>there are 3 million syrians in turkey
>we are by far the most refugee having country
>there are no increased crimes or rape
hmm, its almost like the west is racist or smth...
There are 3 million syrians in turkey
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Who wants to rape actual Cockroaches?
Do you ever see cockroaches attacking other cockroaches?
sleep tight carson
>no increased crimes or rape
Maybe that's because Turkey is already an absolute shithole
Poop belongs to the toilet, not to the living room.
In Turkey you rape the refugees.
fip bip
sleep tight carson
Well there are no white people in turkey for them to rape...
Yes. Dropping a turd in a toilet bowl doesn't really seem off.
Shoving a turd in a bottle of champagne does.
sleep tight carson
>A rape and crime cesspit doesnt see notice in rape and crime rates
Hmm i wonder if turkey is a shithole...
Turk women are top quality, would love to marry one but I'm a low-energy berber.
A drop of poo in an unflushed toilet doesn't make a difference.
See, we have similiar cultures and they face public justice if they try to pull of some shit.
Western societies are naive and don't know how to handle sandniggers.
We don't have increased crime cause these shitstains know they won't walk away with their crimes like they do in Germany/Sweden.
Turkey is just another sand nigger shit hole though.
your shit is blowing up like every few weeks
fuck off muslim ISIS troll
Don't you keep them all in camps?
>sponsor ISIS
>get refugees
What were you expecting?
child rape goes unreported in turkey because you worship a literal pedophile warlord.
Matching software/hardware mate.
It's useless to install Windows 95 on a 2016 computer (Europe). But there they still have Pentium 1's, so it's fine.
As usual
>french born algerian.
>Bu resim ne amk?
Turkey is already a rape filled shithole though. More serious, I'm such they know the law will be stricter on them there than in Europe.
>tfw want top quality north african girl but I'm a low energy white boy
Which Zone are the refugees in?
It's because T*rks are already all rapists.
"sleep tight carson"
That's because Islam only permits the rape of non Muslims, and as we know, Turkey is a majority Muslim country, that raped and killed the original non Muslims in the region.
The wittle Turk raging, because you will never truly be part of Europe.
I was in Turkey in 2008, my ex was about 5'10 with blond hair. You greasy bastards are fucking disgusting, apart from smelling like shit, you try so hard to impress western woman that it truly shows your pathetic nature. Absolute shitskin mentality
Liar you keep most of them in huge camps. I've seen the videos.
You pakis are arrogant as fuck.
If you take a shit in a beautiful restaurant then people will notice it and become upset. If you take a shit in a septic tank, then no one will notice and it wont make the septic tank any worse
>no increase
Because it stays the same, Muslims in and Muslims out. It's like saying a glass of milk doesn't become water by just pouring some in then out
how do you even go above 100% crime and rape rate?
>there are no increased crimes or rape
Turkroaches and Syrians are the same, why would the rate change?
Liar got caught in his lie. You send the worst refugees onto Europe and keep the rest in camps.
You don't give them all housing and welfare in your cities and put them in your schools like they do in Sweden and Germany.
Fucking roach liar. That's why we call you turkroach, because you're a slimy liar, no better than a Jew except Jews are smart and occasionally beautiful, you have nothing roach.
>Muslims living in a Muslim shithole country
Gee, it's almost like there's no measurable difference between shitskin tribes.
Fuck, another greasy rat jumps to the turks defence. You don't call us arrogant when we give you money every year to help your shitty country.
Republicans did not take any in.
Why blame turkey for isis?
Why is dich chaney not in prision for founding a terrorist organisation?
How can you increase a rate of 100,000 in 100,000?
Well said, they're a bunch of greasy, smelly, desperate, sexual deprived muslim rats, who will never be accepted in the west.
>not denying hes a shitskin paki
fucking kek
Sleep tight Carson
Kurds should have their own state. Istanbul to Greece.
Because our men are men and the police our police don't fuck around. One syrian rape and his whole family is dead
sleep tight carson
sleep tight carson
hmm, its almost like the turkey isn't europe or smth...
Because in Turkey, hosts are doing the raping...
