I'm here for the job interview

>I'm here for the job interview

You're fat. Fuck Off

What can she do?

You're fat. Fuck Off

She's a getaway driver.

Your resume and references please.

Sure, applications for the CRT shills are though Reddit not here


Aquarium is to the right. You start in the whale show from tomorrow. Congrats.

>I'm here for the job interview

>Yes, ma'am, it says here that you've gone to school for underwater basketweaving? A PhD, if this is right! You know, I think we have a great position for you for someone of your caliber. Do you know how to work a deep fryer?

Demolition expert, aka wrecking ball.

>What are your pronouns currently?

>Which would you prefer first: smashing the patriarchy or ending the wage gap

>would you rather give birth to an interracial child or adopt a minority from a broken home? Please note that I am not insinuating your gender, please sit down.

>she will never plow your ass with a strapon

Sorry, Allah and his Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) have made it very clear that women have no place serving in a Mosque. Please leave now before I am forced to call the Police of Vice and Virtue.

Pigs are haram.

Aren't tattoos also haram? """She""" appears to be left-handed too

What job am i applying for here?


I graduated in top scores in Law at the university of Michigan in 2016.

You're hired.


>wow, you're a big girl
>for you
>o-orientation is th-this Monday.

Are you here for the wrecking ball job or the cruise liner fender?

And she is a """feminist""", which means that she does not fit in with the plan laid out for women by Allah (or the classical God or YHWH, for that matter).

Severely underrated post.

"Candidate dressed inappropriately for interview, wearing top with vulgar slogan on chest. Advised no hire"

> Play Dough, positive card-making, Legos and bubbles.

Jesus Christ, this is one fucked up time line.

>implying that's the only thing wrong with this... "thing"

It is the democrats plan to fill College with liberals and retards.

If you go to any school in the US, those studying to become elementary school teachers are all the party girls, really makes you lose hope for the next generations.

thanks, please go to lenadunham.ca to fill out the application

>You're hired! Now can you just have a look at my oven real quick? It's not cooking my pizza properly. Really get in there.

"I'm here for the interview, I heard you guys were looking for an expert on scoops."

First post best post

It is on the 15th floor and the lift is broken. Good luck!

go for a jog?

Gender Studies is not fit for our business, Try the burger place down the street. I hear they have employee discounts.

You've got the job honey. I like a strong woman, Big is Beautiful. Bones for Dogs Meat for Men ammirtite?

Perfect! We're looking for someone to test our feed bags!

Gender counting.

I wouldn't even let her suck my dick.

Define an irrational number.


You're getting an immediate raise.
>forklift picks her up and dumps her out front


Professional privilege checker.

well, let's get down to brass tacks then shall we?

look, bluntly, our dress code doesn't permit facial piercings or visible tattoos, and our policies about makeup demand that it be applied in a conservative manner.

look, i don't care how you look on your own time, but while you're on the clock here, I'm going to have to ask that you keep the piercings out, paint on eyebrows of a natural shade and appearance, and tone down the eye makeup and jewlry a bit.

you've gotta understand, our business is one where the client demands a certain type of professional, almost military-like, appearance, and in this industry, appearance is 9/10ths of what we do.

so, with all that in mind, if you're still interested, we certainly still need people, and we'd love to hire you if you're still interested of course.

(protip, my company deals with these people all the time IRL -- it isn't hard)


Her trunk isn't long enough

Good, we need another Gas Chamber Testing Technician. The other one... well, shall we say, moved on.

She's American. She's paying Panjeets to do mathematics for her.

jk, I love Indian bros. You guys have to stop the street shitting and mass raping though.


"Alright, how much experience do you have in the gym business?"

Jesus fucking Christ, Huxley was right after all.

You're hired. Praise kek!




Call Greenpeace to save this stranded whale.

Thank you for supplying your own anchor, I did not know you were trans-boat.