Sup Forums makes a a Rogues' Gallery

It's that time again Sup Forums, but with a little twist.
Together we're making a Rogues gallery vying for dominance of the as of yet unprotected city of Sup Forumstropolis.

1. Roll your superpower using
2. Give your Villain a little personality
3. Fill in the template or write up a Villain character based on the power and trope
4. Post 'em, rate others and later discuss which hero could handle the growing rogues' gallery.

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Hey I remember this!

Pretty weeby but I couldn't come up with anything better with the hand I've been dealt

I have a hard time seeing how a character like this could ever work. Time acceleration is fundamentally broken.

Yeah, a big problem with the superpower wiki is it has a fuckton of stupidly OP power pages.
At least you can make something fun with the stupid powers.

I actually got two that mesh well together!
I guess he's one of those rampaging monster villains who gets beaten up in the first scene before the serious arc starts.

Time Acceleration is essentially just making yourself a speedster from the wiki article. It's OP but not super OP.

The only problem is you can speed up other things aside yourself. This makes it from OP to completely broken.

True, though just throw a limitation on it and it should be okay. Requires a bunch of energy to use, or can't be used on living beings maybe?
Alternately the fact they have Redemption Promotion as their trope means that they'll be joining the hero's side at one point and has some sort of honor/moral code about the power usage?

never forget the one true co team up

Meat boy! Liquor Flight was great.
Sadly none of mine from that thread made the team.

>broken sword
That's gonna be a massive weakness when she encounters someone as fast as her who fights with a real sword.

Get money, bitches

>an alpha male with almost peak human speed and combat abilities
Wew lad, I think you've subconsciously created Tyrone.

I thought the notch below "peak human" meant regular.

That's what makes it a quirk.

>family man
>related to everyone
>alpha human sexual prowess

I put too much effort into this
which was not a lot but was still too much

>Lured into a Trap

NOPE, this character has no potential.

How else did he end up with so many children, husbands and wives?


I feel like a Teleporter Villain who lures people into traps writes itself pretty easily.

>"bitten by a radioactive vampire, vampireman has all the powers of a vampire"


Bump, gonna be doing something for this later


Bump, hopefully this is still up once I get home.