So where exactly does one get a conservative gf to potentially start a family with? All women here are cock carousel riding druggies, not that I mind as a man since I can get laid a lot but it doesn't give me inner warmth and a feeling of being grounded.
So where exactly does one get a conservative gf to potentially start a family with...
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Generally the recommendation is church communities.
That's your best chance.
Also, for your part, working to be as solid and capable of a man as you can be, so that you can play your role effectively as the strong leading force in the relationship (which a good, traditional Christian woman wants from a man).
Most girls that go to (((church))) here are whores.
This or libraries would work. Depends where you are too.
I red pilled my liberal ex and shes starting to turn libertarian and probably gonna get back together with me, so just red pill them.
they dont exist
>libraries meme
literally every normal person just orders a book online and reads it in peace at home.
library is a redflag
I don’t mean to offend you, but you’re a worthless degenerate too.
A key that opens all locks is a good key, but a lock that is opened by all keys is shit lock.
Honestly any kind of valid logic will most likely turn someone if your close to them. As much as people love to deny it, most conservatism is based on logic and reason, almost to a problematic effect, where as liberalism is extremely emotional based. If you know someone well enough that they respect or admire your intelligence, it's fairly easy to show them the error of their ways. Frankly most women are happier with the nuclear family system. Now if your trying to get a hardcore social conservative church is probably your best bet.
wow you almost got that right, singapore.
>he fell for a meme quote
srsly retarded m8
Most women lean towards liberal values unless kept in check by their family. You will likely have to train yours to your liking. She will in turn try to train you to some degree as well. It takes some work but is done all the time. Look at dog training. Apply the same methods but for humans.
Loyalty seems to be a trait that is much more often respected among men over women. It's a bit odd, and I'd wonder how the statistics would look on how it's valued as a virtue.
Oh and depending on your age the sooner you get them (younger) the better. The market value on them is higher for breeding and they're more malleable to training.
Are you a consevative guy yourself? Sounds like you're a degenerate manwhore pretty much.
As much as I am a man who believes that sex should be limited and something people should only do with people they trust, I really don't think it matters your sexual history. It's non important, and I think the only real issue is that it can cause social or mental changes which are usually for the worse. That said, most people can deal with it, and I don't give a shit.
Interesting opinion. Facts don't seem to line up for it though.
fuck you, ive still got over half my ability to stay married
women in the same boat who stay married apparently dont exist
Make Your Ex Great Again
Men Historically worked to provide for their family, not to acttract a mate or start a family.
What you are describing existed at some level of course, but on the familial level : you married a rich family, a family with a bloodline of artisans, etc.
But on the individual level, the average man NEED a family, an existing family, to provide for to be motivated.
Note that current situation, where men stop working, ALSO have Historical precedents : rome and its famous bachelor tax, byzanthium and its degeneracy, etruscans and their extreme numalism, persia being persia, that time in chinese History that enabled the mongol to ROFLstomp them ( baghdad too ), that feminist kingdom in algeria that lasted literally two weeks before being conquered...
Oh, and this process have never been survived. Once a Civilisation enter the stage we're in, collapse or conquest is inevitable.
Not necessarily conquest from foreigners, violent revolutions can save some sort of continuity ( Rome and its switches between empire and republic come to mind ), but that is not the norm. And since Africa and South America are surging with subhumans, invasion is the likely scenario ( australians and canadians are lucky in that they'll be invaded by chink. They'll still die as a people, but their half-breed mongrels will be high-IQ and xenophobic, so there's that ).
Your opinion "feels" fair so it's understandable.
What exactly are you saying? Women can't stay loyal? Men cannot?
I literally said there were mental issues involved with an active sex life, admittedly I said most would be able to deal with it and maybe that was an exaggeration.
