Let's see your liberal butthurt. My (((kikebook))) is flooded with it and it's glorious to see.
LIBERAL butthurt thread
kekked and checked
This fag is just a goldmine of faggotness. He's also from Columbus. Him and a bunch of other pussies are actually happy that a retard "attacked" an anti Trump "protester".
This another numale faggot from Columbus who constantly posts fake shit trying to get them spicy Likes.
She is annoying
Some bitch who was bragging about voting multiple times. She's also a white girl who guilt trips herself into being a coal burner because "I can't love a straight white man knowing I'll have white kids with him".
How do mouth-breathers like this even make it past 16?
Isn't it redundant to use echoes if you're already calling it kikebook? That's like a double negative or something.
This fag is a stereotypical numale cuck you guys always post about. Nigga has no chin either. Looks like a Yup Yup.
I add everyone who gets linked in threads like these. I love being entertained and it's so easy to make them butthurt.
>you didnt report her
what the fuck user
>genuine attacks for people being white
When did this blatant racism or hatred for white people really start? Was it earlier than 2014? It has clearly increased considerably in the last several years and we shouldn't have seen in five years ago.
Fuck, this is so.... racist and assholeish. Who fucking thinks like that? Imagine somebody said this to black people or gays or whoever. am flabberghasted that people can be so hateful for no fucking reason.
What a brainwashed waste of life
'This is not normal'
>everything I stupidly believed was true because the TV said so is actually a lie, but I'm going to ignore reality and call real life outside my bandaid bubble abnormal
Cuck purge when?
This one makes me want to punch this girl in the mouth
>it was an agonizing 4 days I... I almost couldn't make it. How will we survive guys?
>oh btw didn't watch my latest TV shows uh oh!
This a fat fuck who is unemployed and is dating a literal retard stuck in a wheelchair. It'd be sad if him and her weren't such pompous shitbirds.
Don't be coming into MY THREAD and not contributing any pics. I'll fuck you ip irl with my fists ya fuckin queef.
fucking Persian trash needs to go back to impoverished Iran
What is it?
the level these minds have been poisoned is beyond fathomability at times. fuck soros.
Shhh... I did.
As did a bunch of other people I shared it with on here. Use that log info to even verify that I did report her and that it was forwarded to the Board of Elections through the Chicago PD.
>nightmares about Trump
kek'd, would like to know what those are like.
>Does feminism make women ugly?
This dumb bitch thinks she's a comedian because she bought a bunch of followers on Instagram and dropped out of college to do stand up comedy. That'd be cool but she's just not funny.
Here's her new "comedy show"
To be honest the day after Trump won I had a nightmare that I dreamt he won and when I woke up I saw more anti Trump riots and all was right with the world.
so I can be racist now?
everybody in Columbus is freak as fuck
This Brian dude is a retarded pedophile. Pretty funny to see him try to use his dented brain. Made my heart grow two sizes big seeing him use his brain.
Here's that faggot trying to play the victim again for more spicy Likes. I forgot to mention, he too fancies himself a "comedian".
You should read that Matt dudes post about the retard tackler in Columbus. He got into an argument with someone and his faggot friends dog piled on the guy.
Anyone who makes up shit like that should be shot dead on the spot.
You've never seen Bob's Burgers before?
>American privilege
My brother had a nightmare on election day that Hillary won and woke up convinced it was real
>Cry with us
>"Who are you calling chinless?"
>glad i'm not the only one oscillating between crying nausea & insomnia
So shes glad other people are suffering?
He must have been in a great mood then when he found out the results of the election.
Does this guy think he's a "person of color"? Let me guess, he's a might Cherokee red man right?
this fag also fancies himself a "comedian". Jesus fuck. Wtf is wrong with these dummies?
We both were. I was at work and it was called sometime between 8:00-9:00am. People were crowded around TVs and stuff, it was great.
I've got a pretty good one
There is more, but it's not as good
>guilt trip
No she's just looking for an excuse to fuck niggers when she knows they're shit
Hmmm. IIRC smartphones only started becoming popular in 2013. Coincidence?
