Is this really Bill Clinton? Holy shit if so!!
Not trolling MODS don't ban me assholes it's a political question!
Is this really Bill Clinton? Holy shit if so!!
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uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, damn source? lol
Nice source you have there
Why are you hating on Billy Boy? He needs some love since Hillary obviously fails to do her duty
maybe, where is this from?
some guy w as spamming this all over Twitter today
i reverse googled the pic but didnt find anything so i assume he must have found it somewhere
That's fine, but he joined the pedo society and he has kuru.
Man Hillary is looking good these days.
Just a masseuse, what's wrong boys?
I'm not hating asshole! I'm asking you pol cunts if it's real! I know you guys are all bad ass hackers and members of anonymous was hoping you'd know
Apparently. Theres another selfie type pic where its def Billy boy with her and another woman. Its from 0hour haxor
i just called the 400 pound hacker known as Sup Forums, he says it's real
Fuck you calling for MODS that's code for liberal cunts now.. this is a legit political discussion you Finland fag
thats looks fake, but is 100% plausible. would be nice to know source
Novi Sad maybe?
Bimbo Dickens at it again
It's from an artist that makes fakes of celebrities and politicians
I don't have link and I dont care enough to find it for you
It's fucking nothing, and I'm tired of seeing this fake ass shit popping up
A massage creep pic won't do much. Everyone gets naked for a massage.We need a pic of him dicking some bimbos.
wtf is this
This is fake amd it is a shill tactic. Same with the sudden countless soros threads.
:( why isn't Novi Happy?
Nobody believes you, nerd virgin. By all means, keep crying though.
Bill used to be hale and healthy.
Look at him now, he looks like he has leprosy.
Pedophilia cults, not even once.
This bitch again.
also in serbian USA is SAD
took awhile
please stop with these fucking threads
Alison Jackson
Reverse image search you gullible pieces of shit.
its him..and its legit
An artist does some kind of weird art with celebrities doing weird shit. Not sure if it's good photoshop, or wax sculptures, or some pixar shit, but it's not real.
I really fucking wish it was though
allison jackson
Youre an idiot. It was proven fake and people.wont shut up about it. Look at the body? You really think thats a body of a 70 year old?
He was probably in his 50's when the photo was taken.
Just stop, your stupidity gives me cancer.
It's actually a porn star called cindy bastien, the guy isn't bill clinton but her husband
>implying that was a bad thing
when russia bombs shitskins in midddle east
than its ok
stay mad hypocrite
Girl is too hot. He only fucked fat skanks.
...and you know who doesn't give a fuck what anything is in Serbian?
Good shit, cheers.
Novi novi novi novi god
You guys are so fucking stupid
it's an artist, you fucking retards. alison jackson
god damn i legitimately don't understand how any sentient human can be that stupid
> be president of the united states of america
> have literal bodyguards 24/7 hired literally ensure every conceivable scenario
> secret service l i t e r a l l y checks all angles from every nearby building, for every hotel room, for 100% safety
> have this for 4 years
> you retards: " hmm, maybe this guy just forgot. i mean, i like the curtains open. he must really like curtains open too :) man anonemuse is great "
holy fuck. I mean the pure amount of literal genuine retardedness in the reasoning process, in the mental abstraction, in the minute analysis required to look at this picture of an alleged p r e s i d e n t, through a sketchy window, and think " wow, fucking nice get. god dam billy boy forgot to close the shades, fuck." , the pure lack of inspiration in the brain, is reminiscent of an earlier hominid species designed slowly to compete to be as stupid as possible.
If there were a level of the Heavens, set apart only for cavemen, you all would be there to try to learn reasoning from the cavemen. I mean, fuck. I mean, god damn, maybe you should try opening the metaphorical curtains of your fucking brain you absolute fucking cantelopes.
name on woman
i mean whore
Hillary doesn't even know how to take pictures in low light and she wanted to be President.
Already sent it to Jones CTR, you are too late :)
Who cares if it's real or not, spread it. Tie it to the Jeffrey Epstein hidden camera blackmail rumours. go go go
reminder that this is what CTR is doing
They want to "kill off", ""journalists"" who lurk Sup Forums with fake news stories
This is why people think you're stupid. You trying to help makes us appear unreliable and incompetent. You were given all the tools you needed to clearly see it's horseshit, never mind the image itself being completely jejune, and you prance around like a retarded terrier.
This is Alex, from Infowars. If you are calling, that means you are the resistance. How may I help you?
Fucking lmao
so does that mean the cnn, msnbc, 2016 man, and etc will have no money from google?
Alex, thank god you are here. Look, I found this awesome hillary pic.
Jones already has Roger Stone scheduled tomorrow to talk about it CTR, nothing you can do it about it now.
shitskins are shitskins and serbs are our slav brothers in Christ, Davor
You have your facts wrong, but call me stupid....
Im willing to bet that you frequent reddit and are underage too.
but what about the walnut pizza, cheese pasta and hotdogs non buns??
o shit she was in fast and furious
That's fake, only I have the real pics
No its an artist who makes photo shop images of shit we all know is true but dont have evidence of
More likely Google is hiding (dropping) it from the search results. They usually do for big enough politicians, especially when it is Clinton or Obama related and not could be interpreted very negatively.
This kind of attitude makes you no better than the people you hate.
I legitimately can't understand how anyone is this stupid. Wow
May God help your souls, you absolute fucking retards.
Shit's been confirmed fake
Yes it is fake faggets
We President Now, CTR you have no power.
>You guys are so fucking stupid
Aaand this is your source. Fuck the fuck off, moron. Noone confirmed its him and you havent confirmed it isn't with your impotent buttrage
>government creates website and make up a artist
>as soon as leaked pictures hit the internet they post them to the "artist" website and came they are fake art
"See guys, it's just art!"
t. government
Yeah actually its been confirmed you dumb nigger
*claim they are fake
This is just awful, Something Awful. Oh you scamps.
U fucking dumb fags
pretty kinky, wtf I love bill clinton now.
The right side of that pic is fake.
But here they go again. Dick
I originally posted this on reddit
This was posted on Twitter by Anonymous
>Bill Clinton openly known to have ditched SS bodyguards to go to Lolita Island
Perhaps suicide is your best option, faggot.
Sperging out like that. WTF Like Bill doesnt dick bimbos
Who cares, Hillary started divorce procedures immidiately after she lost. So he is a free man now.
She reminds me of Miley Cirus before she got inflicted with the herpes aids
That are a some unused twitter accounts that people can use for whatever purposes they want.
Basically before mailinator was stopped from being accepted people signed up with false emails. To get access just request a new password.
I have been blocked for the day so here are three people can try out. Some if not all will have been halted by twitter for abuse but I am sure the resourceful people can find some that have not.
[email protected] (most likely stopped)
It might help for your hunt.
What do you expect from this ustaĊĦe piece of shit?
Hey Croatia, how does it feel that everyone knows that your priests buttfuck you all as small boys?
This pic is legit though. I shouldn't be sharing it.
no its not that's the full pic posted on his site along with the rest of it
Doesn't even look like him.
Besides, doxing is banable offense.
Thank you! About time someone shared a good link
sure, i like serbs, they are the closest we have to a brother....put the slav brothers aside for a minute and see what made nato bomb serbia
we dont have to agree and
i wont discuss about this anymore
>projecting this hard
dijaspora is indeed the worst
That actually looks like shit m8. Sorry, keeping it real.
hes much thinner than that
It's shopped.
Here's the original.
Bow to the Kek