Don't choose a woman by her political beliefs, OP. It's not about WHAT the woman believes, it is more about WHO she is. Does she come from a good, strong family? If yes, she probably values family relations over sluttiness to some degree at least. Is she mentally stable and intelligent? If yes, she is open to the logic and reason instead of getting all feminazi over your redpills. Is she just generally a nice and not a dominant person? If yes, she will respect you for whatever your beliefs are.
It's a man's job to practice integrity and strong beliefs, because those qualities make man a successful person in long term, but for a woman, it's immaterial what she beliefs, as long as she is yielding and receptive to the man. She will be redpilled with almost no effort if she possesses the qualities I listed above, since redpilling is not about forcing someone to believe something, it's about waking them up to reality.
Hey man, a classmate of mine got a 8/10 virgin gf, who is smart, nice and all that, redpilled too, but the thing is, they met on the bus, added on fb and that was it.
Guy was just in the right time in the right place.
Kinda makes the whole church/library thing worthless in one way, considering she doesnt go there, so destiny plays its part.
read the graph posted i have 20+ partners, thus fall in the blue bar labelled 54% married, not divorced. There is no corresponding pink bar.
I agree with you that some people can adapt to a new lifestyle and perhaps cope. The odds just aren't good looking at the data.
How tall is your classmate? Is he chad?
That's nice and all, but while the pairbond mechanism is more robust in males than in females, it still exist.
Where women utterly ruin themselves just after the first sexual intercourse ( assuming its not with their intended lifemate ), male merely ruin themselves.
As pointed out, marriages stay together easily when the man wasn't a virgin because men understand and value loyalty, but you will not feel the deep emotional bond that works beyond the abstract concept of loyalty, that emotional bond that operate on the level of your reptilian brain on an instinctive level.
Brain chemistry don't care about motivational quotes, that first surge of oxytocin is really important.
Isnt trumps wife slovenian?
president taking your womyns lol.
Anyways my gf is Russian.
All girls are manipulative emotional backstabbing gossiping cheating whores. There are many that put on a good mask, but after 3 years of knowing them they will change.
>It's a man's job to practice integrity and strong beliefs
I turned my gf from a media-believing bluepilled idealist into a pragmatic conservative in less than a year. The only hurdle I'm yet to clear is having her wanting to be a housewife, but I'm betting closer on that every single week.
As soon as she drops out of uni I can go in for the kill.
Find an impressionable teen that is somewhat sheltered.
I found a qt that had lost her virginity to some beta virgin so had never had good sex. I had to teach her most basic things. Being older and smarter helps as you take on a teaching role.
She's still devoted to me even five years later.
Im a woman and Im wondering the same thing.
Where to find redpilled masculine men, but still dedicated and traditional enough to wander constantly and have dicked a bunch of sluts.
>not slowing redpilling your gf over 2 years
Pro tip: these stats don't apply to men
iirc partner count made no difference for men
Ok. You meant that half your ability is plenty good in your case to stay married? Glass is half full so to speak. There is no pink bar true.
>Pic related
Hope it helps.
i dont fucking know in my life experience they are all broken goods and after mid 20 you can completely forget about it because theyve gone full mental and have massive amounts of debts
Slovenians are all 190+ thunder chads mate, it's our genes. Those that aren't are serbshit and bosniashit immigrants.
>In online discussion
I don't disagree with he image, but it's funny imagining the neck beard that might have made it.
should have checked your local trump rallies
Agreed with everything Esti, i would just add "experience may vary", cause not all human beans are the same, but rather follow a similar pattern.
That's the thing, he is a cuck nerd (not akward one tho, wears nerd glasses and his father makes him lean shit by force). Tbh it's really a cringe worthy relationship, painful to watch.
She comes crying to me about problems etc since i became good friends with her, it's annoying asf but i'm sticking around to see what happens kek
>he hates a system he participates in and profits from
literally kys yourself, how about you pick up that Marx again first
>She comes crying to me about problems etc since i became good friends with her
Are you planning to cuck your friend? Don't do it faggot.
fucking pussy. Never get back. Use then move on.
