Hey Sup Forums, what's his name again?

Hey Sup Forums, what's his name again?

Mike "Really, do we need another of these fucking Sup Forums threads again?" Pence

Mike 'be a gay pariah, get a live wire' Pence

Mike "AC/DC for LGBT" Pence

Mike "touch a boner, become an organ doner" Pence

Mike "I didn't electrocute them, those faggots just happened to stumble upon electrified fence" Pence

Mike "faggot medicine from Thomas Edison" Pence

Mike "suck a cock, get bashed with a rock" Pence

Mike "sodomite defense" Pence
Mike "smoke cigs not dicks" Pence

Mike "Fruits into Vegetables" Pence
Mike "Like other Men? The dial's going to ten" Pence
Mike "Frag Grenades for Fag Parades" Pence
Mike "The only power for queers will be volts times amperes" Pence
Mike "Using Maxwell's Equations to cure Homosexual Persuasions" Pence
Mike "Faggot Medicine from Thomas Edison" Pence
Mike "Alternating Currents for Alternate Lifestyles" Pence
Mike "LGBBQ" Pence

Mike "Tim Kaine's Wife Is A" Pence

Mike "You will receive electrotherapeutic treatment if you engage in homosexual activity" Pence

Mike "Power bottom Converter" Pence

Mike "You Dress In Drag You Eat a Frag" Pence

Mike 'Talk with a lisp, be burnt to a crisp' Pence

Mike "Gas the kikes" Pence

>Mike "Electrocution is my final solution" Pence
>Mike "Let men in your bed, electrodes in your head" Pence
>Mike "If men you demand, off to the power plant"Pence
>Mike "Like 'em gay, taste electric railway" Pence
>Mike "If dick you admire, fear the electric wire" Pence
>Mike "Act camp and get the amps" Pence
>Mike "Blast gays with tesla rays" Pence
>Mike "Like men, dial up to 10" Pence
>Mike "Deus Volt" Pence
>Mike "Touch the jewels, get the joules! Pence
>Mike "Electron surge for those with the urge"
>Mike "Suck a cock, eat my glock" Pence
>Mike "If you're gay and proud, get the thundercloud" Pence
>Mike "If dicks make you damp, then I increase the amps" Pence
>Mike "Tase the rainbow" Pence
>Mike "Your peversion needs an electrical conversion" Pence
>Mike "It's the (alternating current year)" Pence
>Mike "Soap dropper meet live copper" Pence
>Mike "Dick in your chasm? Prepare to spasm" Pence
>Mike "LGBBQ" Pence
>Mike "Empty my mags on a crowd of fags" Pence
>Mike "AC/DC for the LGBT" Pence
>Mike "Think about a lobotamy before you engage in sodomy" Pence
>Mike "Feel the itch? I'll flip the switch" Pence
>Mike "Turning fruitcakes into vegetables" Pence
>Mike "Like men in nylon, become a human pylon" Pence
>Mike "Electric potential for homosexuals" Pence
>Mike "Putting fags into past tense" Pense
>Mike "A volt a day keeps the gay away" Pence
>Mike "Faggot medicine from Thomas Edison" Pence
>Mike "Orlando commando" Pence
>Mike "Raiden for gay men"
>Mike "The only power we're giving queers is volt times amperes" Pence
>Mike "Gay marriage gets you brain damage" Pence
>Mike "You Can Pray The Gay Away or Stay for the Hard Way: A Death Ray" Pence
>Mike "Ignite the Sodomite" Pence
>Mike "Shock for men sucking cock" Pence
>Mike "Electoral Volts" Pence
>Mike "Like a Trap? Get the Zap" Pence
>Mike "One Watt for Every Impure Thought" Pence
>Mike "Follow God's Path or Feel Tesla's Wrath" Pence
>Mike "These Fags I Will Not Kill, But You Gotta See My Electric Bill" Pence

how about Mike Pence x Ben Garrison?

>Mike "Turning Fruits into Vegetables" Pence
>Mike "If Men Make You Jerk It, You Complete the Circuit" Pence
>Mike "Clean Your Closet with an Electric Deposit" Pence
>Mike "If You Like Men, The Dial's Going to 10" Pence
>Mike "The Bug Chaser Disgracer" Pence
>Mike "If You're Due, You Cannot Undo" Pence
>Mike "Ready To Put The Man Back In Manning" Pence
>Mike "If You've Got One In The Belly, Better Find A Back Alley" Pence
>Mike "If Dicks Give You an Erection, This Circuit'll Make A Connection" Pence
>Mike "If You Won't Date Her, I'm Flippin' The Breaker" Pence
>Mike "If You Like Getting Buttfucked I'll Make You Conduct" Pence
>Mike "Putting The Trans In Transistor" Pence
>Mike "If You Like Bumming, Your Chair's Humming" Pence
>Mike "Homosexual? More Like Ohmosexual" Pence
>Mike "Homosexuality Gets You A Fatality" Pence
>Mike "Popular Vote, Meet The Popular Volt" Pence
>Mike "Lightning Strike The Turbo Dyke" Pence
>Mike "If You Like To Get Pounded, You'll Wish You Were Grounded" Pence
>Mike "After These Elections Say Goodbye To Gay Erections" Pence
>Mike "According To My Constitution You Belong In An Institution" Pence
>Mike "Man Wants A Penetrator, I'll Start The Generator" Pence
>Mike "Literally Shaking" Pence
>Mike "Bumping Muff is Shocking Stuff" Pence
>Mike "Pikachu I choose you" Pence
>Mike "If You're Bi, You Will Fry" Pence
>Mike "Closing Gay Chapters With AC Adapters" Pence
>Mike "It Repents For All The Sin Or It Gets The Volts Again" Pence
>Mike "Less Gun Control, More Ozone Hole" Pence
>Mike "Major Contribution To Air Pollution" Pence
>Mike "Teaching Evolution Nets You An Execution" Pence
>Mike "Without Protection You Banged Her, She Ought To Use A Coat Hanger" Pence

Mike "The speared queer charioteer" Pence
Mike "Uproot the fruit, you're off to Beirut" Pence
Mike "Fry the Bi" Pence
Mike "Suck on cock but taste a glock" Pence
Mike "Faraday the gay away" Pence
Mike "Like Sodomy? Free Lobotomy" Pence
Mike "Helicopter rides for Lesbian Brides" Pence
Mike "Electrocutes fruits" Pence

Mike Pence

>Mike "fuck off from interfering with the election, Russia" Pence

Mike *deus volt* pence


Mike "The AC of DC" Pence

Mike "got the hots for Le" Pence

Mike "Spray 'n Pray the Gay Away" Pence

Mike "Controls his livestock with an electric" Pence
Mike "Litoris be buzzing like an electric" Pence

Mike "electrocute that demon, you'll no longer crave semen" Pence

Guillotine Gorilla.

Mike "Gayness is Nonsense" Pence

Mike "Buttfucker Blaster" Pence

Mike "Haha kill the le gays xd" Pence

Mike "nigger nogger asshole clogger" Pence

Mike 'some of the wall might be fence' Pence

Mike "electric fence" Pence

Mike "Electroshock your love of cock" Pence

Maйк "eбy в жoпy вceх, ктo нe yмeeт читaть киpиллицy" Пeнc

Mike 'the electric meter needs more cents' Pence
Mike 'turn it up to 11' Pence
Mike 'Amps for Camps' Pence

>Mike "Fuck a bear, and get the chair" Pence.

Mike, "Orlando Shooting had me Hooting," Pence.