Let's create a conspiracy theory tier list. Rank these by believability/provability, and DON'T FORGET TO ADD YOUR OWN that i've missed.

I'll start:

Freemason/Illuminati created USA
General Federal Reserve Conspiracy
Fake Holocaust
Roswell UFO/Aliens
Apollo 11 Moon Landing
JFK/RFK Assassinations
Iran Contra
Agenda 21 Depopulation
9/11 False Flag/Controlled Demolition
FEMA Death Camps
Benghazi Terror Attack
Sandy Hook
Syrian Gas Attack
Clinton E-mail Scandal

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off

Thanks for replies but what are you even mad about?



Boston bombing

That Freemasons created the United States isn't a conspiracy theory, but a fact.


okc bombing

MKULTRA and the fake UFO/Aliens

>Freemason/Illuminati created USA
>General Federal Reserve Conspiracy
Depends what you mean by conspiracy but sure the US money creation process is very shady and the Fed probably isn't acting in the interests of the people.
>Fake Holocaust
>Roswell UFO/Aliens
>Apollo 11 Moon Landing
>JFK/RFK Assassinations
You could apply the same thing to almost all political assasinations.
How is it a conspiracy?
>Iran Contra
How is it a conspiracy?
>Agenda 21 Depopulation
>9/11 False Flag/Controlled Demolition
Probably not but some elements of the US govt. could have known that something was going to happen.
>FEMA Death Camps
>Benghazi Terror Attack
How is it a conspiracy?
>Sandy Hook
>Syrian Gas Attack
It's not a conspiracy, just disinformation from both sides. You won't know the truth for a long time.
>Clinton E-mail Scandal
How is it a conspiracy?

"Probably BS but Holy Shit" Tier:
Aliens are Angels and Demons, everything is set up to seperate us from God by Satan
Freemason/Illuminati created USA

"True and Harsh" Tier:
General Federal Reserve Conspiracy
Benghazi Terror Attack
Syrian Gas Attack
Clinton E-mail Scandal
Iran Contra

"A Possibility" Tier:
Roswell UFO/Aliens
JFK/RFK Assassinations
9/11 False Flag/Controlled Demolition

"Completely BS" Tier:
Agenda 21 Depopulation
Sandy Hook
Apollo 11 Moon Landing
FEMA Death Camps
Fake Holocaust

Jesuits create islam

>saying "no" to the holocaust being fake
>saying "probably not" to 9/11 being a falseflag
>saying "no" to sandy hook

Goyim of the year

>saying "no" to the holocaust being fake
>the holocaust didn't happen but I hope it happens again
>saying "probably not" to 9/11 being a falseflag
It doesn't need to be. There were plenty of anti-american sentiments in the middle east. All that was needed is to allow those groups to develop without interfering and trying to stop them, which is why I said that some parts of the Govt. probably knew.
>saying "no" to sandy hook
It would be extremely difficult to execute something like a fake school shooting with today's communication technologies and the risk vs reward just isn't worth it.

You can't just say they are conspiracies just because you believe so.

Here's your proof 9/11 was an inside job.. not physics shit.. Bush reading "My Pet Goat" upside down..



A fucking leaf

I guess if I don't believe in every single edgy conspiracy I'm not good enough.

This one's true. The Pope set up Muhammad's marriage to his first wife, who was a Bedouin woman that inherited her husband's merchant business, converted to Catholicism and gave all her money to the Church.

fuck off newfag

Murica did 911 togeither with the jews to start a war in kebab countries, steal the oil and also to weaken the european economy by bombing the kebab homes so they had to mass immigrate to europe, i dont know What their endgame is too

>>Freemason/Illuminati created USA

Guess again. Also George Washington was really King George III.

They are all actors, front men for the old bloodlines that really own everything. Same with Hitler. Same with Trump.

It's all theatre.

>General Federal Reserve Conspiracy
It's not common knowledge that it's not a federal agency?
Redpill vid:
Or is it a different conspiracy I just don't know about

Forest Denialism: Ancients myths across the world refer to massive trees reaching up into the heavens. Where are they today? Well, what are the mesas one can find across the world? Treestumps. What we refer to as "forests" today are really shrub thickets.

Nuclear/relativity Denialism: Relativity is typical Jew-style word fountain theory, with no practical application. GPS doesn't need it. Nuclear is used to create the Cold War, wherein American degenerate "muh economy" bullshit got pumped East with impunity, while communist ideas got pumped West, eventually leading to our shitty hybrid. This was allowed in the name of peace.

Climate change as an excuse for one-world government and a tax scam.

Illuminati did French Revolution as part of their occult war against hierarchy.

Beer is an impoverished version of the multitude of brews using more incredients than hops. Hops selected to make population docile due to it increasing estrogen.

CIA did crack epidemic (by sheltering friendly anti-communist drug traffickers then shafting their black distributors)

We wuz everyone (every or almost every civilisation was founded by white people, including the China and the Inca)

Jews are Khazarian satanists: Ashkenazim are converts from Khazaria, who got so degebrate that they needed to convert to a religion and they picked Judaism

Fluoride is a poison

Mexico is India - Colombus got to India and Mexican food is spicy because it is India