When is his next rally?
I plan to vote for him when my ballot arrives
>I really don't think it matters your sexual history. It's non important
People who say it's a non issues are afraid of the impact of it coming up.
MSM said hillary's emails were a nonissue
>women in church
are either ((((born again)))) ex whores or very very close to death
or polish
lol more or less. was a joke, friend
im not worried about it. im a pretty hard 8 looks wise, with a degree and decent prospects. i plan to follow example in a few years
also, i had heard this too: in all, i understand how bitter men could be pissed at guys like me who can have our cake and eat it too in the current sexual marketplace. plus, i agree it's degenerate behavior. im now in a committed 2-year relationship. but on average, as it's been mentioned a lot in this thread, men value loyalty much more strongly than women.
YOU definitely don't find one, racist dipshit. Enjoy dying alone.
Depends on how old you are, if by the age of 26 you haven't found a pure qt to make you feel all warm up inside; you will have to settle for used up whore.
The older you get younger still pure females will be out of the reach, and only thing left will be the Chads cumsack leftover, who finally figured she wants to settle down.
I actually think it's more fitting to picture a woman actually making these. Who would've thought or guessed? Some office manager/secretary who spends their lunch break or down time making these and spreading them.
TFW you live in San Francisco
This... Literally nothing but innocent righteous women who want nothing more than to start a family.
Ethnocentrism is the only strategy that work long-term.
Mating with a tolerant person is suicidal where the long-term survival of your blood is concerned.
Tolerance MAY have been excusable before the internet, but now it indicate at best retardation, at worst pathological, suicidal altruism and narcissistic, short-sighted virtue signaling.
None of these behavioral traits are attractive.
I don't really care about political ideology or traditionalism; I just want an attractive girl that isn't interested in casual sex or coal burning
I'd consider a church, but I don't actually want to marry, so that's no good. Any ideas?
Females will only drag you down.
find comfort in your work, in your financial security and marry your house. Take care of your house, improve your house. She will treat you with more love and loyalty than any woman and she will not be a waste of money.
That's sound advice. I've been with my waifu for going on twenty years. I decided to settle after awhile and went the young route. She's been pretty good. Pain to train them though but worth it.
clearly, you dont know WOMEN faggot
Nah, it's more like she fell in love with him, and he doesn't really give a shit, so she mood swings very much and needs someone to talk to (her parents were hard on her).
I started my friendship with no intention of fucking her, since he is my classmate from primary school, but hell, he doesn't really know what he has, simply flies over his head, and well,like i said, we will see how it goes
Painful to watch, idiotic, and my friends advise me to ignore her, but she just keep writing first
You guys are fucking boring as fuck. That's why no women want you
People are different, yes, but I forgot to add that some people wake up to reality sooner than the others, it really takes time and patience to redpill someone. I mostly just listed the ingredients needed to successfully redpill someone in the long run. For example, if you attempt to redpill a bossy, Chanty Binx type of feminist, the chances are she will take it personally and leave you whenever you do not agree with her, which in my opinion (being bossy) is a huge character flaw for women, equally as bad as low self-esteem is for men.
By browsing a nepalese flute collection board with many other weebshits.
the girl i'm with is actually a product of my first real attempt, and it's worked out great. she's just a little bit older than me which isn't ideal for kids, so when something invariably blows up, i'll hit reset. or this will work out forever, who knows
>isn't interested in casual sex
>but I don't actually want to marry
There's your problem
You don't. Give up on 3D women, OP. It's for the best.
>Survival of your blood
That's the point. Your blood won't survive. Racist white fuckers will die out as the rest of the whites and everyone else keeps on fucking. Oh, you'll have your little hovels and shit but you will be outnumbered. Soon.
Fucking lol
You do realize you're slovenian right? you should have any problems getting a redpilled gf faggot just stay away from fdv and you're good to go
Im pretty interested.