I can't even remember political discourse before people primarily justified their voting choices by saying the other candidate is either a corrupt criminal and the other one is racist, homophobic, misogynistic, literally worse than Hitler, etc.
It makes political discourse much easier, if not more fruitful.
>IIRC smartphones only started becoming popular in 2013.
I'm pretty sure that's bullshit.
8 years and she can enter post trump traumatic disorder.
That's some war man!
I doubt people are still talking about it, especially here in Canada, but I'll check Facebook anyway and post some.
Fuck, how do you call a no-chin with double chin?
I'm lost...
kek why does this britbitch even care?
When do you reckon they became popular? Australia isn't America btw, we don't immediately follow your shitty trends.
man if she didnt have ann overbite she would be cute
Six your old drawings look like someone ate a box of crayons and shat it out onto paper. Fuck, I can't draw as well as this.
Is there no level the left won't stoop to?
This is in Canada.
It's some wanna-be, cornball rapper.
Read the whole thing if you want, or just the very end where he just HAD to mention Trump to virtue signal.
So fucking cringeworthy.
It depends what you mean by popular
Probably because you weren't born yet
At no point in history have people not used buzzwords to describe their reasons for disliking the other candidate
Except the part where Hillary Clinton is factually a criminal, that part was actually true this time
He sounds like a male Kathy Griffin, da fuck
Battery levels boy, sort it out.
>I'm trying to spread the love
>but if you disagree with me politically then fuck you
Well, I would at least say it would have been more difficult to come up with buzzwords for McCain and Obama, and Obama and Romney, and certainly Bush and Kerry.
8 more years of liberal tears.
Praise kek.
We should respect each others opinions no matter who wins..... What? Trump won? FUCK EVERYONE THIS COUNTRY IS FUCKED!!!!!
Nuke Canada.
Because her feewings are hurt by the prospect of someone's pussy getting grabbed
The cracked forums going from smug overconfidence to panic was quite fun to watch.
How mad would she be if she knew that article was written by a gay jew with a black boyfriend. Her head would probably explode.
Donald Trump is offensive to the Maple Niggers!
Lets mobilize against racism Canada!
She doesn't have an overbite. She doesn't have a chin, that's her problem.
If by "trauma" you mean Amercan women are now 100% obsessed with the Lion Man from New york... Mr. Trump is going to sex his way to Fuhrer here
Um, like, didn't you know that in the Current Year racism is prejudice + institutional/ societal power? It is literally IMPOSSIBLE to be racist to whites (or Asians for that matter who also have white privilege). I literally can't even. Could you just not?
Fuck man...I enjoyed the hell out of david wong's book. Sad to see he's a cuck.
Oh but evolution is LITERALLY mutation.
female aids skrillex
I had the same. It wasn't exactly a nightmare because it was expected. I remember just thinking 'well there goes a hundred quid'. I'd had a bad night before that as well. When the news came through I was absolutely jubilant.
Jesus fucking christ somebody put an end to these horrific genes
>Whoever wins tonight, as long as it's Hillary.
Made my day.
Someone posted a semi-redpilled link to an article telling dems why Trump won and this is the reply someone posted:
>ho plaza
I'm sure she thinks Penis in Vagina intercourse is rape, so no worries mate.
Sausager desu
fuck dude
I honestly think that 90% of liberals get their understanding of evolution from Pokemon
They think you "level up" to a higher form of life when you get enough xp or something.
This guy is a salt mine.
Despite a couple of the other posts I screenshotted and posted here, there's also been quite a few, semi-redpilled posts about him. Canada is extremely cucked, but maybe not as badly as I thought. There's a tiny bit of hope left for this place.
This one kinda pisses me off desu. Who does she think she is, that she can unequivocally and reductively define others in that way? She needs to check her privilege, smdh
People like that is why I believe people should have to take a test every couple of years before they have kids.
Fail it and you get a hormonal implant to prevent your junk from working.
they live in an alternate reality
Imagine unironically thinking this.
No one is stopping you from killing yourself, you piece of shit.
glorious butthurt unloaded your way user.
you sure you not gay