pence
Mike "Homo Medicine From Thomas Edison" Pence
first one in a while that's been worth it
nice job