Pol needs to have a dating section for redpilled respectable men. Those are a rarity these days.
Ah, but in our time of abundance, you can easily live by working one month a year, or not working at all and devoting one hour a day to stock trading.
ESPECIALLY if you remove social signaling from the picture, since it is generally the main culprit for spending.
But, there is a reason to work, and become wealthy, and PREPARE.
The artificial womb is coming.
In ten to twenty years, you will be able to directly transform your ressources into offsprings, without a need for the middleman that monopolising reproduction since the beginning, without the ancestral parasite.
Also VR and robots and shiet moit, just get wealthy you fag, yes you reading this. You won't regret it. Probably.
V sloveniji, kje pa drugje. Ce nebi bil taka turbo beta bi zdej ze trije sinovi laufal po trati.
I think that the trigger is also important, the situation in which they switch, turning point when they start to have thoughts/doubts, and later evidence just strenghtens that.
You say that but India and China were brought to heel with far less. If whitey decides to do something it will happen.
If these guys were real conservatives growing up in conservative families, being part of conservative circles they'd have found a girl easily
Mate prou, js sm osebno vidu dva primera (enga sm opisu tle) k dokazujeta da se da, sam voljo treba met pa ne bit autističn faggot
So OP is not right? Slovenia would be a good place to hunt for a virgin traditional wife?
oh bull fucking shit, racist whites will keep multiplying because you brown fucks keep manufacturing more of them.
have you ever heard how darkies are treated worse in countries when they're just slight SHADES darker than their brethren? quit being mad on a taiwanese basket weaving forum that god burned you on the way in
f a g
I am dating an Indonesian girl right now. Yes, she's muslim, but the only Islamic law she observes is not eating pork, and occasionally prays because it makes her feel good
Seriously Sup Forums, get yourself a moderate muslim girl. They are so pure. Not an ounce of materialism or whorish behaviour, no fucked up mind games or weird personality issues. The definition of wife material
Going to church as an atheist just for pussy sounds strange. There has to be other alternatives. Who even goes to church? Old grannies? I don't think I know a single person under the age of 35 that goes to church regularly.
Well said.
How old is she?
You can find them in the USA and perhaps train one. It's pretty easy. Just avoid the fishmouths.
That's nice my dear subhuman fellow, but you forget one little tidbit.
East asians.
The only reason east asians, often joked to have no soul ( which is really just their ethnocentrism and reduced ability for empathy at work, quite attractive qualities ), don't genocide you is that europeans are protecting you.
Yes, the same europeans that is self-genociding !
So far, only two species have shown to be able to handle, to maintain, to expand technological civilisation : the european and the east asian.
Once europeans are out of the picture, east asians and their natural tendencies will shine through. And what a bringht shine it'll be, you'd want sunglasses but your people don't know how to produce them and there'll be no one to sell them to you.
I'm all for a lifelong commitment, I just don't want a legal contract where I stand everything to lose out of it.
Exactly, cheers to you too, based Slovenia!
18 (17 when i first met her)
Yeah but the funny thing is that you would expect the city to be populated by whores and the countryside by these cutie3.14 but its actually the other way around
Anyone got an update on Banshee?
Was thinking of making a sjwfu thread
>f a g
No, just traditional woman interested in traditional men. SF just happens to have the best job prospects.
Haha I've tried they all just want to fuck and as soon as I mention anything about a LTR they run.
The city has liberal whores, the villages have conservative girls I guess, going by my FB lingering....
I don't even know who is trolling who anymore.
If you're okay with no sex before marriage
>house wife
Isn't really a point in that until you have a kid.
Once you have a kid or 3 it will be much easier to convince her that it's the best option. Just remember to make it clear she will get to have some hobbies and interests or whatever
What is this contradiction?
Had the opposite experience so far, most of these village girls tend to be huge sluts or overlyattached