Shitskins knows how to treat even shitskinnier shitskins so they dont act up, the west dont. or better put, the west is too pussy and retarded to know better.
sleep tight carson, may your voice make the liberals fall asleep and they never get woke up again
>throw more shit on top of a pile of shit and it smells the same as it did before.
Turkey is islamic and the syrian rapefugees adjust to the area of Turkey. European nations are run by sadistic jews and rapefugees have an agenda. Its almost like you dont know what the fuck you are talking about
Its alsmost like there's no real difference between turks and arabs.
Is it possibly because since and before the coup Turkey has just jailed anyone it feels like.
>there are no increased crimes or rape
Because pedophilia is legal.
flip blap
Have you even seen Turkish chicks my man? Fuggen top tier
Maybe your police are actually allowed to do their jobs without getting called racists?
fuck off sand nigger faggot with your sand people religion pedo worshiping queers
Ohshit, you insulted the Attaroach!
Here it comes!
>no increased crimes or rape
1% or 2% ain't gonna make a difference in your shit country!
What does the picture say
>shit inside the toilet do not stand out
well duh, roachy
Do they actually let the Syrians leave the prison camps?
>it's Bilel
why is it always so easy to spot you mang
holy shit! Based Australia delivers the bantz again.
I think there must be so much rape already that none could ever tell the difference.
sleep tight carson
praise kek
sleep tight Carson.
>my ex
well looks like she reconsidered your relationship after getting attention from all the 10/10 mediterranean masterrace CHADs
Don't wanna get on Erdogun's shit list though
sleep tight carson
>We have no problems with Muslim refugees in our Muslim country
>t. Correct the Recordoglou
>There are about 2.7 million Syrian refugees within Turkey's borders, more than any other country and nearly three times the number of asylum applications filed by Syrians in Europe over the past five years. About 90 percent of Syrians here try to eke out a living outside official camps, and 1.9 million, or 70 percent, are under 30, including nearly one million 14 or younger. Many children are not in school, instead working across the country.
>In early July, Erdogan announced plans to grant citizenship to skilled Syrians, a move some speculate is a ploy to increase his voting base and that was met with some anger, with reports of isolated attacks by Turks and some shops refusing to serve Syrians.
I laughed at "You don't give them all housing and welfare in your cities and put them in your schools like they do in Sweden and Germany." Yeah, our government is trying to turn them into actual citizens instead, just to increase their voter base.
Sleep tight Carson
Or maybe it is because turks and syrians are no different afterall and therefore able to live well together. Take em all if you're doing so well.
What does the pic mean?
>be australian
>be drunk
>want to show everyone your weeb cartoons
Even shitskins have a semblance of standards.
>Making him even smaller
A midget for ants
turkish girls are too cute to be raped : 3
Whenever theres a thread that goes against Sup Forumss narrative it attempts to get derailed very early using a off-topic bait image. You guys whine about CTR but there are legitimate shills on the other side and they are very good at it.
thank you hungry skeleton
>Syrians come to Europe and commit crimes
>Europeans are the racists.
It is almost like you are blaming the victim or something.
>hmm, its almost like the west is racist or smth...
Seems more like the brown people are racist since them commit crimes against white people, but not their own kind.
You fucking cuck blondes don't know how to protect yourselves. Be a man, grow a pair.
>the sand niggers are coming lads, hide your kangoroos
Sleep tight Carson!
>implying your roach leader didn't take in the refugees strategically to blackmail the EU
2/10 b8
She looks underage af, how can you be attracted to her?
You're sort of missing the critical point here - the vast majority of migrants into Europe (by UN and other stats) ARE NOT SYRIANS.
They are sub-sahran africans, pakistanis and afghanis. Vastly different groups to Syrians who by and large had far higher levels of education and lower levels of criminality than these other groups.
If the EU was recieving several million REAL syrians of which 50% are women and 30/40% of the total number are CHILDREN. you would have FAR FAR less issues than we get with 95% young men.
Because rape and crime is your natural state. If you piss into a pool of piss you are not increasing the percentage of piss.
>3 million syrians in turkey
I thought Turkey quarantines them hard so they can send them over to the Balkans for Germany in one big wave when Turkeys gets a place in the EU
Better than poland, but still a shithole
>She looks underage af, how can you be attracted to her?
shes like 19 or something. perfectly halal.